The water cost when storage tanks are utilized can be as low as 7.42 $/m3, while it is around 19.7 $/m3 when a battery is used.The present work evaluated the nutritional impact of macroalgae flours used as new ingredients in fermented sausages and the feasibility of using high-pressure processing (HPP) as a non-thermal pasteurization methodology to keep the quality attributes of the new food products. A commercial macroalgae mix was used in the formulation of new macroalgae-fortified meat frankfurter sausages (F-MFS), macroalgae-fortified vegetable frankfurter sausages (F-VFS) and in macroalgae-fortified traditional Portuguese sausage "chouriço" (F-TPS), overall incrementing the contents of Mg, K, Ca, Mn and Fe and decreasing the Na/K ratio. The application of HPP allowed extending the shelf-life of frankfurters by about 3-fold and improved the safety of "chouriço" along 180 days of storage, keeping its microbial load below the detection limit. The prevention of microbial growth in F-MFS and F-VFS was accompanied by pH stability of the products. In addition, no significant detriment on surface color and fatty acids was observed between pressurized and non-pressurized sausages, allowing consolidating the suitability of HPP in seaweed-fortified fermented sausages. The definition of late-onset bacterial sepsis (LOS) in very preterm infants is not unified. The objective was to assess the concordance of LOS diagnosis between experts in neonatal infection and international classifications and to evaluate the potential impact on heart rate variability and rate of "bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death". A retrospective (2017-2020) multicenter study including hospitalized infants born before 31 weeks of gestation with intention to treat at least 5-days with antibiotics was performed. LOS was classified as "certain or probable" or "doubtful" independently by five experts and according to four international classifications with concordance assessed by Fleiss's kappa test. LOS was suspected at seven days (IQR 5-11) of life in 48 infants. Following expert classification, 36 of them (75%) were considered as "certain or probable" (kappa = 0.41). Following international classification, this number varied from 13 to 46 (kappa = -0.08). Using the expert classification, "bronchopulmonary dysplasia or death" occurred less frequently in the doubtful group (25% vs. 78%, < 0.001). Differences existed in HRV changes between the two groups. The definition of LOS is not consensual with a low international and moderate inter-observer agreement. This affects the evaluation of associated organ dysfunction and prognosis. The definition of LOS is not consensual with a low international and moderate inter-observer agreement. This affects the evaluation of associated organ dysfunction and prognosis.(1) Background Inferior turbinates' hypertrophy is often associated with Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD); radiofrequency turbinate reduction (RTR) may provide a long-term improvement of nasal obstruction and ETD-related symptoms. (2) Aim The study aimed to compare ETD in atopic and non-atopic patients before and after RTR and to investigate the correlation between tympanometry and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire-7 (ETDQ-7). (3) Methods Ninety-seven patients, ranging from 33 to 68 years old, were screened by skin tests and divided into atopic (G1) and non-atopic (G2). Eustachian tube function (ETF) was evaluated through tympanometry, William's test and ETDQ-7. (4) Results A moderate to severe subjective ETDQ-7 was found in the 35.42% of G1 and in the 22.45% of G2 patients before RTR. William's test resulted normal in 141 ears (72.68%), partially impaired in 15 (7.73%), and grossly impaired in 38 (19.59%) before surgery. A grossly ETD was evidenced in the 19.59% of cases before surgery and decreased to 6.18% after surgery with a significant difference among atopic patients (p less then 0.001). (5) Conclusion RTR may be considered a treatment option in patients suffering from ETD and inferior turbinates' hypertrophy; RTR reduced the percentage of grossly impaired ET function (p less then 0.001). ETDQ-7 and William's test may represent valuable tools to assess ET function before and after surgery.The complement system orchestrates a multi-faceted immune response to the invading pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Macrophages engulf the mycobacterial bacilli through bacterial cell surface proteins or secrete proteins, which activate the complement pathway. The classical pathway is activated by C1q, which binds to antibody antigen complexes. While the alternative pathway is constitutively active and regulated by properdin, the direct interaction of properdin is capable of complement activation. The lectin-binding pathway is activated in response to bacterial cell surface carbohydrates such as mannose, fucose, and N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. All three pathways contribute to mounting an immune response for the clearance of mycobacteria. However, the bacilli can reside, persist, and evade clearance by the immune system once inside the macrophages using a number of mechanisms. The immune system can compartmentalise the infection into a granulomatous structure, which contains heterogenous sub-populations of M. tuberculosis. The granuloma consists of many types of immune cells, which aim to clear and contain the infection whilst sacrificing the affected host tissue. The full extent of the involvement of the complement system during infection with M. tuberculosis is not fully understood. Therefore, we reviewed the available literature on M. tuberculosis and other mycobacterial literature to understand the contribution of the complement system during infection.The selection and diffusion in the poultry sector of hybrid breeds able to produce higher amount of meat and eggs, led over time to the erosion of genetic resources. One of the strategies that can be applied in order to stem such phenomenon, concerns the valorization of the animal products, meat or eggs, obtained from indigenous poultry breeds. Therefore, the aim of this study is to characterize the qualitative aspects of eggs obtained from the Nera Atriana hen, an Italian indigenous laying hen characteristic of the Abruzzo region, making a direct comparison with a commercial hybrid reared in the same environment and applying the same feeding protocol. The trial was conducted for a period of 5 months (from March to July 2019), in which 6 egg samplings were performed (one at the beginning and additional 5 on a monthly basis); each sampling involved the collection of 15 eggs per group of animals for a total of 90 eggs per genotype. Eggs were specifically subjected to evaluations of the physical parameters, including the yolk color, and analyses aimed at determining the content of total lipids, cholesterol, and β-carotene.