Transwell migration assays revealed that the TGF-β1-mediated transition from GFs to CAFs enhanced tumor cell migration. This migratory effect was abrogated by an anti-TGF-β1 antibody, suggesting that TGF-β1 secreted from GIST cells or CAFs is associated with GIST migration via GF-to-CAF transition. In addition, the murine spleen-to-liver metastasis model showed that GF pre-treated with TGF-β1 promoted GIST metastasis. Collectively, these findings reveal unappreciated crosstalk among tumor cells, CAFs, and normal resident fibroblasts in the stroma of sarcomas, which enhances a GF-to-CAF transition associated with tumor migration and metastasis.It remains unknown for decades how some of the therapeutic fusion proteins positive in a small percentage of cancer cells account for patient outcome. Here, we report that osteosarcoma Rab22a-NeoF1 fusion protein, together with its binding partner PYK2, is sorted into exosomes by HSP90 via its KFERQ-like motif (RVLFLN142). The exosomal Rab22a-NeoF1 fusion protein facilitates the pulmonary pre-metastatic niche formation by recruiting bone marrow-derived macrophages. The exosomal PYK2 activates RhoA in its negative recipient osteosarcoma cells and induces signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activation in its recipient macrophages to increase M2 phenotype. Consequently, lung metastases of its recipient osteosarcoma cells are promoted by this exosomal Rab22a-NeoF1 fusion protein, and this event can be targeted by disrupting its interaction with PYK2 using a designed internalizing RGD peptide.BACKGROUND Teratoma, a tumor containing a variety of tissues, is a broad diagnosis containing mature teratoma, immature teratoma, and teratomas with malignant transformation. The tumor forms during embryological development secondary to unsuccessful migration of primordial germ cells. A specific type of mature teratoma, containing human-like features, is called a fetiform teratoma. The fetiform teratoma is often compared and confused with fetus in fetu, a reabsorbed twin. While these tumors have commonly been described in the gonads, the retroperitoneal location finding on antenatal imaging is rare. The distinction between the aforementioned subtypes is not well established, proving a challenging diagnosis prior to resection. CASE REPORT We present a case of a newborn male with a prenatal diagnosis of retroperitoneal cystic mass. Although prenatal imaging was obtained, the diagnosis remained unclear. After birth, planned surgical excision on day of life 7 showed the suprarenal mass contained contiguous intestinal elements. Histopathology examination revealed a mature cystic teratoma with multiple tissue types, including colonic, brain, respiratory, lymphatics, and nerves, reminiscent of fetiform teratoma. This case report presents an interesting example of differentiating elements straddling the diagnoses mentioned above. CONCLUSIONS This is the first reported case of fetiform teratoma diagnosed in a newborn and is especially unique for having the element of intestinal duplication within the retroperitoneal mass. The differentiating features of fetus in fetu and fetiform teratoma depend on subjective distinctions. The case provides an opportunity to discuss the differentials and management strategies.BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ¹³¹I therapy on complete blood count (CBC) in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). MATERIAL AND METHODS We analyzed CBC in 542 patients with DTC who were grouped according to treatment cycles and cumulative dose and then subdivided by sex and age. The effects of ¹³¹I therapy among the different groups and subgroups were analyzed. RESULTS After sorting patients by treatment cycles and doses, ¹³¹I therapy was found to have different effects on CBC depending on patient sex and age. The effect on white blood cell (WBC) counts persisted longer in women, while increases in hemoglobin (Hb) were more significant in men. The influence on red blood cell (RBC) counts was short-lived in patients aged 45 to 54 years. Monocyte counts were significantly decreased only in patients aged 55 years and older who had undergone 3 or 4 treatment cycles. In men, CBC was more affected by cumulative dose. ¹³¹I therapy only influenced platelet and monocyte counts in patients aged 55 years or older. Hb was significantly decreased and increased in the high- and low-dose groups, respectively. No significant complications were observed during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS ¹³¹I therapy had a greater impact on WBC counts in women, while changes in RBC counts and Hb were more obvious in men. During ¹³¹I therapy, clinicians should pay attention to different CBC indicators based on a patient's sex and age, but risks associated with an altered CBC are unlikely to outweigh the benefits of 131I. The results of the present study may help alleviate the concerns of a large proportion of patients with DTC and their families about the effects of ¹³¹I therapy on CBC. The present study proposed a new classification system based on computed tomography (CT) scan appraisal; this enables the surgeon to identify the extent of the defect and helps to execute the proper treatment plan. Various terminologies and classifications were proposed to understand developmental defects. But none of the existing classifications/nomenclatures used the preoperative radiographic evaluation (i.e., computed tomography scan-CT scan) in the management and prognosis. Various treatments were advocated and practiced successfully for the surgical correction of lip and palate. The available CT scans from archives of the Department of Radiology and Oral and Dental Surgery were evaluated (retrospectively) for cleft alveolus and its morphology as per the proposal. The English language literature was searched in the MEDLINE database without date restriction to revise existing literature on numerous classification systems/nomenclatures using MeSH keywords related to cleft lip, palate, alveolus, develoanagement modalities like CAD/CAM guided templates to support graft for successful management. The classification system will help the medical and surgical fraternity in various aspects. The three-dimensional modeling of defect and printing of a defect model using additive manufacturing technology helps the surgeon for presurgical visualization and virtual planning in a better way. This strategy of defect classification using a CT scan will help obtain better clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.