Over the past ten years, cardiac MRI has become an indispensable tool for acute myocarditis diagnosis. Under appropriate conditions, cardiac MRI may allow postponement of initial coronary angiography in many instances. The 2020 ESC guidelines give a class I recommendation to its use in the setting of MINOCA for differential diagnosis between acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, Tako-Tsubo and other cardiac pathologies, in order to improve therapeutic management and follow-up. This article describes the technical characteristics of MRI in myocarditis (Lake Louise diagnostic criteria and criteria based on myocardial tissue mapping), the main differential diagnoses, the prognostic value and addresses the issue of myocarditis in the setting of COVID-19.Scimitar syndrome is a variant of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return with an aberrant vein, the Scimitar vein, draining the right lung to the inferior vena cava instead of the left atrium, resulting in a left-to-right shunt. The classic frontal radiographic finding, designated as "the scimitar sign", is of a scimitar (a Turkish sword) shaped density along the right cardiac border. The diagnosis can be made by echocardiography, and cardiac catheterisation remains the gold standard to assess the left-to-right shunt. However, the place of multimodal cardiac imaging by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging is increasing. We report the case of a 26 year-old man presenting with chest pain during a brief panic attack, in whom scimitar syndrome was associated with a bicuspid aortic valve, a clinical association rarely reported in the literature. CT and MRI cardiac imaging was as accurate as echocardiography and hemodynamics, particularly for shunt quantification.The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 disease has given rise to a new disease whose boundaries are still to be discovered. While the first data suggested a purely respiratory infection, the most recent publications highlight a large pleomorphism of the disease, responsible for multiple organ damage, of which cardiac injury seems to be the most represented. This cardiac injury can present as acute myocarditis. Our aim was to discuss the pathophysiological rationale underlying the existence of SARS-CoV-2 myocarditis and to analyze the literature data regarding the diagnosis and treatment of this particular entity.Vascular access site infections are infrequent and rarely reported as a potential complication of percutaneous cardiac intervention. A case of access site infection is reported with a literature review. Femoral access is mainly concerned in some circumstances delayed sheath withdrawal, vascular complications (hematoma, false-aneurysm, arteriovenous fistula), or use of hemostatic closure device. These infectious complications are always serious requiring medical and surgical treatment and potentially associated with life-threatening complications. Preventive measures should be applied in order to reduce the risks optimisation of femoral punctures with the support of echography guidance, avoid a new puncture in a area with hematoma, femoral angiographic evaluation and strict aseptic precautions with vascular closure devices, and obviously preferential choice of radial access.The COVID-19 pandemic had an unexpected impact on cardiovascular emergencies, particularly STEMI. The France PCI registry and other studies around the world have highlighted a significant decrease in myocardial infarctions arriving at hospital. This decrease is mainly related to patients' fear of coming to the hospital and being contaminated. Although the STEMI revascularisation time targets ( less then 120min) are often difficult to achieve in normal times, they were almost impossible to achieve in periods of lockdown because of the many obstacles. Longer delays and longer total ischemic time have led to excess mortality, especially in the regions most affected by the epidemic. Recommendations for the management of STEMI during the COVID-19 period have thus been issued by the scientific societies. STEMI in patients with COVID-19 often have an uncommon clinical presentation, and the absence of coronary obstruction on angiography is frequent. Their prognosis is very poor. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/npd4928.html Only public information campaigns and an organisation adapted to the management of coronary emergencies during epidemics can try to limit their effects and avoid aggravating an already fragile health situation in the future.Multiple sclerosis [MS] is a common inflammatory, demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system that affects both the brain and the spinal cord. In clinical practice, spinal cord MRI is performed far less frequently than brain MRI, mainly owing to technical limitations and time constraints. However, improvements of acquisition techniques, combined with a strong diagnosis and prognostic value, suggest an increasing use of spinal cord MRI in the near future. This review summarizes the current data from the literature on the prognostic value of spinal cord MRI in MS patients in the early and later stages of their disease. Both conventional and quantitative MRI techniques are discussed. The prognostic value of spinal cord lesions is clearly established at the onset of disease, underlining the interest of spinal cord conventional MRI at this stage. However, studies are currently lacking to affirm the prognostic role of spinal cord lesions later in the disease, and therefore the added value of regular follow-up with spinal cord MRI in addition to brain MRI. Besides, spinal cord atrophy, as measured by the loss of cervical spinal cord area, is also associated with disability progression, independently of other clinical and MRI factors including spinal cord lesions. Although potentially interesting, this measurement is not currently performed as a routine clinical procedure. Finally, other measures extracted from quantitative MRI have been established as valuable for a better understanding of the physiopathology of MS, but still remain a field of research. Occurrence of post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) after diagnostic lumbar puncture (LP) for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) may seem very unlikely in clinical practice. Nevertheless, it has been suggested by several studies, mainly in sub-group analyses. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of PDPH in an IIH population and determine any eventual predictive factors of PDPH occurrence. We conducted a retrospective multiple-center observational study. All newly diagnosed IIH patients who met the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3) or the Dandy modified criteria were included from three different French hospitals. They all underwent LP following the same process with the same type of needle. We recorded PDPH occurring within five days after LP, as defined by ICHD-3 criteria. Seventy-four IIH patients were recruited, of whom 23 (31%) presented with PDPH. Neither classical risk factors for PDPH such as body mass index, age or gender, nor cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure, or specific IIH features were associated with occurrence of PDPH.