static abnormality. Identifying affected women at significant risk of thrombosis and managing the competing thrombotic and haemorrhagic risks continue to be a significant clinical challenge. Derangements in blood coagulation are also implicated in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia; however, the role of antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs in the prevention and treatment of this disorder remains a source of considerable debate. In addition, the potential role of specific haemostatic markers as diagnostic or screening tools for preeclampsia has also yet to be determined. Further characterisation of the underlying molecular mechanisms would likely be of major translational relevance and could provide insights into the pathogenesis of this disease as well as the associated haemostatic dysfunction.Staphylococcus aureus enhances neutrophil extracellular vesicle (EV) production. To investigate whether S. aureus viability influences EV biogenesis, EVs were isolated from human neutrophils incubated with viable bacteria (bEVs) or heat-killed bacteria (heat-killed EVs). Protein analysis, nanoparticle tracking and transmission electron microscopy showed comparable EV production between subsets, and both viable and nonviable bacteria were also detected in respective EV subsets. As anticipated, S. aureus, as well as bEVs with viable bacteria, were proinflammatory, and killing bacteria with gentamicin reduced cytokine production to baseline levels. Although heat-killed bacteria induced macrophage IL-6 production, heat-killed EVs did not. Additionally, we found that human and bacterial DNA associated with bEVs, but not heat-killed EVs, and that the DNA association could be partially decreased by disrupting electrostatic interactions. We investigated the potential for DNA isolated from EVs (EV-DNA) or EVs to cause inflammation. Although liposomal encapsulation of EV-DNA increased IL-6 production from baseline by 7.5-fold, treatment of bEVs with DNase I had no effect on IL-6 and IL-1β production, suggesting that the DNA did not contribute to the inflammatory response. Filtered EVs, which lacked DNA and associated bacteria, exhibited less proinflammatory activity relative to bEVs, and enhanced macrophage expression of CD86 and HLA-DR. Ultimately, we show that bEVs isolated by differential centrifugation co-purify with bacteria and DNA, and studying their concerted activity and relative contribution to immune response is important to the study of host-pathogen interactions.Aims Females are becoming surgeons at ever-increasing rates and doing so while many have or wish to have children. This study follows up on a 2007 effort to study the problems and conditions such women faced. We ask here if these challenges are different after a decade that included changes in working rules. Methods A survey was sent to all female American Board of Urology diplomates. Birth trends, pregnancy complications, infertility service requirements, and satisfaction were evaluated in respondents (n = 183) and compared to the previous survey of female urologists who completed residency before August 2007 as well as Center for Disease Control data. Results Seventy-six physicians completed the survey who were residents before 2007, while 107 replied who experienced residency after. The first group's average age was 50.2 and the second's 38.3. Overall, these women gave birth 6 to 7 years later than the US mean. Complications did not decrease, infertility occurred at similar levels, and both were higher than US norms. Length of maternity leave correlated with respondents' level of overall satisfaction. The most positive responses came from those with more than 8 weeks off (P = .002). Conclusions Women practicing in urology gave birth later, had greater fertility issues, used assisted reproductive technology (ART) more and reported a higher level of at least one complication during pregnancy than American women overall. Changes in hours and awareness of this issue have not made giving birth a healthier event for these physicians. Further investigation into factors other than work hours is needed.Uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery may be the approach for any thoracic procedure, from minor resections to complex reconstructive surgery. However, anatomical lobectomy represents its most common and clinically proven usage. A wide variety of information about uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomies can be found in the literature and multimedia sources. This article focuses on updating the surgical technique and includes important aspects such as the geometric approach, anaesthesia considerations, operating room set-up, tips about the incision, instrumentation management and the operative technique to perform the 5 lobectomies. The following issues are explained for each lobectomy anatomical considerations, surgical steps and technical advice. Medical illustrations and videos are included to clarify the text with the goal of describing a standard surgical practice.The natural bioactive glycerophospholipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) binds to its cognate G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) on the cell surface to promote the activation of several transcription factors, including NF-κB. LPA-mediated activation of NF-κB relies on the formation of a signalosome that contains the scaffold CARMA3, the adaptor BCL10 and the paracaspase MALT1 (CBM complex). The CBM complex has been extensively studied in lymphocytes, where it links antigen receptors to NF-κB activation via the recruitment of the linear ubiquitin assembly complex (LUBAC), a tripartite complex of HOIP, HOIL1 and SHARPIN. Moreover, MALT1 cleaves the LUBAC subunit HOIL1 to further enhance NF-κB activation. However, the contribution of the LUBAC downstream of GPCRs has not been investigated. By using murine embryonic fibroblasts from mice deficient for HOIP, HOIL1 and SHARPIN, we report that the LUBAC is crucial for the activation of NF-κB in response to LPA. Further echoing the situation in lymphocytes, LPA unbridles the protease activity of MALT1, which cleaves HOIL1 at the Arginine 165. The expression of a MALT1-insensitive version of HOIL1 reveals that this processing is involved in the optimal production of the NF-κB target cytokine interleukin-6. Lastly, we provide evidence that the guanine exchange factor GEF-H1 favors MALT1-mediated cleavage of HOIL1 and NF-κB signaling in this context. Together, our results unveil a critical role for the LUBAC as a positive regulator of NF-κB signaling downstream of LPA receptors.