Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are by-products of cellular metabolism and can be either beneficial, at low levels, or deleterious, at high levels, to the cell. It is known that several viral infections can increase oxidative stress, which is mainly facilitated by viral-induced imbalances in the antioxidant defence mechanisms of the cell. While the exact role of ROS in certain viral infections (adenovirus and dengue virus) remains unknown, other viruses can use ROS for enhancement of pathogenesis (SARS coronavirus and rabies virus) or replication (rhinovirus, West Nile virus and vesicular stomatitis virus) or both (hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and influenza virus). While several viral proteins (mainly for hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus) have been identified to play a role in ROS formation, most mediators of viral ROS modulation are yet to be elucidated. Treatment of viral infections, including hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus and influenza virus, with ROS inhibitors has shown a decrease in both pathogenesis and viral replication both in vitro and in animal models. Clinical studies indicating the potential for targeting ROS-producing pathways as possible broad-spectrum antiviral targets should be evaluated in randomized controlled trials.Understanding where genetic variation exists, and how it influences fitness within populations is important from an evolutionary and conservation perspective. Signatures of past selection suggest that pathogen-mediated balancing selection is a key driver of immunogenetic variation, but studies tracking contemporary evolution are needed to help resolve the evolutionary forces and mechanism at play. Previous work in a bottlenecked population of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) show that functional variation has been maintained at the viral-sensing Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) gene, including one nonsynonymous SNP, resulting in two alleles. Here, we characterise evolution at this TLR3 locus over a 25-year period within the original remnant population of the Seychelles warbler, and in four other derived, populations. Results show a significant and consistent temporal decline in the frequency of the TLR3C allele in the original population, and that similar declines in the TLR3C allele frequency occurred in all the derived populations. Individuals (of both sexes) with the TLR3CC genotype had lower survival, and males - but not females - that carry the TLR3C allele had significantly lower lifetime reproductive success than those with only the TLR3A allele. These results indicate that positive selection on the TLR3A allele, caused by an as yet unknown agent, is driving TLR3 evolution in the Seychelles warbler. No evidence of heterozygote advantage was detected. However, whether the positive selection observed is part of a longer-term pattern of balancing selection (through fluctuating selection or rare-allele advantage) cannot be resolved without tracking the TLR3C allele over an extended time period. To explore how newly qualified nurses' work experiences are constructed through the interplay between self, workplace and home-life influencing their retention. Nurses are critical to achieving the goal of universal health coverage. However, shortages of nursing staff are endemic. Of particular concern, newly qualified nurses are more likely to leave the nursing workforce. The point of transition to working as a newly qualified nurse is a time of vulnerability. Most studies attempt to discover why nurses leave. This study uses the concept of job embeddedness to examine the experience of this transition and first two years of practice to understand what might help newly qualified nurses stay. Qualitative approach using semi-structured telephone interviews. Self-selecting sample of nurses (n=23) who participated 1-year (n=12) and 2 years (n=11) post-qualification. Participants were part of a larger longitudinal cohort (n=867) study which has followed them since September 2013 when they entered nurse eduing adequate support resources, such as staffing, supportive team morale, professional development and family-friendly work environment, can create a work environment where they feel the purpose and meaningfulness of working as a nurse. This 'job embeddedness' can potentially enhance nurse retention. Reporting follows the COREQ checklist.Juvenile hormone (JH) signalling plays an important role in regulation of reproductive diapause in insects. However, its underlying molecular mechanism has been unclear. Methoprene-tolerant (Met), as a universal JH receptor, is involved in JH action. To gain some insight into its function in the reproductive diapause of Galeruca daurica, a serious pest on the Inner Mongolia grasslands undergoing obligatory summer diapause at the adult stage, we cloned the complete open-reading frame (ORF) sequences of Met and other 7 JH signalling-related genes, including JH acid methyltransferase (JHAMT), JH esterase (JHE), JH epoxide hydrolase (JHEH), Krüppel homologue 1 (Kr-h1), vitellogenin (Vg), forkhead box O (FOXO) and fatty acid synthase 2 (FAS2), from this species. GdMet encoded a putative protein, which contained three domains typical of the bHLH-PAS family. Expression patterns of these eight genes were developmentally regulated during adult development. Topical application of JH analogue (JHA) methoprene into the 3-day-old and 5-day-old adults induced the expression of GdMet. Silencing GdMet by RNAi inhibited the expression of JHBP, JHE, Kr-h1 and Vg, whereas promoted the FAS2 expression, which enhanced lipid accumulation and fat body development, and finally induced the adults into diapause ahead. Combining with our previous results, we conclude that JH may regulate reproductive diapause through a conserved Met-dependent pathway in G. daurica.The prefrontal cortex (PFC) supports cognitive processes critical for goal-directed behavior. Although the PFC contains a high density of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neurons, their role in cognition has been largely unexplored. We recently demonstrated that CRF neurons in the caudal dorsomedial PFC (dmPFC) of rats act to impair working memory via activation of local CRF receptors. However, there is heterogeneity in the neural mechanisms that support the diversity of PFC-dependent cognitive processes. Currently, the degree to which PFC CRF neurons impact other forms of PFC-dependent cognition is unknown. To address this issue, the current studies examined the effects of chemogenetic manipulations of PFC CRF neurons on sustained attention in male rats. Similar to working memory, activation of caudal dmPFC CRF neurons impaired, while inhibition of these neurons or global CRF receptor antagonism improved, sustained attention. However, unlike working memory, the sustained attention-impairing effect of PFC CRF neurons was not dependent on local CRF receptors.