Reticulated platelets (RP) are the youngest platelet fraction released into the circulation. These immature platelets have increased RNA content, a larger cell volume, more dense granules, higher levels of surface activation markers and are thought to be more reactive compared to their mature counterparts. RP have been associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and increased mortality. Yet only a few animal studies investigating RP have been conducted so far and further investigations are warranted. Established methods to count RP are flow cytometry (staining with thiazole orange or SYTO13) or fully automated hematology analyzers (immature platelet fraction, IPF). IPF has been established as a diagnostic parameter in thrombocytopenia, cardiovascular disease and, in particular, the response to antiplatelet therapy. This review seeks to provide an overview of the key features of RP as well as preanalytical and analytical aspects that need to be considered when working with this platelet population.Colibactin is a secondary metabolite encoded by the pks gene island identified in several Enterobacteriaceae, including some pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) commonly enriched in mucosal tissue collected from patients with inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer. E. coli harboring this biosynthetic gene cluster cause DNA damage and tumorigenesis in cell lines and pre-clinical models, yet fundamental knowledge regarding colibactin function is lacking. To accurately assess the role of pks+E. coli in cancer etiology, the biological mechanisms governing production and delivery of colibactin by these bacteria must be elucidated. In this review, we will focus on recent advances in our understanding of colibactin's structural mode-of-action and mutagenic potential with consideration for how this activity may be regulated by physiologic conditions within the intestine.Intraocular/Intravitreal implants constitute a relatively new method to treat eye diseases successfully due to the possibility of releasing drugs in a controlled and prolonged way. This particularity has made this kind of method preferred over other methods such as intravitreal injections or eye drops. However, there are some risks and complications associated with the use of eye implants, the body response being the most important. Therefore, material selection is a crucial factor to be considered for patient care since implant acceptance is closely related to the physical and chemical properties of the material from which the device is made. In this regard, there are two major categories of materials used in the development of eye implants non-biodegradables and biodegradables. Although non-biodegradable implants are able to work as drug reservoirs, their surgical requirements make them uncomfortable and invasive for the patient and may put the eyeball at risk. Therefore, it would be expected that the human body responds better when treated with biodegradable implants due to their inherent nature and fewer surgical concerns. Thus, this review provides a summary and discussion of the most common non-biodegradable and biodegradable materials employed for the development of experimental and commercially available ocular delivery implants.Pressure sensors are good candidates for measuring driver postural information, which is indicative for identifying driver's intention and seating posture. However, monitoring systems based on pressure sensors must overcome the price barriers in order to be practically feasible. This study, therefore, was dedicated to explore the possibility of using pressure sensors with lower resolution for driver posture monitoring. We proposed pressure features including center of pressure, contact area proportion, and pressure ratios to recognize five typical trunk postures, two typical left foot postures, and three typical right foot postures. The features from lower-resolution mapping were compared with those from high-resolution Xsensor pressure mats on the backrest and seat pan. We applied five different supervised machine-learning techniques to recognize the postures of each body part and used leave-one-out cross-validation to evaluate their performance. A uniform sampling method was used to reduce number of pressure sensors, and five new layouts were tested by using the best classifier. Results showed that the random forest classifier outperformed the other classifiers with an average classification accuracy of 86% using the original pressure mats and 85% when only 8% of the pressure sensors were available. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using fewer pressure sensors for driver posture monitoring and suggests research directions for better sensor designs.Whether type III secretion system (T3SS) effector proteins encoded by Gram-negative bacterial pathogens have intra-bacterial activities is an important and emerging area of investigation. Gram-negative bacteria interact with their mammalian hosts by using secretion systems to inject virulence proteins directly into infected host cells. Many of these injected protein effectors are enzymes that modify the structure and inhibit the function of mammalian proteins. The underlying dogma is that T3SS effectors are inactive until they are injected into host cells, where they then fold into their active conformations. We previously observed that the T3SS effectors NleB and SseK1 glycosylate Citrobacter rodentium and Salmonella enterica proteins, respectively, leading to enhanced resistance to environmental stress. Here, we sought to extend these studies to determine whether the T3SS effector protease NleC is also active within C. rodentium. To do this, we expressed the best-characterized mammalian substrate of NleC, the NF-κB p65 subunit in C. rodentium and monitored its proteolytic cleavage as a function of NleC activity. Intra-bacterial p65 cleavage was strictly dependent upon NleC. A p65 mutant lacking the known CE cleavage motif was resistant to NleC. Thus, we conclude that, in addition to NleB, NleC is also enzymatically active within C. rodentium.Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) represents a global healthcare issue affecting the emotional and life quality of breast cancer survivors significantly. The clinical presentation is characterized by swelling of the affected upper limb, that may be accompanied by atrophic skin findings, pain and recurrent cellulitis. Cardinal principles of lymphedema management are the use of complex decongestive therapy and patient education. Recently, new microsurgery procedures have been reported with interesting results, bringing in a new opportunity to care postmastectomy lymphedema. However, many aspects of the disease are still debated in the medical community, including clinical examination, imaging techniques, patient selection and proper treatment. Here we will review these aspects and the current literature.