CONCLUSION Serum lipid profile was significantly dysregulated in young female SLE patients. Moreover, SLE disease activity was correlated to the serum lipid levels, supporting the notion that the young patients with SLE might also have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.Hookworm infection is a major public health problem that threatens about 500 million people throughout tropical areas of the world. Adult hookworms survive for many years in the host intestine, where they suck blood, causing iron deficiency anemia and malnutrition. Numerous molecules, named excretory/secretory (ES) products, are secreted by hookworm adults and/or larvae to aid in parasite survival and pathobiology. Although the molecular cloning and characterization of hookworm ES products began 25 years ago, the biological role and molecular nature of many of them are still unclear. Hookworm ES products, with distinct structures and functions, have been linked to many essential events in the disease pathogenesis. These events include host invasion and tissue migration, parasite nourishment and reproduction, and immune modulation. Several of these products represent promising vaccine targets for controlling hookworm disease and therapeutic targets for many inflammatory diseases. This review aims to summarize our present knowledge about hookworm ES products, including their role in parasite biology, host-parasite interactions, and as vaccine and pharmaceutical targets and to identify research gaps and future research directions in this field.Circular RNAs (circRNAs), one type of non-coding RNA, were initially misinterpreted as nonfunctional products of pre-mRNA mis-splicing. Currently, circRNAs have been proven to manipulate the functions of diverse molecules, including non-coding RNAs, mRNAs, DNAs and proteins, to regulate cell activities in physiology and pathology. Accumulating evidence indicates that circRNAs play critical roles in tumor genesis, development, and sensitivity to radiation and chemotherapy. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are two primary types of intervention for most cancers, but their therapeutic efficacies are usually retarded by intrinsic and acquired resistance. Thus, it is urgent to develop new strategies to improve therapeutic responses. To achieve this, clarification of the underlying mechanisms affecting therapeutic responses in cancer is needed. This review summarizes recent progress and mechanisms of circRNAs in cancer resistance to radiation and chemotherapy, and it discusses the limitations of available knowledge and potential future directions.BACKGROUND Zika virus (ZIKV) is transmitted to humans during the bite of an infected mosquito. In a scenario of globalization and climate change, the frequency of outbreaks has and will increase in areas with competent vectors, revealing a need for continuous improvement of ZIKV detection tools in vector populations. A simple, rapid and sensitive assay for viral detection is quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), yet oligos optimized for ZIKV detection in mammalian cells and samples have repeatedly shown high background when used on mosquito ribonucleic acid (RNA). In this paper, we present a one-step qRT-PCR protocol that allows for the detection of ZIKV in mosquitoes and for the evaluation of gene expression from the same mosquito sample and RNA. This assay is a less expensive qRT-PCR approach than that most frequently used in the literature and has a much lower background, allowing confident detection. METHODS Our new oligo design to detect ZIKV RNA included in silico analysis of both viral and mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus) genomes, targeting sequences conserved between Asian and African ZIKV lineages, but not matching Aedes genomes. This assay will allow researchers to avoid nonspecific amplification in insect samples due to viral integration into the mosquito genome, a phenomenon known to happen in wild and colonized populations of mosquitoes. Standard curves constructed with in vitro transcribed ZIKV RNA were used to optimize the sensitivity, efficiency and reproducibility of the assay. RESULTS Finally, the assay was used with success to detect both ZIKV RNA in infected mosquitoes and to detect expression of the Defensin A gene, an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) involved in Aedes aegypti immune response to virus infection. CONCLUSIONS The experimental approach to detect ZIKV RNA in Aedes aegypti presented here has demonstrated to be specific, sensitive and reliable, and additionally it allows for the analysis of mosquito gene expression during ZIKV infection.BACKGROUND Communities' engagement in priority-setting is a key means for setting research topics and questions of relevance and benefit to them. However, without attention to dynamics of power and diversity, their engagement can be tokenistic. So far, there remains limited ethical guidance on how to share power with communities, particularly those considered disadvantaged and marginalised, in global health research priority-setting. This paper generates a comprehensive, empirically-based "ethical toolkit" to provide such guidance, further strengthening a previously proposed checklist version of the toolkit. The toolkit places community engagement and power-sharing at the heart of priority-setting for global health research projects. METHODS A two part method was used to generate a revised toolkit. Part one was conceptual, consisting of novel analysis of empirical data (previously collected as part of the same overall project) to identify additional concepts relevant to power-sharing between researchers and c(to be completed collectively) and a companion document detailing how to use them. It is more comprehensive than the initial toolkit, as worksheet questions for discussion cover all phases of priority-setting.BACKGROUND Primary care electronic medical record (EMR) data are emerging as a useful source for secondary uses, such as disease surveillance, health outcomes research, and practice improvement. These data capture clinical details about patients' health status, as well as behavioural risk factors, such as smoking. While the importance of documenting smoking status in a healthcare setting is recognized, the quality of smoking data captured in EMRs is variable. This study was designed to test methods aimed at improving the quality of patient smoking information in a primary care EMR database. METHODS EMR data from community primary care settings extracted by two regional practice-based research networks in Alberta, Canada were used. Patients with at least one encounter in the previous 2 years (2016-2018) and having hypertension according to a validated definition were included (nā€‰=ā€‰48,377). Multiple imputation was tested under two different assumptions for missing data (smoking status is missing at random and missing not-at-random).