Crustaceans, including crab and shrimp, generally lack lymphocytes or adaptive immunity, and they rely solely on innate immunity for pathogen defense. The white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) causes the most prevalent viral disease in penaeid shrimps, which are widely cultured species in coastal waters worldwide. Numerous studies have elucidated the role of the immune system in protecting shrimps from WSSV infection for the development of safe and effective defensive strategies against WSSV. Although WSSV has a wide host range, it appears to exhibit high pathogenicity and virulence in only penaeid shrimps. Crabs are interesting models for studying immune responses after WSSV infection. Therefore, we reviewed recent information on the innate immune responses of crabs to WSSV and mainly focused on the antiviral functions of exosome-mediated apoptosis and alternatively spliced Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule. Our review may provide novel insights into antiviral management for crustaceans, especially penaeid shrimps. Although tissue clearing and subsequent whole-brain imaging is now possible, standard protocols need to be adjusted to the innate properties of each specific tissue for optimal results. This work modifies exiting protocols to clear fragile brain samples and documents a downstream pipeline for image processing and data analysis. We developed a clearing protocol, CUBIC-f, which we optimized for fragile samples, such as the salamander brain. We modified hydrophilic and aqueous' tissue-clearing methods based on Advanced CUBIC by incorporating Omnipaque 350 for refractive index matching. By combining CUBIC-f, light sheet microscopy and bioinformatic pipelines, we quantified neuronal cell density, traced genetically marked fluorescent cells over long distance, and performed high resolution characterization of neural progenitor cells in the salamander brain. We also found that CUBIC-f is suitable for conserving tissue integrity in embryonic mouse brains. CUBIC-f shortens clearing and staining times, and requires less reagent use than Advanced CUBIC and Advanced CLARITY. CUBIC-f is suitable for conserving tissue integrity in embryonic mouse brains, larval and adult salamander brains which display considerable deformation using traditional CUBIC and CLARITY protocols. CUBIC-f is suitable for conserving tissue integrity in embryonic mouse brains, larval and adult salamander brains which display considerable deformation using traditional CUBIC and CLARITY protocols.Allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds are among the most important food-related causes of anaphylaxis. Important clinical questions include Why is there a variable occurrence of coallergy among these foods and Is this immunologically mediated? The clinical and immunologic data summarized here suggest an immunologic basis for these coallergies that is based on similarities among the 2S albumins. Data from component resolved diagnostics have highlighted the relationship between IgE binding to these allergens and the presence of IgE-mediated food allergy. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo experiments provide strong evidence that the 2S albumins are the most important allergens in peanuts for inducing an allergic effector response. Although the 2S albumins are diverse, they have a common disulfide-linked core with similar physicochemical properties that make them prime candidates to explain much of the observed coallergy among peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds. The well-established frequency of cashew and pistachio nut coallergy (64%-100%) highlights how the structural similarities among their 2S albumins may account for observed clinical cross-reactivity. A complete understanding of the physicochemical properties of the 2S albumins in peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds will enhance our ability to diagnose, treat, and ultimately prevent these allergies.We provide an overview of the methods that can be used for prediction under uncertainty and data fitting of dynamical systems, and of the fundamental challenges that arise in this context. The focus is on SIR-like models, that are being commonly used when attempting to predict the trend of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we raise a warning flag about identifiability of the parameters of SIR-like models; often, it might be hard to infer the correct values of the parameters from data, even for very simple models, making it non-trivial to use these models for meaningful predictions. Most of the points that we touch upon are actually generally valid for inverse problems in more general setups.At implantation, the mouse embryo undergoes a critical transformation which requires the precise spatiotemporal control of signalling pathways necessary for morphogenesis and developmental progression. The role played by such signalling pathways during this transition are largely unexplored, due to the inaccessibility of the embryo during the implantation when it becomes engulfed by uterine tissues. Genetic studies demonstrate that mutant embryos for BMPs die around gastrulation. Here we have aimed to dissect the role of BMPs during pre-to post-implantation transition by using a protocol permitting the development of the embryo beyond implantation stages in vitro and using stem cells to mimic post-implantation tissue organisation. By assessing both the canonical and non-canonical mechanisms of BMP, we show that the loss of canonical BMP activity compromises the extra-embryonic ectoderm development. Our analyses demonstrate that BMP signalling maintains stem cell populations within both embryonic/extra-embryonic tissues during pre-to post-implantation development. These results may provide insight into the role played by BMP signalling in controlling early embryogenesis.The development of joints in the mammalian skeleton depends on the precise regulation of multiple interacting signaling pathways including the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway, a key regulator of joint development, digit patterning, skeletal growth, and chondrogenesis. Mutations in the BMP receptor ACVR1 cause the rare genetic disease fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) in which extensive and progressive extra-skeletal bone forms in soft connective tissues after birth. These mutations, which enhance BMP-pSmad1/5 pathway activity to induce ectopic bone, also affect skeletal development. FOP can be diagnosed at birth by symmetric, characteristic malformations of the great toes (first digits) that are associated with decreased joint mobility, shortened digit length, and absent, fused, and/or malformed phalanges. To elucidate the role of ACVR1-mediated BMP signaling in digit skeletal development, we used an Acvr1R206H/+;Prrx1-Cre knock-in mouse model that mimics the first digit phenotype of human FOP.