Most ovarian cancers are infiltrated by prognostically relevant activated T cells1-3, yet exhibit low response rates to immune checkpoint inhibitors4. Memory B cell and plasma cell infiltrates have previously been associated with better outcomes in ovarian cancer5,6, but the nature and functional relevance of these responses are controversial. Here, using 3 independent cohorts that in total comprise 534 patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer, we show that robust, protective humoral responses are dominated by the production of polyclonal IgA, which binds to polymeric IgA receptors that are universally expressed on ovarian cancer cells. Notably, tumour B-cell-derived IgA redirects myeloid cells against extracellular oncogenic drivers, which causes tumour cell death. In addition, IgA transcytosis through malignant epithelial cells elicits transcriptional changes that antagonize the RAS pathway and sensitize tumour cells to cytolytic killing by T cells, which also contributes to hindering malignant progression. Thus, tumour-antigen-specific and -antigen-independent IgA responses antagonize the growth of ovarian cancer by governing coordinated tumour cell, T cell and B cell responses. These findings provide a platform for identifying targets that are spontaneously recognized by intratumoural B-cell-derived antibodies, and suggest that immunotherapies that augment B cell responses may be more effective than approaches that focus on T cells, particularly for malignancies that are resistant to checkpoint inhibitors.Cognitive and behavioural flexibility permit the appropriate adjustment of thoughts and behaviours in response to changing environmental demands. Brain mechanisms enabling flexibility have been examined using non-invasive neuroimaging and behavioural approaches in humans alongside pharmacological and lesion studies in animals. This work has identified large-scale functional brain networks encompassing lateral and orbital frontoparietal, midcingulo-insular and frontostriatal regions that support flexibility across the lifespan. Flexibility can be compromised in early-life neurodevelopmental disorders, clinical conditions that emerge during adolescence and late-life dementias. We critically evaluate evidence for the enhancement of flexibility through cognitive training, physical activity and bilingual experience.Altered functioning of GABAergic interneurons expressing parvalbumin (PV) in the basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical circuit are likely to be involved in several human psychiatric disorders characterized by deficits in attention and sensory gating with dysfunctional decision-making behavior. However, the contribution of these interneurons in the ability to acquire demanding learning tasks remains unclear. Here, we combine an operant conditioning task with local field potentials simultaneously recorded in several nuclei involved in reward circuits of wild-type (WT) and PV-deficient (PVKO) mice, which are characterized by changes in firing activity of PV-expressing interneurons. In comparison with WT mice, PVKO animals presented significant deficits in the acquisition of the selected learning task. Recordings from prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens (NAc) and hippocampus showed significant decreases of the spectral power in beta and gamma bands in PVKO compared with WT mice particularly during the performance of the operant conditioning task. From the first to the last session, at all frequency bands the spectral power in NAc tended to increase in WT and to decrease in PVKO. Results indicate that PV deficiency impairs signaling necessary for instrumental learning and the recognition of natural rewards.To date, little is known about the ecological significance of Comammox (COMplete AMMonia OXidizers) Nitrospira in the water column of freshwater lakes. Water samples collected along depth profiles were used to investigate the distribution of Comammox in 13 lakes characterized by a wide range of physicochemical properties. Several published primers, which target the α-subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase, generated non-specific PCR products or did not amplify target genes from lake water and other habitats. Therefore, a new primer set has been designed for specific detection of Comammox in lakes. The high specificity of the PCR assay was confirmed by sequencing analysis. Quantification of Comammox amoA genes in lake water samples based on droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) revealed very low abundances (not exceeding 85 amoA copies ml-1), which suggest that Comammox is of minor importance for the nitrification process in the water column of the study sites. Surprisingly, samples taken from the sediment/water-interface along an oxygen gradient in dimictic Piburger See showed Comammox abundances three to four magnitudes higher than in the pelagic realm of the lake, which indicates a preference of Comammox to a particle-attached lifestyle.Develop a rat model of hilar cholangiocarcinoma for detecting bile salt export pump (Bsep) expression in hilar cholangiocarcinoma tissues, in order to provide a new therapeutic target for the gene therapy of hilar cholangiocarcinoma. Sixty male Wistar rats (body weight, 190 ± 8 g) were randomly divided into three groups (the experimental group, the control group and the sham operation group, n = 20 each) as follows The three groups were fed a standard diet, the experimental group was injected by cholangiocarcinoma QBC939 cell suspension along the hilar bile duct into the bile duct bifurcation with microsyringe, the control group was injected by normal saline, the sham operation group did not inject anything. Every day assess the rats' mental state, diet, and motion by using Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan and combined behavioral score. At 4 weeks, one rat of the experimental group was sacrificed after it was administered anesthesia, and we recorded changes in hilar bile duct size, texture, and form. This procedure waerged from the bile ducts of rats in the experimental group. The Bsep/Gapdh mRNA ratio in hilar cholangiocarcinoma, control group and sham operation group differed markedly. Light microscopy revealed a granular pattern of Bsep protein expression which reacted with the anti-Bsep antibody. Each section was randomly divided into six regions, with 80 cells were observed in every region. Sections with > 10% positive cells were designated positive, Sections with  less then  10% positive cells were designated negative. Each group included 4800 cells. In the experimental group, 1200 cells (25%) were positive, in the control group, 3648 cells (76%) were positive and in the sham operation group 3598 cells (75%) were positive, and this difference was statistically significant. Bsep expression significantly decreased in hilar cholangiocarcinoma of rats than those in control group and sham operation group, suggesting that drugs targeting Bsep are a new strategy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma.