Willenstenhelia reductasp. nov. is attributed to a group of species composed of Wi. minuta, Wi. urania, and Wi. terpsichore characterized by the strongly reduced inner seta of the female P5 baseoendopod, but differs in the discrete female P5 baseoendopods and in the presence of one outer seta only on that segment. Willenstenhelia reductasp. nov. is defined here by the autapomorphic loss of the outermost seta of the female P5 baseoendopod.Two new species of the genus Troglopedetes Joseph, 1872 (T. meridionalissp. nov. and T. kaesp. nov.) are described from caves of the Thai peninsula. This is the first report of the genus south of the Kra Isthmus. The two new species have two rows of dental spines shared by all Thai Troglopedetes. They differ from other members of the genus mainly in the arrangement of dorsal chaetotaxy on head. The antennal chaetotaxy of the two species is analysed in detail in the second part of the paper. All types of antennal chaetae of both new species and their distribution patterns are described for each antennal segment scales, ordinary chaetae, S-chaetae and subapical organite of Ant. IV. Twenty different types of chaetae are recognised and all except one are present in both species. The total numbers of ordinary chaetae and S-chaetae and their patterns of distribution on antenna are very similar between the two species (483 vs. 518 ordinary chaetae; 207 vs. 208 S-chaetae). Each type of chaetae has its own distribution pattern, markedly contrasted between dorsal and ventral side of antennae, and between antennal segments. This diversity of morphologies and distribution patterns and their similarity between the two species, as well as differences with other species of the same family, suggest that antennal chaetotaxy could provide powerful new characters for the taxonomy of Troglopedetes and related genera.A definition of the Goniurosaurus yingdeensis group is presented in this study, on the basis of morphological and phylogenetic analyses based on a series of additional specimens. Moreover, a new species of this group, Goniurosaurus variussp. nov., is proposed for northern Guangdong Province, China. The new species can be distinguished from the other two congeners of this group by the following unique characters one or two internasals; enlarged supraorbital tubercles absent; paravertebral tubercles between limb insertions 27-29; dorsal tubercle rows at midbody 21-24; ten precloacal pores in males and absent in females; body bands with black spots; iris orange-red.A new species of the genus Megophrys is described from Guizhou Province, China. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial DNA indicated the new species as a clade clustered into the Megophrys clade. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters body size moderate (SVL 40.0-45.5 mm in males and 48.9-51.2 mm in females); vomerine teeth absent; tongue not notched behind; tympanum distinctly visible, oval; a small horn-like tubercle at the edge of each upper eyelid; two metacarpal tubercles in hand; toes with rudimentary webbing; heels overlapping when thighs are positioned at right angles to the body; tibiotarsal articulation reaching the level of mid-eye when leg stretched forward; in breeding males, an internal single subgular vocal sac present and brownish nuptial pads, made up of black nuptial spines, present on the dorsal base of the first two fingers.The biodiversity of mollusks, particularly cephalopods, has not been exhaustively determined in the Revillagigedos ecoregion, which is a biodiversity hotspot for several marine groups located in the Tropical East Pacific Province. In our study, we detected and examined ocellate octopuses from Socorro and Clarion Islands, and determined their identity using morphological criteria and molecular data from two mitochondrial genes (COIII and COI). The taxon identified was Octopus oculifer, a species considered endemic to the Galapagos Archipelago. In addition, according to our analyses, O. mimus, O. hubbsorum and O. oculifer are very closely related and may represent a species complex comprised of three morphotypes. We found that the evolutionary relationships among octopuses are not determined by the presence of ocelli. This study is the first to report a clade represented by ocellate and non-ocellate species, in addition, the identity of cephalopods in the Revillagigedos was determined with analytical support.Linnaeus described five species presently included in the genus Timarcha Chrysomela goettingensis, Tenebrio caeruleus, Tenebrio laevigatus, Tenebrio latipes, and Tenebrio rugosus. After a study of the relevant material, the identity of these species has been established. The following synonyms are proposed or confirmed Timarcha goettingensis (Linnaeus, 1758) = T. latipes (Linnaeus, 1767), syn. nov.; Timarcha caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758), comb. nov. = T. balearica Gory, 1833, syn. nov. = T. balearica Pérez Arcas, 1865, syn. nov.; Timarcha rugosa (Linnaeus, 1767) = T. scabra (Olivier, 1807), syn. conf. = T. generosa Erichson, 1841, syn. conf.; Timarcha laevigata (Linnaeus, 1767) = T. tenebricosa (Fabricius, 1775), syn. conf.. The type of Tenebrio caeruleus is a Chrysomelidae currently belonging to genus Timarcha and therefore can no longer be considered a Tenebrionidae (Helops caeruleus) nor the type species of genus Helops. For the sake of nomenclatural stability, an application to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature to change the relative precedence of Timarcha caerulea and retain usage of T. balearica will be made. An application to change the relative precedence of Timarcha laevigata has been submitted, which would lead to the conservation of usage of T. tenebricosa as valid. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/talabostat.html Lectotypes are designated for Chrysomela goettingensis, Tenebrio latipes, Tenebrio caeruleus, Timarcha balearica Gory, T. balearica Pérez Arcas, Tenebrio rugosus, Chrysomela scabra, Timarcha generosa, Tenebrio laevigatus, and Chrysomela tenebricosa. For each of the valid species the diagnosis, distribution, and host-plant data are reported.