The measure of performance for a given trial was the difference in degrees between the orientation of the target and that reproduced by the observer. We found that guessing rate was lower with regular than irregular rhythms. However, there was no effect of rhythm type (regular vs irregular) on the quality of representation (measured as the variability in reproducing the target). Furthermore, the rhythm effect was present only when rhythm type was fixed within a block, and it was found with all IOIs, not just the in-phase IOI. This lack of specificity suggests that these results reflect a general effect of rhythm on alertness.BACKGROUND Exposures to respirable crystalline silica causes silicosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, autoimmune disorders and chronic renal disease. The aim of this study was to find out the prevalence of silico-tuberculosis, silicosis and other respiratory morbidities in sandstone mine workers in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. METHODS It was a cross-sectional study done in sandstone mines in Jodhpur. A total of 15 mines were selected. The sample size was calculated and fixed to 174 mine workers. Chi-square and t-test were applied to draw inferences. RESULTS The mean age of the mine workers was 39.13 ± 11.09 years. Three fourth (75.3%) of the workers were working for more than ten years in mines. Around 30.0% had a history of tuberculosis. Abnormal spirometry was found in 89.2% of workers. Around 42% of mine workers were found with abnormal chest x-rays. Prevalence of silicosis was 37.3%, silico-tuberculosis was 7.4%, tuberculosis was 10.0%, and other respiratory diseases like emphysema and pleural effusion were diagnosed among 4.3% workers. CONCLUSION Prevalence of silico-tuberculosis, silicosis and other respiratory morbidities are high among sandstone mine workers.Anxiety has been implicated as one of the greatest influences on quality of life in Parkinson's disease (PD). The etiology of anxiety is unclear, although previous work suggests that anxiety may be linked to sensory deficits that cause uncertainty in movement. Thus, the current study examined whether focusing attention on sensory feedback during goal-based exercise has the potential to provide benefits to anxiety in PD. Thirty-five participants with PD were randomized to either a Sensory Attention Focused Exercise (SAFEx) (i.e. internal focus of attention, n = 18) or Sham Exercise control (i.e. external focus of attention, n = 17) and completed 33 one-hour attention-based exercise sessions over 11-weeks. Before and after the program (pre and post), participants completed the Parkinson Anxiety Scale (PAS) questionnaire. The PAS includes three anxiety sections persistent, episodic, and avoidance. Changes in the total PAS score and within each section of the PAS were subjected to two-factor mixed repeated measures ANCOVA. Significant group by time interactions demonstrated that from pre to post, total PAS scores (p = 0.007) and episodic anxiety scores (p = 0.010) significantly decreased in the SAFEx group only (ΔTotal PAS = -5.2, F(1,27) = 5.41, p = 0.028, ηp2 = 0.17; ΔEpisodic Score = -1.8, F(1,27) = 6.89, p = 0.014, ηp2 = 0.20). In conclusion, focusing attention on sensory feedback while completing goal-based exercises may provide significant benefits to improving anxiety in PD. As such, sensory attention focused exercise may be a critical adjunct therapy for improving anxiety, and ultimately quality of life in people with PD.BACKGROUND To examine whether continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with remote monitoring by followers (family/friends) changes glucose management, follower interventions, and health outcomes compared to CGM alone in pregnant women with diabetes. METHODS We prospectively stratified first trimester pregnant women with Type 1 Diabetes to CGM Share (remote monitoring) or CGM Alone. We enrolled a main follower per woman. We retrospectively acquired data for pregnant women who did not use CGM (no CGM). We compared hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) between groups. We compared sensor glucose, follower interventions, and gestational outcomes between CGM Alone and CGM Share. Longitudinal mixed effects models were used for analyses of changes in outcomes over time. RESULTS HbA1c decreased in all groups throughout pregnancy and was significantly lower over time in women using CGM Share (n = 15) compared to CGM Alone (n = 13) or no CGM (n = 8) (p = 0.0042). CGM Share users had lower median sensor glucose levels (p = 0.0331) and percent time spent >180 mg/dL (p = 0.0228) across pregnancy. There were no significant differences in maternal and fetal outcomes between groups. CGM Share followers had more alerts for hypoglycemia, but did fewer interventions. CONCLUSIONS In this small pilot study, use of CGM with remote monitoring improved some glycemic metrics in pregnant women with diabetes.The metabolic responses of bacteria to dynamic extracellular conditions drives not only the behavior of single species, but also entire communities of microbes. Over the last decade, genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions have assisted in our appreciation of important metabolic determinants of bacterial physiology. These network models have been a powerful force in understanding the metabolic capacity that species may utilize in order to succeed in an environment. Increasingly, an understanding of context-specific metabolism is critical for elucidating metabolic drivers of larger phenotypes and disease. However, previous approaches to use network models in concert with omics data to better characterize experimental systems have met challenges due to assumptions necessary by the various integration platforms or due to large input data requirements. With these challenges in mind, we developed RIPTiDe (Reaction Inclusion by Parsimony and Transcript Distribution) which uses both transcriptomic abundances difficult to quantify can have large downstream impacts on our ability to elucidate molecular drivers of disease-associated dysbiosis across the microbiota. Our results indicate that RIPTiDe may have potential to provide understanding of context-specific metabolism of bacteria within complex communities.