During pregnancy and lactation, breast vascularity increases and edema occurs in the breast . As a consequence, rate of complications of breast biopsy and surgery like bleeding, infection, delayed healing and wound dehiscence is expected to be higher. Milk fistula is a rare event that may complicate surgery or needle biopsy of the breast in a breastfeeding woman, or in late stages of pregnancy . Suppression of lactation has been proposed in the literature as both a preventive and a therapeutic step. However, the advantages of nursing for both mother and child are numerous, and the author do not propose it as a preventive measure nor as a must in treatment of milk fistula. Prevention and management of milk fistula are discussed in this chapter.Surgery in the form of both mastectomy and breast conservation is the main step in the treatment of breast cancer. Numerous studies have shown an equivalent long-term survival for breast conserving surgery (BCS) and mastectomy . Patients desire and tumor characteristics, especially size and multicentricity, are the key factors that affect the decision between these two types of surgery . Patients with any contraindication for radiotherapy or previous history of radiation to the breast field are not suitable for BCS . There are few absolute contraindications for BCS , and early pregnancy is listed among them; mastectomy is preferred in the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid the impact of delaying radiation therapy on outcome of the cancer.Breast cancer in pregnancy is a rare entity generally presenting as a persistent breast mass, but is often a delayed finding due to the expected physiologic changes in the breast related to pregnancy and lactation. The preferred diagnostic workup of a persistent breast mass involves a combination of mammographic and ultrasonographic evaluation in addition to tissue diagnosis via core biopsy ; breast MRI is not recommended. Surgical excision s