Almost all of the evidence on the benefits of smoke-free legislation on child health comes from evaluations in high-income countries. We investigated the effects of Thailand's 2010 comprehensive smoke-free legislation on neonatal and infant mortality. To overcome some of the methodological issues inherent to traditional quasi-experimental methods, we applied the novel synthetic control approach. Using 2001-2017 country-level panel data from the World Bank and Penn World datasets, we estimated the effects of smoke-free legislation as the difference between the outcome trends in Thailand versus those in a synthetic control country. The synthetic control country was composed of 'control' middle-income countries without comprehensive smoke-free legislation to recreate trends in Thailand in the 2001-2009 pre-legislation outcomes and covariates. We compared the legislation effects to 'placebo effects' obtained for each control country by fictitiously assuming that comprehensive smoke-free legislation was introduced there in 2010, similar to Thailand. Neonatal and infant mortality decreased by 2.9% and 2.8%/year respectively following smoke-free legislation, with an estimated 7463 infant deaths (including 4623 neonatal deaths) having been averted over eight years. The results were robust to different specifications of the control countries. Comparison with placebo effects indicated that the findings were unlikely to be attributable to factors other than the smoke-free legislation. Expanding comprehensive smoke-free policies to middle-income countries can support national efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 for reducing preventable early-life deaths. Netherlands Lung Foundation, HDRUK, Asthma UK center for Applied Research and NIHR Global Respiratory Health Unit (RESPIRE). Netherlands Lung Foundation, HDRUK, Asthma UK center for Applied Research and NIHR Global Respiratory Health Unit (RESPIRE). The Peace Corps' disease surveillance for Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) was incorporated into an electronic medical records (EMR) system in 2015. We evaluated this EMR-based surveillance system, focusing particularly on malaria as it is deadly but preventable. In 2016, we administered a survey to Peace Corps Medical Officers (PCMOs), who manage PCVs' medical care, and semistructured phone interviews to headquarters staff. We assessed the structure of the surveillance system and its utility to stakeholders, evaluated surveillance case definitions for malaria, and compared clinical information in the EMR for malaria cases captured by surveillance during the first half of 2016. Of 131 PCMOs, 77 (59%) completed the survey. Of 53 respondents in malaria-endemic nations, 98% believed most PCVs contact them about possible malaria. Of 134 cases with a malaria clinical diagnosis in the EMR between January and August 2016, 58 (43% sensitivity) were reported to the surveillance system by PCMOs. The remaining cases in the surveillance system were added during data cleaning, which is time-intensive. Among the 48 malaria cases identified by surveillance between January and June 2016, positive predictive value was 67%. Areas for improvement include streamlining PCMO documentation, refining case definitions, and improving data quality. With such improvements, surveillance data can be used to inform epidemiological analysis, clinical care, health education, and policy. The EMR is an important tool for malaria surveillance among PCVs and, with the refinements mentioned, could serve as a framework for other multinational organizations to monitor their staff. The EMR is an important tool for malaria surveillance among PCVs and, with the refinements mentioned, could serve as a framework for other multinational organizations to monitor their staff.The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of stocking rate and advancing season on diet chemical composition, intake, digestibility, and ruminal fermentation in steers supplemented with distillers grains with solubles [0.3% of body weight (BW)] while grazing northern Great Plains rangelands. Angus cross beef steers (n = 188; 320 ± 30.3 kg initial BW) were used to establish targeted stocking rates, and 12 ruminal cannulated steers (272 ± 20.0 kg initial BW) were used for diet sampling while cograzing with the noncannulated animals on 12 pastures (n = 3 per treatment). Stocking rates were set to target 65%, 50%, 35%, and 20% of an average annual above-ground biomass remaining at the end of the grazing season (May-September). Five 10-d collection periods were conducted for May 13-22, June 10-19, July 8-17, August 5-14, and September 2-11. There was no difference in steer BWs or average daily gain during any of the collection periods or between stocking rate (P ≥ 0.10). Organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber of forage masticate samples were not affected (P ≥ 0.25) by stocking rate. Crude protein, and all N fractions of forage masticates also did not differ between stocking rate treatments (P ≥ 0.18). Forage OM intake (grams per kilogram of BW) increased cubically across the entire grazing season (P = 0.05). Organic matter digestibility decreased quadratically (P 0.13) but were impacted by the advancing season (P less then 0.01). Ruminal pH increased quadratically (P ≤ 0.01) with advancing season (6.3 to 6.6 ± 0.05 from May to September, respectively). The results of this study demonstrate that intake, fermentation, and digestibility of northern Great Plains forages were influenced more by seasonal factors associated with forage maturity than stocking rate under the conditions of this study.Climate change causes rising temperatures and extreme weather events worldwide, with possible detrimental time-lagged and acute impact on production and functional traits of cattle kept in outdoor production systems. The aim of the present study was to infer the influence of mean daily temperature humidity index (mTHI) and number of heat stress days (nHS) from different recording periods on birth weight (BWT), 200 d- and 365 d-weight gain (200 dg, 365 dg) of calves, and on the probability of stillbirth (SB), and calving interval (CINT) of their dams. Data recording included 4,362 observations for BWT, 3,136 observations for 200 dg, 2,502 observations for 365 dg, 9,293 observations for the birth status, and 2,811 observations for CINT of the local dual-purpose cattle breed "Rotes Höhenvieh" (RHV). Trait responses on mTHI and nHS were studied via generalized linear mixed model applications with identity link functions for Gaussian traits (BWT, 200 dg, 365 dg, CINT) and logit link functions for binary SB. High mTHI and high nHS before autumn births had strongest detrimental impact on BWT across all antepartum- (a.