The presence of vancomycin hydrochloride influenced not only the degree of polymerization and PMMA tacticity and crystallinity, but in turn also the wear behavior. Actually, Spacer K retrievals were found more affected by in vivo implantation than Vancogenx-space knee ones, revealing slight variations in polymer tacticity and crystallinity and relative radiopacifier content, besides release of MMA and additives of polymerization. However, these changes did not appear worrisome, due to the temporary nature of the prosthesis. In view of these results, the addition of vancomycin hydrochloride could offer an advantage, in spite of the higher costs requested and the potential risks of its unselective use.Altered signaling through transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) increases the risk of aortic dissection in patients, which has been confirmed in mouse models. It is well known that altered TGFβ signaling affects matrix turnover, but there has not been a careful examination of associated changes in structure-function relations. In this paper, we present new findings on the rupture potential of the aortic wall following late postnatal smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific disruption of type I and II TGFβ receptors in a mouse model with demonstrated dissection susceptibility. Using a combination of custom computer-controlled biaxial tests and quantitative histology and immunohistochemistry, we found that loss of TGFβ signaling in SMCs compromises medial properties but induces compensatory changes in the adventitia that preserve wall strength above that which is needed to resist in vivo values of wall stress. These findings emphasize the different structural defects that lead to aortic dissection and rupture - compromised medial integrity and insufficient adventitial strength, respectively. Relative differences in these two defects, in an individual subject at a particular time, likely reflects the considerable phenotypic diversity that is common in clinical presentations of thoracic aortic dissection and rupture. There is, therefore, a need to move beyond examinations of bulk biological assays and wall properties to cell- and layer-specific studies that delineate pathologic and compensatory changes in wall biology and composition, and thus the structural integrity of the aortic wall that can dictate differences between life and death.Accurate understanding of the relationship between urban land morphology and the concentration of PM2.5 is essential for achieving high-quality development of urban agglomerations. Based on a mechanism framework of "Internal-External driving force", 19 Chinese urban agglomerations at different development levels were analysed using the geographically weighted regression model to evaluate the impacts of urban land morphology on PM2.5 concentrations in years 2000-2017. The results show (1) The PM2.5 average concentrations of all 19 urban agglomerations continue to increase from 30 μg/m3 in 2000 to 52 μg/m3 in 2007 but decreased to 34 μg/m3 in 2017. The changes in PM2.5 concentrations vary for urban agglomerations at different development levels. Spatial differences in PM2.5 concentrations are significant, forming a pattern that decreases from the centre to the periphery regions; (2) The urban land morphology of the entire urban agglomeration areas has undergone significant changes. The fractal dimension index (from 4.150 to 2.731) and the compactness (from 0.647 to 0.635) showed a downward trend, while the shape indices (from 1.421 to 1.606) demonstrated an increasing trend. National-level urban agglomerations are more compact and more complex in shape, while more fragmented are regional and local urban agglomerations; (3) Different parameters of urban land morphology have varying effects on PM2.5 concentration varies and at different development levels of urban agglomerations. The combination of urban land morphology, socio-economic factors, and natural elements has a complex effect on PM2.5 concentrations. It can contribute to understanding the linkage between urban land morphology and PM2.5, providing references for future studies.European policies regarding global warming have been outspread the last few decades with many initiatives focusing on industrial production process. In this paper we model eco-efficiency (ECOE) performance under a metafrontier (MF) framework for 14 industries of the manufacturing sector from 27 European countries over the 1995-2011 period. The utilization of NOx, SOx, CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, NMVOC and NH3 as undesirable outputs represent the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In a first stage, we estimate eco-efficiency using a conventional Directional Distance Function (DDF) as well as a non-radial slack-based DDF (DDFS) approach. In the second stage of our analysis, we investigate the existence of conditional and unconditional convergence by employing several methodologies. Our results point out that heavy industries perform eco-inefficiently. In addition, our results support the non-convergence hypothesis and the creation of discrete clubs with uneven characteristics when the distributional dynamics approach and the recent approach of Phillips and Sul (PS) come into play. Finally, the establishment of a catch-up index indicate that technological spillovers do exist but with a small effect.Since long ago, pelagic Sargassum mats have been known to be abundant in the Sargasso Sea, where they provide habitat to diverse organisms. However, over the last few years, massive amounts of pelagic Sargassum have reached the coast of several countries in the Caribbean and West Africa, causing economic and environmental problems. Aiming for lessening the impacts of the blooms, governments and private companies remove the seaweeds from the shore, but this process results expensive. The valorization of this abundant biomass can render Sargassum tides into an economic opportunity and concurrently solve their associated environmental problems. Despite the diverse fields where algae have found applications and the relevance of this recurrent situation, Sargassum biomass remains without large scale applications. Therefore, this review aims to present the potential uses of these algae, identifying the limitations that must be assessed to effectively valorize this bioresource. Due to the constraints identified for each of the presented applications, it is concluded that a biorefinery approach should be developed to effectively valorize this abundant biomass.