The authors presented a rare case of temporomandibular joint hernation into the external auditory canal. The authors discuss 1 cause of otalgia. A 52 year old male patient complained about his left ear otalgia for 3 months. Patient said that it had occurred after a painful mastication. On physical examination he had a rounded expanded mass in left ear external auditory canal that is located at the anterior-inferior wall of EAC When patient open his mouth the mass turn back to original position and mass was disappeared. Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint was revealed. Foramen of Huschke a bony defect in tympanic plate that may cause the spontaneous herniation of temporomandibular joint to external auditory canal. This herniation cause otalgia commonly. Opening and closing the mouth and palpation of temporomandibuler joint should be a part of physical examination when finding out non-otological causes of otalgia. Foramen of Huschke a bony defect in tympanic plate that may cause the spontaneous herniation of temporomandibular joint to external auditory canal. This herniation cause otalgia commonly. Opening and closing the mouth and palpation of temporomandibuler joint should be a part of physical examination when finding out non-otological causes of otalgia. Coronavirus disease is spreading worldwide. Due to fast transmission and high fatality rate drastic emergency restrictions were issued. During the lockdown, only urgent medical services are guaranteed. All non-urgent services, as breast cancer (BC) screening, are temporarily suspended. The potential of breast cancer screening programs in increasing the survival rate and decreasing the mortality rate has been widely confirmed. Suspension could lead to worse outcomes for breast cancer patients. Our study aimed to analyse the data and provide estimates regarding the temporary BC screening suspension. Data regarding breast cance