Furthermore, the specificity of scrunching allows this protocol to be used in conjunction with RNA interference and/or pharmacological exposure to dissect the molecular targets and neuronal circuits involved, potentially providing mechanistic insight into important aspects of nociception and neuromuscular communication.Single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) allows for counting the absolute number of mRNAs in individual cells. Here, we describe an application of smFISH to measure the rates of transcription and mRNA degradation in Escherichia coli. As smFISH is based on fixed cells, we perform smFISH at multiple time points during a time-course experiment, i.e., when cells are undergoing synchronized changes upon induction or repression of gene expression. At each time point, sub-regions of an mRNA are spectrally distinguished to probe transcription elongation and premature termination. The outcome of this protocol also allows for analyzing intracellular localization of mRNAs and heterogeneity in mRNA copy numbers among cells. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ew-7197.html Using this protocol many samples (~50) can be processed within 8 h, like the amount of time needed for just a few samples. We discuss how to apply this protocol to study the transcription and degradation kinetics of different mRNAs in bacterial cells.Mucociliary epithelium provides the first line of defense by removing foreign particles through the action of mucus production and cilia-mediated clearance. Many clinically relevant defects in the mucociliary epithelium are inferred as they occur deep within the body. Here, we introduce a tractable 3D model for mucociliary epithelium generated from multipotent progenitors that were microsurgically isolated from Xenopus laevis embryos. The mucociliary epithelial organoids are covered with newly generated epithelium from deep ectoderm cells and later decorated with distinct patterned multiciliated cells, secretory cells, and mucus-producing goblet cells that are indistinguishable from the native epidermis within 24 h. The full sequences of dynamic cell transitions from mesenchymal to epithelial that emerge on the apical surface of organoids can be tracked by high-resolution live imaging. These in vitro cultured, self-organizing mucociliary epithelial organoids offer distinct advantages in studying the biology of mucociliary epithelium with high-efficiency in generation, defined culture conditions, control over number and size, and direct access for live imaging during the regeneration of the differentiated epithelium.Tendinopathy is a common chronic tendon disease relating to inflammation and degeneration in an orthopaedic area. With high morbidity, limited self-repairing capacity and, most importantly, no definitive treatments, tendinopathy still influences patients' life quality negatively. Tendon-derived stem cells (TDSCs), as primary precursor cells of tendon cells, play an essential role in both the development of tendinopathy, and functional and structural restoration after tendinopathy. Thus, a method that can in vitro mimic the in vivo differentiation of TDSCs into tendon cells would be useful. Here, the present protocol describes a method based on a three-dimensional (3D) uniaxial stretching system to stimulate the TDSCs to differentiate into tendon-like tissues. There are seven stages of the present protocol isolation of mice TDSCs, culture and expansion of mice TDSCs, preparation of stimulation culture medium for cell sheet formation, cell sheet formation by culturing in stimulation medium, preparation of 3D tendon stem cell construct, assembly of the uniaxial-stretching mechanical stimulation complex, and evaluation of the mechanical stimulated in vitro tendon-like tissue. The effectiveness was demonstrated by histology. The entire procedure takes less than 3 weeks. To promote extracellular matrix deposition, 4.4 mg/mL ascorbic acid was used in the stimulation culture medium. A separated chamber with a linear motor provides accurate mechanical loading and is portable and easily adjusted, which is applied for the bioreactor. The loading regime in the present protocol was 6% strain, 0.25 Hz, 8 h, followed by 16 h rest for 6 days. This protocol could mimic cell differentiation in the tendon, which is helpful for the investigation of the pathological process of tendinopathy. Moreover, the tendon-like tissue is potentially used to promote tendon healing in tendon injury as an engineered autologous graft. To sum up, the present protocol is simple, economic, reproducible and valid.Forward genetic screens have been important tools in the unbiased identification of genetic components involved in several biological pathways. The basis of the screen is to generate a mutant population that can be screened with a phenotype of interest. EMS (ethyl methane sulfonate) is a commonly used alkylating agent for inducing random mutation in a classical forward genetic screen to identify multiple genes involved in any given process. Cytosolic calcium (Ca2+) elevation is a key early signaling pathway that is activated upon stress perception. However the identity of receptors, channels, pumps and transporters of Ca2+ is still elusive in many study systems. Aequorin is a cellular calcium reporter protein isolated from Aequorea victoria and stably expressed in Arabidopsis. Exploiting this, we designed a forward genetic screen in which we EMS-mutagenized the aequorin transgenic. The seeds from the mutant plants were collected (M1) and screening for the phenotype of interest was carried out in the segregating (M2) population. Using a 96-well high-throughput Ca2+ measurement protocol, several novel mutants can be identified that have a varying calcium response and are measured in real time. The mutants with the phenotype of interest are rescued and propagated till a homozygous mutant plant population is obtained. This protocol provides a method for forward genetic screens in Ca2+ reporter background and identify novel Ca2+ regulated targets.Direct alteration of material structure/function through strain is a growing area of research that has allowed for novel properties of materials to emerge. Tuning material structure can be achieved by controlling an external force imposed on materials and inducing stress-strain responses (i.e., applying dynamic strain). Electroactive thin films are typically deposited on shape or volume tunable elastic substrates, where mechanical loading (i.e., compression or tension) can affect film structure and function through imposed strain. Here, we summarize methods for straining n-type doped titanium dioxide (TiO2) films prepared by a thermal treatment of a pseudo-elastic nickel-titanium alloy (Nitinol). The main purpose of the described methods is to study how strain affects electrocatalytic activities of metal oxide, specifically hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reactions. The same system can be adapted to study the effect of strain more broadly. Strain engineering can be applied for optimization of a material function, as well as for design of adjustable, multifunctional (photo)electrocatalytic materials under external stress control.