No patient needed intraoperative or postoperative opioids. The numeric rating scale, recorded at 0, 2, 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours, was greater than 3 in only five patients. We believe that if in the future we try to make quadrantectomy an intervention in which the anaesthesia is exclusively regional, therefore with a patient awake and collaborating, it will not be possible to ignore the use of thoracic paravertebral block. We believe that if in the future we try to make quadrantectomy an intervention in which the anaesthesia is exclusively regional, therefore with a patient awake and collaborating, it will not be possible to ignore the use of thoracic paravertebral block.SARS-CoV-2 is a new pathogen responsible for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Southeast Asia was the first region to be affected outside China, and although COVID-19 cases have been reported in all countries of Southeast Asia, both the policies and epidemic trajectories differ substantially, potentially due to marked differences in social distancing measures that have been implemented by governments in the region. This paper studies the across-country relationships between social distancing and each population's response to policy, the subsequent effects of these responses to the transmissibility and epidemic trajectories of SARS-CoV-2. The analysis couples COVID-19 case counts with real-time mobility data across Southeast Asia to estimate the effects of host population response to social distancing policy and the subsequent effects on the transmissibility and epidemic trajectories of SARS-CoV-2. A novel inference strategy for the time-varying reproduction number is developed to allow explicit inference of the effects of social distancing on the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 through a regression structure. This framework replicates the observed epidemic trajectories across most Southeast Asian countries, provides estimates of the effects of social distancing on the transmissibility of disease and can simulate epidemic histories conditional on changes in the degree of intervention scenarios and compliance within Southeast Asia.Demands for research to generate impact, along with proliferating institutional regimes for evaluating impact, are a ubiquitous aspect of contemporary scientific practice. Based on participant observation at an agro-environmental research institute in southwest China, this article explores three iterations of a tool for planning and evaluating impactful science called 'theory of change' (TOC). Despite their ostensible common grounding in TOC, I show how an impact scientist's framework, a donor's monitoring and evaluation regime, and a communication consultant's branding strategy each suggest very different normative structures for scientific practice. These structures entail particular horizons towards which scientific research is to be practiced, precise points in time at which the future effects of research are to be anticipated, and specific assumptions about how scientists' agency should play out across time. Taking the peculiar sensibilities of TOC as a comparative framework, I illuminate IFF scientists' implicit imaginations of how contemporary science does and should generate effects in the world.In this coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) era, when pneumonitis occurs in patients with lung cancer receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), a major challenge is to make a rapid and correct differential diagnosis among drug-induced pulmonary toxicity, tumour progression, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-induced pneumonitis. While waiting for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing results, an accurate evaluation of the symptoms and serologic features can help us make a first diagnostic hypothesis and quickly start correct treatment. Physicians need a collaborative effort to develop and share a common database reporting clinical (anosmia, dysgeusia), serologic, and radiologic data in ICI-treated patients with lung cancer developing interstitial disease to create an evidence-based clinical diagnostic algorithm. This tool will continue to be helpful when we emerge from the pandemic crisis into a world in which COVID-19 may not have been eradicated to better select the target population requiring the most resource-consuming PCR tests.We report a case of Mycoplasma genitalium-positive non-gonococcal urethritis who failed to respond to multiple different courses of antibiotics including azithromycin, minocycline, moxifloxacin and spectinomycin. Extracted M. genitalium DNA from urethral swabs obtained from the patient harbored mutations of 23S rRNA, parC and gyrA. Microbiological cure was eventually achieved by a 14-day course of doxycycline.The concept of vaginal dysbiosis was for long considered synonymous with bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is characterized by a homogenous non-inflammatory vaginal discharge. The inflammatory variant of vaginal dysbiosis, called aerobic vaginitis (AV), has remained unknown to a large part of the global dermatology and venereology community, gynaecologists and reproductive tract infection specialists with consequential under diagnosis. AV significantly differs from BV, in clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria and management. The deleterious impact of untreated AV on pregnancy merits discussion. Understanding AV is also crucial for better comprehension of desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV), the most severe form of the same entity. We review the condition's epidemiology, risk factors and suspected aetiology, symptoms and signs, and the latest evidence-backed approach to diagnosis and treatment. The ideal diagnostic approach and treatment for AV/DIV are yet to be established. The currently recommended diagnostic approach for AV/DIV merits an overhaul by incorporating changes to render it feasible for resource-constraint countries. The diagnostic criteria lack a uniform applicability in different physiological groups of women and cannot be used in postpartum or postmenopausal states at the same cut-off levels. Similarly, treatment guidelines merit a relook, and customization, given the equivocality of options suggested by different investigators.