In late 2019, a highly pathogenic novel coronavirus (CoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2 emerged from Wuhan, China and led to a global pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 has a predilection for the pulmonary system and can result in serious pneumonia necessitating hospitalisation. Computed tomography (CT) chest scans of patients with severe symptoms, show signs of multifocal bilateral ground or ground-glass opacities (GGO) associated with consolidation areas with patchy distribution. However, it is less well known that both asymptomatic and mild symptomatic patients may exhibit similar lung changes. Presumably, the various pathological changes in the lungs may increase the risk of adverse events during diving (e.g., lung barotrauma, pulmonary oedema, etc.), thus these lung manifestations need to be considered prior to allowing resumption of diving. Presently, it is not known how the structural changes in the lungs develop and to what extent they resolve, in particular in asymptomatic carriers and patients with mild disease. However, current evidence indicates that a month of recovery may be too short an interval to guarantee complete pulmonary restitution even after COVID-19 infections not demanding hospital care. The Azoth Systems O'Dive bubble monitor is marketed at recreational and professional divers as a tool to improve personal diving decompression safety. We report the use of this tool during a 12-day dive trip aboard a liveaboard vessel. Six divers were consistently monitored according to the user manual of the O'Dive system. Data were synchronised with the Azoth server whenever possible (depending on cell phone data signal). Information regarding ease of use, diver acceptance and influence on dive behaviour were recorded. In total, 157 dives were completely monitored over 11 diving days. Formal evaluations were only available after six days because of internet connection problems. Sixty-one dive