Structural and dynamic characterizations were rationally correlated to the modulation of peroxidase activity in these mutants in comparison to the WT hCytc. We found that the cysteine mutations at residues T28 and G34, both located in the same region of Ω-loop, developed different conformations and dynamical properties that lead to different effects on the rates of peroxidase activity (G34C was ~2.6 folds higher), whereas the rate of G34C was closer to that of A50C mutant. The results implied that the flexibility and local structures of the proximal Ω-loop could also play an important role in modulating the peroxidase activity which can be associated to apoptosis. Patients with refractory angina (RA) have poor quality of life and new therapies are needed. XC001 is a novel adenoviral vector expressing multiple isoforms of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promoting an enhanced local angiogenic effect. The Epicardial Delivery of XC001 Gene Therapy for Refractory Angina Coronary Treatment (EXACT) trial is a 6-month (with 6-month extension) phase 1/2, first-in-human, multicenter, open-label, single-arm, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy of XC001 in patients with RA. The trial will enroll 33 patients in an initial (n = 12) ascending dose-escalation phase (1×10 , 1×10 , 4×10 , and 1×10 viral particles), followed by phase 2 (n = 21) assessing the highest tolerated dose. Patients must have stable Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) class II-IV angina on maximally tolerated medical therapy without options for conventional revascularization, demonstrable ischemia on stress testing, and angina limiting exercise tolerance. XC001 will be delivered directly to ischemic myocardium via surgical transthoracic epicardial access. The primary outcome is safety via adverse event monitoring through 6 months. Efficacy assessments include difference from baseline to month 6 in time to 1 mm of ST segment depression, time to angina, and total exercise duration; myocardial blood flow at rest, and stress and coronary flow reserve by positron emission tomography; quality of life; CCS functional class; and angina frequency. The EXACT trial will determine whether direct intramyocardial administration of XC001 in patients with RA is safe and evaluate its effect on exercise tolerance, myocardial perfusion, angina and physical activity, informing future clinical investigation. NCT04125732. NCT04125732. Hemoglobin A (HbA ) is widely used to measure glycemic status and control in diabetes testing and treatment and is an important risk factor forcomplications of diabetes. Hemoglobin variants can interfere with the HbA testing method by reducing the life span of erythrocytes or due to differences in glycation degrees. In this study, glycation levels of the HbA, HbG-Coushatta, and HbG-Taipei β-chains (βA, βG-Coushatta, and βG-Taipei, respectively) were examined. Blood samples from heterozygotic patients (HbG-Coushatta/HbA, HbG-Taipei/HbA) were analyzed. Glycation rateswere determined using high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Ratios of glycated βG-Coushatta to glycated βA and glycated βG-Taipei to glycated βA were calculated by comparingareas under the curves from extracted ion chromatograms. βG-Coushatta and βG-Taipei were 6.08±1.38% and 5.95±0.93% glycated (respectively), which were significantly higher than βA chains(4.55±1.30% and 4.51±0.91%, respectively; p=0.000). The total glycation degree (α+β) in HbG-Coushatta and HbG-Taipei heterozygotes were estimated to be 9% and 8% higher than those of HbA homozygotes (P<0.001), respectively. βG-Coushatta and βG-Taipei glycation degrees were significantly higher than βA, while the differences in total hemoglobin (α+β) were small and unlikely to impact the clinical interpretation of HbA results. βG-Coushatta and βG-Taipei glycation degrees were significantly higher than βA, while the differences in total hemoglobin (α + β) were small and unlikely to impact the clinical interpretation of HbA1c results.Sexual systems are surprisingly diverse, considering the ubiquity of sexual reproduction. Sequential hermaphroditism, the ability of an individual to change sex, has emerged multiple times independently across the animal kingdom. In molluscs, repeated shifts between ancestrally separate sexes and hermaphroditism are generally found at the level of family and above, suggesting recruitment of deeply conserved mechanisms. Despite this, molecular mechanisms of sexual development are poorly known. In molluscs with separate sexes, endocrine disrupting toxins bind the retinoid X receptor (RXR), activating ectopic male development in females, suggesting the retinoid pathway as a candidate controlling sexual transitions in sequential hermaphrodites. We therefore tested the role of retinoic acid signaling in sequentially hermaphroditic Crepidula snails, which develop first into males, then change sex, maturing into females. We show that retinoid agonists induce precocious penis growth in juveniles and superimposition of male development in females. Combining RXR antagonists with retinoid agonists significantly reduces penis length in induced juveniles, while similar treatments using retinoic acid receptor (RAR) antagonists increase penis length. Transcripts of both receptors are expressed in the induced penis. Our findings therefore show that retinoid signaling can initiate molluscan male genital development, and regulate penis length. Further, we show that retinoids induce ectopic male development in multiple Crepidula species. Species-specific influence of conspecific induction of sexual transitions correlates with responsiveness to retinoids. We propose that retinoid signaling plays a conserved role in molluscan male development, and that shifts in the timing of retinoid signaling may have been important for the origins of sequential hermaphroditism within molluscs.Active tobacco smoking, passive smoking, and e-cigarette smoking have been associated with different systemic and ocular diseases. The precorneal tear film plays an important role in eye health and its analysis can provide useful information on ocular status. This review investigates the effects of different types of smoking on the precorneal tear film, by analyzing the peer-reviewed literature on this topic. Specifically, tear evaporation rate, stability, volume, ferning, osmolarity, and physical composition (lipids and proteins) of tear film are detailed. Most of the reported works show that cigarette smoking reduces tear film stability and quality by affecting its components. This review highlights that smoking severely affects the tear film, but a single test is not sufficient to determine these effects because smoking can impact different parts of the eye.