7%) nasopharyngeal samples. Among positive isolates, co-trimoxazole (75.6%) and tetracycline (69.3%) resistance was the most common, followed by oxacillin (26.7%) and azithromycin (9.9%). Recent antibiotic use was associated with decreased pneumococcal carriage (odds ratio 0.56, 95% CI 0.33-0.93) at the individual level. There was no statistically significant relationship between antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance at the individual or community levels, although CIs were generally wide. https://www.selleckchem.com/ The prevalence of antibiotic resistance to commonly used antibiotics was high in the study area. Expanding antimicrobial resistance surveillance in areas with little population-based data will be important for informing policy related to antibiotic use.Despite the implementation of effective conjugate vaccines against the three main bacterial pathogens that cause meningitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A, the burden of meningitis in West Africa remains high. The relative importance of other bacterial, viral, and parasitic pathogens in central nervous system infections is poorly characterized. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens were collected from children younger than 5 years with suspected meningitis presenting at pediatric teaching hospitals across West Africa in five countries including Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and Niger. Cerebrospinal fluid specimens were initially tested using bacteriologic culture and a triplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, and H. influenzae for routine meningitis surveillance. A custom TaqMan Array Card (TAC) assay was later used to detect 35 pathogens including 15 bacteria, 17 viruses, one fungus, and two protozoans. Among 711 CSF specimens tested, the pathogen positivity rates were 2% and 20% by the triplex real-time PCR (three pathogens) and TAC (35 pathogens), respectively. TAC detected 10 bacterial pathogens, eight viral pathogens, and Plasmodium. Overall, Escherichia coli was the most prevalent (4.8%), followed by S. pneumoniae (3.5%) and Plasmodium (3.5%). Multiple pathogens were detected in 4.4% of the specimens. Children with HIV and Plasmodium detected in CSF had high mortality. Among 220 neonates, 17% had at least one pathogen detected, dominated by Gram-negative bacteria. The meningitis TAC enhanced the detection of pathogens in children with meningitis and may be useful for case-based meningitis surveillance.Febrile illnesses, such as malaria and pneumonia, are among the most common causes of mortality in children younger than 5 years in Uganda outside of the neonatal period. Their impact could be mitigated through earlier diagnosis and treatment at biomedical facilities; however, it is estimated that a large percentage of Ugandans (70-80%) seek traditional healers for their first line of medical care. This study sought to characterize individual and structural influences on health care-seeking behaviors for febrile children. Minimally structured, qualitative interviews were conducted for 34 caregivers of children presenting to biomedical and traditional healer sites, respectively. We identified six themes that shape the pathway of care for febrile children 1) peer recommendations, 2) trust in biomedicine, 3) trust in traditional medicine, 4) mistrust in providers and therapies, 5) economic resources and access to health care, and 6) perceptions of child health. Biomedical providers are preferred by those who value laboratory testing and formal medical training, whereas traditional healer preference is heavily influenced by convenience, peer recommendations, and firm beliefs in traditional causes of illness. However, most caregivers concurrently use both biomedical and traditional therapies for their child during the same illness cycle. The biomedical system is often considered as a backup when traditional healing "fails." Initiatives seeking to encourage earlier presentation to biomedical facilities must consider the individual and structural forces that motivate seeking traditional healers. Educational programs and cooperation with traditional healers may increase biomedical referrals and decrease time to appropriate care and treatment for vulnerable/susceptible children.Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas disease that infects more than seven million people in Latin America. The parasite is transmitted by triatomine insects, of which some species are often associated with palms. The establishment of oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis) in the Orinoco region (Colombia) has been rapidly growing, possibly constituting a new environment for the establishment and increase in triatomine populations. In this study, the potential of Rhodnius prolixus to colonize E. guineensis plantations and maintain T. cruzi transmission was assessed. Fieldwork was conducted in two areas located in the department of Casanare for sampling E. guineensis and Attalea butyracea palms, sampling for triatomines to determine their abundance and prevalence of T. cruzi infection. To assess T. cruzi transmission potential in the area, sylvatic and domestic mammals were sampled. Results showed that palm infestation with triatomines was higher in A. butyracea than in E. guineensis palms and T. cruzi infection in triatomines varied between habitats for one study area, but was constant in the other site. Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mammals in the E. guineensis plantations were mainly generalist rodents, suggesting that these mammals could have an important role in T. cruzi transmission in plantations. In conclusion, E. guineensis plantations in the Orinoco region are suitable habitats for R. prolixus and T. cruzi transmission.When considering methods of detecting Cryptosporidium in patient samples, clinical and public health laboratories have historically relied primarily on microscopy. However, microscopy is time intensive and requires trained personnel to accurately identify pathogens that are present. Even with skilled analysts, the parasitemia level has the potential to fall below the level of detection. In addition, public health laboratories do not always receive specimens in fixatives that are compatible with the desired microscopic method. Antigen-based and molecular methods have proven to be effective at identifying Cryptosporidium at low levels and require less training and hands-on time. Here, we have developed and validated a real-time PCR (RT-PCR) laboratory-developed test (LDT) that identifies Cryptosporidium hominis and Cryptosporidium parvum, and also includes detection at the genus level to identify additional species that occasionally cause disease in humans. Results of the molecular test were compared with those obtained from modified acid-fast microscopy, immunofluorescent microscopy, an antigen-based detection rapid test, and a commercial gastrointestinal panel (GI panel).