Extracting equilibrium information from nonequilibrium measurements is a challenge task of great importance in understanding the thermodynamic properties of physical, chemical, and biological systems. The discovery of the Jarzynski equality illumines the way to estimate the equilibrium free-energy difference from the work performed in nonequilibrium driving processes. However, the nonlinear (exponential) relation causes the poor convergence of the Jarzynski equality. Here, we propose a concise method to estimate the free-energy difference through a linear nonequilibrium equality which inherently converges faster than nonlinear nonequilibrium equalities. This linear nonequilibrium equality relies on an accelerated isothermal process which is realized by using a unified variational approach, named variational shortcuts to isothermality. We apply our method to an underdamped Brownian particle moving in a double-well potential. The simulations confirm that the method can be used to accurately estimate the free-energy difference with high efficiency. Especially during fast driving processes with high dissipation, the method can improve the accuracy by more than an order of magnitude compared with the estimator based on the nonlinear nonequilibrium equality.The generation of hot, directional electrons via laser-driven stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) is a topic of great importance in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) schemes. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/blu-451.html Little recent research has been dedicated to this process at high laser intensity, in which back, side, and forward scatter simultaneously occur in high energy density plasmas, of relevance to, for example, shock ignition ICF. We present an experimental and particle-in-cell (PIC) investigation of hot electron production from SRS in the forward and near-forward directions from a single speckle laser of wavelength λ_0=1.053μm, peak laser intensities in the range I_0=0.2-1.0×10^17Wcm^-2 and target electron densities between n_e=0.3-1.6%n_c, where n_c is the plasma critical density. As the intensity and density are increased, the hot electron spectrum changes from a sharp cutoff to an extended spectrum with a slope temperature T=34±1keV and maximum measured energy of 350 keV experimentally. Multidimensional PIC simulations indicate that the high energy electrons are primarily generated from SRS-driven electron plasma wave phase fronts with k vectors angled ∼50^∘ with respect to the laser axis. These results are consistent with analytical arguments that the spatial gain is maximized at an angle which balances the tendency for the growth rate to be larger for larger scattered light wave angles until the kinetic damping of the plasma wave becomes important. The efficiency of generated high energy electrons drops significantly with a reduction in either laser intensity or target electron density, which is a result of the rapid drop in growth rate of Raman scattering at angles in the forward direction.We investigate oscillatory phase pattern formation and amplitude control for a linearized stochastic neuron field model by simulating Mexican-hat-coupled stochastic processes. We find, for several choices of parameters, that spatial pattern formation in the temporal phases of the coupled processes occurs if and only if their amplitudes are allowed to grow unrealistically large. Stimulated by recent work on homeostatic inhibitory plasticity, we introduce static and plastic (adaptive) systemic inhibitory mechanisms to keep the amplitudes stochastically bounded. We find that systems with static inhibition exhibited bounded amplitudes but no sustained phase patterns. With plastic systemic inhibition, on the other hand, the resulting systems exhibit both bounded amplitudes and sustained phase patterns. These results demonstrate that plastic inhibitory mechanisms in neural field models can dynamically control amplitudes while allowing patterns of phase synchronization to develop. Similar mechanisms of plastic systemic inhibition could play a role in regulating oscillatory functioning in the brain.We develop a first-principles approach to compute the counting statistics in the ground state of N noninteracting spinless fermions in a general potential in arbitrary dimensions d (central for d>1). In a confining potential, the Fermi gas is supported over a bounded domain. In d=1, for specific potentials, this system is related to standard random matrix ensembles. We study the quantum fluctuations of the number of fermions N_D in a domain D of macroscopic size in the bulk of the support. We show that the variance of N_D grows as N^(d-1)/d(A_dlogN+B_d) for large N, and obtain the explicit dependence of A_d,B_d on the potential and on the size of D (for a spherical domain in d>1). This generalizes the free-fermion results for microscopic domains, given in d=1 by the Dyson-Mehta asymptotics from random matrix theory. This leads us to conjecture similar asymptotics for the entanglement entropy of the subsystem D, in any dimension, supported by exact results for d=1.A series of recent publications, within the framework of network science, have focused on the coexistence of mixed attractive and repulsive (excitatory and inhibitory) interactions among the units within the same system, motivated by the analogies with spin glasses as well as to neural networks, or ecological systems. However, most of these investigations have been restricted to single layer networks, requiring further analysis of the complex dynamics and particular equilibrium states that emerge in multilayer configurations. This article investigates the synchronization properties of dynamical systems connected through multiplex architectures in the presence of attractive intralayer and repulsive interlayer connections. This setting enables the emergence of antisynchronization, i.e., intralayer synchronization coexisting with antiphase dynamics between coupled systems of different layers. We demonstrate the existence of a transition from interlayer antisynchronization to antiphase synchrony in any connected bipartite multiplex architecture when the repulsive coupling is introduced through any spanning tree of a single layer. We identify, analytically, the required graph topologies for interlayer antisynchronization and its interplay with intralayer and antiphase synchronization. Next, we analytically derive the invariance of intralayer synchronization manifold and calculate the attractor size of each oscillator exhibiting interlayer antisynchronization together with intralayer synchronization. The necessary conditions for the existence of interlayer antisynchronization along with intralayer synchronization are given and numerically validated by considering Stuart-Landau oscillators. Finally, we also analytically derive the local stability condition of the interlayer antisynchronization state using the master stability function approach.