High-power silicon-based photodiodes are key components in many silicon photonics systems, such as microwave photonics systems, an optical interconnection system with multi-level modulation formats, etc. Usually, the saturation power of the silicon-germanium (Si-Ge) photodiode is limited by the space-charge screening (SCS) effect and the feasibility of the fabrication process. Here, we propose a high saturation power Si-Ge photodiode assisted by doping regulation. Through alleviating the SCS effect of the photodiode, we successfully demonstrate an 85.7% improvement on the saturation power and a 57% improvement on the -1 dB compression photocurrent. The proposed high-power Si-Ge photodiode requires no specific fabrication process and will promote the low-cost integrated silicon photonics systems for more applications.We report on an asymmetric high energy dual optical parametric amplifier (OPA) which is capable of having either the idlers, signals, or depleted pumps, relatively phase locked at commensurate or incommensurate wavelengths. Idlers and signals can be locked on the order of 200 mrad rms or better, corresponding to a 212 as jitter at λ=2 µm. The high energy arm of the OPA outputs a combined 3.5 mJ of signal and idler, while the low energy arm outputs 1.5 mJ, with the entire system being pumped with a 1 kHz, 18 mJ TiSapphire laser. Both arms are independently tunable from 1080 nm-2600 nm. The combination of relative phase locking, high output power and peak intensity, and large tunability makes our OPA an ideal tool for use in difference frequency generation (DFG) in the strong pump regime, and for high peak field waveform synthesis in the near-infrared. To demonstrate this ability we generate terahertz radiation through two color waveform synthesis in air plasma and show the influence of the relative phase on the generated terahertz intensity. The ability to phase lock multiple incommensurate wavelengths at high energies opens the door to a multitude of possibilities of strong pump DFG and waveform synthesis.We present an ultra-compact system approach for snapshot, multispectral imaging. It is based on a slanted linear variable spectral filter mounted in close proximity to the entrance pupil of a micro-optical, multi-aperture imaging system. A compact demonstration setup with a size of only 60 × 60 × 28 mm3 is developed, which enables the acquisition of 66 spectral channels in a single shot and offers a linear spectral sampling of approximately six nanometers over an extended wavelength range of 450-850 nm. The spatial sampling of each channel covers up to 400 × 400 pixels. First, the concept, the optical design and the fabrication are detailed. After the optical performance characterization, a comprehensive calibration strategy is developed and applied. An experimental demonstration is performed by acquiring the spatial and the spectral information of an imaged test scene.In an integral imaging near-eye light field display using a microlens array, a point on a reconstructed depth plane (RDP) is reconstructed by sampled rays. Previous studies respectively suggested the accommodative response may shift from the RDP under two circumstances (i) the RDP is away from the central depth plane (CDP) to introduce defocusing in sampled rays; (ii) the sampled ray number is too low. However, sampled rays' defocusing and number may interact, and the interaction's influence on the accommodative response has been little revealed. Therefore, this study adopts a proven imaging model providing retinal images to analyze the accommodative response. As a result, when the RDP and the CDP coincide, the accommodative response matches the RDP. When the RDP deviates from the CDP, defocusing is introduced in sampled rays, causing the accommodative response to shift from the RDP towards the CDP. For example, in a system with a CDP of 4 diopters (D) and 45 sampled rays, when the RDP is at 3, 2, 1, and 0 D, the accommodative response shifts to 3.25, 2.75, 2, and 1.75 D, respectively. With fewer rays, the accommodative response tends to further shift to the CDP. Eventually, with fewer than five rays, the eye accommodates to the CDP and loses the 3D display capacity. Moreover, under different RDPs, the ray number influences differently, and vice versa. An x-y polynomial equation containing three interactive terms is finally provided to reveal the interaction between RDP position and ray number. In comparison, in a pinhole-based system with no CDP, the accommodative response always matches the RDP when the sampled ray number is greater than five.A novel chaos system with XOR operations and multi-bit PRBS is proposed to improve the sequence complexity and the security of the classic electro-optic intensity chaos system. Through the bifurcation diagram and permutation entropy analysis, the PE can be increased to 0.99. The key space is enlarged because additional DSP parameters and PRBS are introduced. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/abc294640.html The impacts of ADC/DAC characteristics and PRBS characteristics are analyzed in detail. The simulation results show that the time delay signature can be concealed with the appropriate DSP parameters.Rare earth emitters are promising in integrated optics but require complex integration on silicon. In this work, we have fabricated an Y2O3Eu3+ micro-emitter on SiO2 on Si substrate without etching. Since pulsed laser deposition produces a high quality layer at room temperature, material can be locally deposited on top of substrates by lift-off processing. After annealing, microstructures exhibit good crystallographic quality with controlled dimensions for light confinement and narrow emission. This works allows envisioning rare-earth doped micro-photonic structures directly integrated on silicon without etching, which opens the way to integration of new functional materials on silicon platform.We propose a tunable dual-wavelength absorption (TDWA) switch based on an asymmetric guided mode resonance (AGMR) structure. A TDWA switch consists of a graphene layer and an AGMR structure sandwiched by cap and slab layers on a buffer/silicon substrate. The AGMR structure adds a smaller grating unit cell next to a larger one, exciting a second resonance close to but distinct from the first resonance. For switching, the TDWA between an absorptive or reflective mode with each on-/off-state, the chemical potential of graphene is tuned from 0.0 eV to 0.6 eV. For the absorptive mode, two absorption peaks of ≥ 96.2% are separated by 23 nm, both having an on-off ratio of ∼15.52. For the reflective mode, two reflectance peaks of ≥ 93.8% are separated by 23 nm, having on-off ratios of 15.56 dB and 18.95 dB. The maximum on-off ratios of 39.98 dB and 34.55 dB are achieved near the reflectance peaks. Both the period of the AGMR and the cap thickness alters the two peak wavelengths linearly, while the grating width of the AGMR varies nonlinearly from 17 nm to 28 nm.