Multivariate analysis indicated that an increased mitotic index (odds ratio [OR], 10.409; 95 % confidence interval [CI], 1.297-83.549; P = 0.027) was a significant predictor of transformation. Prominent peritumoral edema (OR, 33.822; 95 % CI, 0.935-223.688; P = 0.054) did not reach the statistical significance. Conclusion An increased mitotic index may be used as the predictor for HGT of benign meningiomas. Although these tumors with a high risk for transformation do not meet the diagnostic criteria for atypical meningiomas, they may require more attentive observation and management than other benign meningiomas.The development of an efficient ocular drug delivery system is helpful in improving the ocular diffusion of topically delivered drugs as well as enhancing drugs therapeutic efficacy. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of self-assembled nanomicelles based on glycyrrhizin in ocular topical applications. In brief, a dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (DG)-based nanomicelle ophthalmic solution encapsulating thymol (DG-THY) was developed using a simple thin-film dispersion method. The optimal formulation featured a DG/thymol (THY) weight ratio of 91 and an encapsulation efficiency of 98.25 ± 1.16%; the nanomicelles were ultra-small spheres with an average particle size of 3.30 ± 0.39 nm, a polydispersity index of 0.22 ± 0.02, and an electrically negative surface (-[10.03 ± 1.31] mV) for the optimized DG-THY. This DG-THY ophthalmic solution was observed to be stable upon good storage at both 4 °C and 25 °C for 12 weeks. The DG-THY was observed to remarkably improve in vitro antioxidant activity, in vitro release, and the membrane permeation of THY. The DG-THY ophthalmic solution proved to be very well-tolerated in a rabbit model. The DG-THY ophthalmic solution also demonstrated distinct improvements in the ex vivo and in vivo intraocular permeations of THY. The DG-THY ophthalmic solution also exhibited decreased minimal inhibitory concentrations and minimum bactericidal concentrations of THY. Treatment with the DG-THY ophthalmic solution significantly relieved ocular infection symptoms in rabbit eyes by lowering the number of colony-forming units recovered from the corneas. Therefore, these results demonstrate that DG-THY may be a promising new ophthalmic formulation for the treatment of ocular diseases, especially in terms of oxidative stress-, bacteria-, and inflammation-related eye diseases.PAM fluorometry showed that the orchid Vanda sp (Gaud ex Pfitzers, Vandeae) had photosynthetic electron transport yields in leaves reaching ≈ 0.617 ± 0.262 at midday. Yield decayed exponentially as irradiance increased (Y½ = 128 ± 12.4 μmol photon m-2 s-1). Optimum irradiance (Eopt) for ETR (Photosynthetic Electron Transport Rate) was ≈ 369 ± 23.3 μmol photon m-2 s-1; the maximum photosynthetic ETR (ETRmax) (on a Chl a basis) ≈ 97.6 ± 3.76 μmol e-g-1 Chl a s-1. Rapid light curves exhibited classic photoinhibition at high irradiances Vanda sp is a shade plant. Photosynthetic kinetics was strongly diurnal with minimal Eopt and ETRmax in the early morning, reaching a maximum at midday and decreasing in the afternoon. The aerial roots were normally photosynthetically dormant but rapidly activated when wet (homiochlorophyllous) then becoming dormant again after drying. Wet roots deliberately incubated under moist conditions had photosynthetic light curves comparable to leaves (Ymax ≈0.332, Y½ = ≈ 78.3 ± 27.8 μmol photons m-2 s-1, Eopt ≈ 278 μmol photons m-2 s-1 and ETRmax ≈ 317 ± 86.9 μmol e-g-1 Chl a s-1) wetting for only 15 min activated photosynthesis. Leaves showed a small degree of diurnal cycling of titratable acid but acid was accumulated in the early morning, not at night, this is a type of CAM-cycling. Titratable acid was low at sunrise (≈ 54.1 μmol H+g-1 FW), but increased until about 9 a.m. (≈ 137 μmol H+g-1 FW) and then gradually decreased over the course of the day.Purpose The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child drew international attention to the right of a child to be heard. Researchers have enhanced the child's voice in many settings, albeit few in the hospital. Nurse researchers investigating the hospital experiences of children have identified positive and negative patterns of communication. Potential characteristics of an approachable nurse were hinted at, although none explored the concept of approachability. Design and methods A qualitative, descriptive research design, including semi-structured interviews with seven school age children (ages 8-12, four girls and three boys) in a pediatric oncology service, was used to gain children's perceptions and descriptions of approachable nurses. Drawings were used to supplement and glean a greater understanding of descriptive characteristics. All but one child had endured multiple hospitalizations related to their diagnosis of cancer. Interviews were recorded and data were content analyzed using immersion/crystallization and editing organizational styles. Results The children had experiences with more than one approachable nurse and described approachable nurses as smiling and happy, playful, creative, competent and willing to talk and listen to them. Conclusion and practice implications The school age children in this study were able to describe their perceptions of an approachable nurse. The voices of these children illuminate the importance of nurses' words and behaviors and provide exemplars of approachable nurses. It can be argued that the responsibility remains with nurses to create an environment where in hospitalized children feel their voices are heard, they are understood and respected with unprecedented dignity.From an interfacial phenomena standpoint, gallic acid (GA), methyl gallate (MG), and their combination alone and together with lecithin (L) were evaluated for their inhibition against the formation of lipid hydroperoxides and carbonyl compounds in a stripped sunflower oil. Lecithin at a level (500 ppm) lower than its critical micelle concentration was able to protect the lipid system to some extent. GA (log P = -0.21), which was of higher capacity than MG (log P = - 0.14) in donating H/e- (IC50 = 36.4 vs. 39.9 μM and FRAP value = 598 vs. 514 μmol/L, respectively), exerted an antioxidant activity significantly better than MG in the bulk phase oil. Due to the improved interfacial performance, the inhibitory effect of the antioxidants was remarkably promoted in the presence of lecithin (L/GA/MG > L/GA > L/MG).