In turn, for L. monocytogenes the biofilm inhibition was observed even at the concentration of 0.25 mg mL-1. The addition of vitamin C may be helpful in the elimination of bacterial biofilms. Nonetheless, some concentrations can induce growth of the pathogens, posing risk for the consumers' health.Background The protective properties of high physical fitness levels on health are manifest independently of age, sex, fatness, smoking, alcohol consumption, and other clinical factors. However, women are less active than men, which contributes to low physical fitness and a high risk of CVD. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of two exercise interventions on health-related physical fitness in sedentary employed females. Methods A total of 98 physically inactive adult women were randomly assigned to 3 study groups the control group (CG) = 31, the endurance training group based on Zumba Fitness® classes (ET; n = 39), and the concurrent training group that had an extra muscle-strengthening workout after the Zumba Fitness® class (CnT; n = 28). Body composition (BMI, waist circumference), motor fitness (one-leg stand test), musculoskeletal fitness (shoulder-neck mobility, handgrip strength test, jump and reach test, and dynamic sit-up test), and cardiorespiratory fitness (2-km test and estied on Zumba fitness® or Zumba fitness® combined with an extra muscle-strengthening workout based on bodyweight training exercises are effective strategies to improve the health-related physical fitness in sedentary women employees.Spherical silica nanoparticles with solid cores and mesoporous shells (SCMS) were decorated with thermoresponsive polymer brushes that were shown to serve as macromolecular valves to control loading and unloading of a model dye within the mesopores. Thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) brushes were grafted from the surfaces of both solid core (SC) and SCMS particles of similar size using surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization. Both systems based on porous (SCMS-PNIPAM) and nonporous (SC-PNIPAM) particles were characterized using cryo-TEM, thermogravimetry and elemental analysis to determine the structure and composition of the decorated nanoparticles. The grafted PNIPAM brushes were found to be responsive to temperature changes enabling temperature-controlled gating of the pores. The processes of loading and unloading in the obtained systems were examined using a model fluorescent dye-rhodamine 6G. Polymer brushes in SCMS-PNIPAM systems were shown to serve as molecular valves enabling significant adsorption (loading) of the dye inside the pores with respect to the SC-PNIPAM (no pores) and SCMS (no valves) systems. The effective unloading of the fluorescent cargo molecules from the decorated nanoparticles was achieved in a water/methanol solution. The obtained SCMS-PNIPAM particles may be used as smart nanocontainers or nanoreactors offering also facile isolation from the suspension due to the presence of dense cores.Sex chromosome evolution remains an evolutionary puzzle despite its importance in understanding sexual development and genome evolution. The seemingly random distribution of sex-determining systems in reptiles offers a unique opportunity to study sex chromosome evolution not afforded by mammals or birds. These reptilian systems derive from multiple transitions in sex determination, some independent, some convergent, that lead to the birth and death of sex chromosomes in various lineages. Here we focus on turtles, an emerging model group with growing genomic resources. We review karyotypic changes that accompanied the evolution of chromosomal systems of genotypic sex determination (GSD) in chelonians from systems under the control of environmental temperature (TSD). These transitions gave rise to 31 GSD species identified thus far (out of 101 turtles with known sex determination), 27 with a characterized sex chromosome system (13 of those karyotypically). These sex chromosomes are varied in terms of the ancestral autosome they co-opted and thus in their homology, as well as in their size (some are macro-, some are micro-chromosomes), heterogamety (some are XX/XY, some ZZ/ZW), dimorphism (some are virtually homomorphic, some heteromorphic with larger-X, larger W, or smaller-Y), age (the oldest system could be ~195 My old and the youngest less then 25 My old). Combined, all data indicate that turtles follow some tenets of classic theoretical models of sex chromosome evolution while countering others. Finally, although the study of dosage compensation and molecular divergence of turtle sex chromosomes has lagged behind research on other aspects of their evolution, this gap is rapidly decreasing with the acceleration of ongoing research and growing genomic resources in this group.Despite increasing knowledge gained based on multidisciplinary research, plasma medicine still raises various questions regarding specific effects as well as potential risks. With regard to significant statements about in vivo applicability that cannot be prognosticated exclusively based on in vitro data, there is still a deficit of clinical data. This study included a clinical follow-up of five probands who had participated five years previously in a study on the influence of cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) on the wound healing of CO2 laser-induced skin lesions. The follow-up included a complex imaging diagnostic involving dermatoscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Hyperspectral analysis showed no relevant microcirculatory differences between plasma-treated and non-plasma-treated areas. In summary of all the findings, no malignant changes, inflammatory reactions or pathological changes in cell architecture could be detected in the plasma-treated areas. These unique in vivo long-term data contribute to a further increase in knowledge about important safety aspects in regenerative plasma medicine. However, to confirm these findings and secure indication-specific dose recommendations, further clinical studies are required.The aim of this work was to verify the correlations between different pulmonary morphological patterns and functional outcomes in sarcoidosis patients, using a validated score for the comparison between the high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) of patients belonging to different imaging patterns. From the electronic database of the reference center for interstitial lung diseases of our University Hospital, we retrospectively selected 55 patients with a diagnosis of sarcoidosis according to the American Thoracic Society (ATS) criteria; we evaluated the initial HRCT examination and pulmonary function tests collected at baseline and after a year. Patients were divided into typical (48% of patients) and atypical (52%) HRCT patterns, and a computer tomography activity score (CTAS) was associated with each HRCT appearance detected; clinical history, impact of therapy, and extra-thoracic locations were also considered. We found that worsening of diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) is related to the CTAS (r = -0.