Metamaterial (MM) sensors and devices, usually consisting of artificially structured composite materials with engineered responses that are mainly determined by the unit structure rather than the bulk properties or composition, offer new functionalities not readily available in nature. A set of implantable and resorbable therapeutic MM devices at terahertz (THz) frequencies are designed and fabricated by patterning magnesium split ring resonators on drug-loaded silk protein substrates with controllable device degradation and drug release rates. To demonstrate proof-of-concept, a set of silk-based, antibiotics-loaded MM devices, which can serve as degradable antibacterial skin patches with capabilities to monitor drug-release in real time are fabricated. The extent of drug release, which correlates with the degradation of the MM skin patch, can be monitored by analyzing the resonant responses in reflection during degradation using a portable THz camera. Animal experiments are performed to demonstrate the in vivo degradation process and the efficacy of the devices for antibacterial treatment. Thus, the implantable and resorbable therapeutic MM devices do not need to be retrieved once implanted, providing an appealing alternative for in-vivo sensing and in situ treatment applications. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Physical examinations are recommended as part of a comprehensive evaluation for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. These examinations should include assessment for morphological variants. Previous studies have shown an increase in morphological variants in individuals with NDDs, particularly ASD, and that these variants may be present in greater amounts in individuals with genetic alterations. Unfortunately, assessment for morphological variants can be subjective and time-consuming, and require a high degree of clinical expertise. Therefore, objective, automated methods of morphological assessment are desirable. This study compared the use of Face2Gene, an automated tool to explore facial morphological variants, to clinical consensus assessment, using a cohort of N = 290 twins enriched for NDDs (n = 135 with NDD diagnoses). Agreement between automated and clinical assessments were satisfactory to complete (78.3-100%). In our twin sample, individuals with NDDs did not have greater numbers of facial morphological variants when compared to those with typical development, nor when controlling for shared genetic and environmental factors within twin pairs. Common facial morphological variants in those with and without NDDs were similar and included thick upper lip vermilion, abnormality of the nasal tip, long face, and upslanted palpebral fissure. We conclude that although facial morphological variants can be assessed reliably in NDDs with automated tools like Face2Gene, clinical utility is limited when just exploring the facial region. Therefore, currently, automated assessments may best complement, rather than replace, in-person clinical assessments. © 2020 The Authors. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.OBJECTIVE To provide reference data regarding frequency and safety of elective termination of pregnancy (ETOP) in women with autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARD) followed in two referral databases. METHODS Two large databases, a referral ARD clinical practice (BVC) with a known interest in pregnancy and an observational study of SLE and antiphospholipid antibody-associated pregnancies (PROMISSE), were interrogated for histories of prior ETOP and complications related to incident ETOP. RESULTS Of women who had had prior pregnancies, 21.7% of 1,307 women in the BVC database and 25.3% of 297 patients in the PROMISSE database gave histories of 1 to 5 prior ETOPs; BVC patients reported no flare-up or hospitalizable complication due to ETOP. Of 674 incident pregnancies, termination for fetal or maternal reasons was recommended for 15 (2%); of these, 2 fetuses died before the procedure was carried out and one woman declined termination and though gravely ill successfully delivered. She died of cardiomyopathy three years later. CONCLUSION Many ARD patients undergo ETOP; few report complications. In medically indicated ETOP there are no adverse signals of unusual complications or disease flare. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Molecular shape and pharmacological function are interconnected. To capture shape, the fractal dimensionality concept was employed, providing a natural similarity measure for the virtual screening of de novo generated small molecules mimicking the structurally complex natural product (-)-englerin A. Two of the top-ranking designs were synthesized and tested for their ability to modulate transient receptor potential (TRP) cation channels which are cellular targets of (-)-englerin A. Intracellular calcium assays and electrophysiological whole-cell measurements of TRPC4 and TRPM8 channels revealed potent inhibitory effects of one of the computer-generated compounds. Four derivatives of this identified hit compound had comparable effects on TRPC4 and TRPM8. The results of this study corroborate the use of fractal dimensionality as an innovative shape-based molecular representation for molecular scaffold-hopping. © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.Extensive vaccination against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) induced more selective immune pressure from hosts that enhanced the evolutionary process of NDV. Herein, we characterized 13 recently isolated NDV isolates from vaccinated chicken flocks during 2014-2017. Sequence analysis of F gene showed the presence of 112 RRQKRF117 velogenic cleavage motif in 11 isolates, whereas the other two isolates (Ck/ME3/Eg/16 and Ck/ME5/Eg/16) showed the monobasic motif 112 GGRQGRL117 . Interestingly, isolate Ck/ME5/Eg/16 showed 100% and 99.82% nucleotide identity with the LaSota F gene hypervariable region and full-length gene, respectively. On the other hand, isolate Ck/ME3/Eg/16 revealed natural recombination with strains NDV/Ck/Egypt/3/2006 and NDV/Teal/VRLCU/Egypt/2015 that indicates re-emergence of that old strain. Interestingly, all 13 isolates showed high intracerebral pathogenicity (ICPI) and mean death time (MDT) despite the presence of lentogenic motif in both Ck/ME5/Eg/16 and Ck/ME3/Eg/16 isolates. Comparative analysis of F antigenic epitopes in our isolates with other published sequences from Egypt revealed high sequence conservation; recent isolates had one fixed amino acid substitution (K78R) and a novel V168I substitution, whereas a D170N substitution was detected in older strains (NDV-EG-35-2014 and NDV-KFR-B7-2012).