On the contrary, EVs may also exert a cytoprotective role upon renal damage and promote recovery of renal function. In the current review, a systematic summary of the key studies from the past 5 years addressing the role of EVs in the modulation of renal physiological and pathophysiological processes is provided, highlighting open questions and discussing the potential of future research. Copyright © 2020 Rigalli, Barros, Sommers, Bindels and Hoenderop.As an important complication of diabetes mellitus, diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by a silent development in its earlier stage and a deficient cardiomyocyte contractility in its late stage. So far, little advance has been achieved to reverse this pathological change. LncRNAs are defined as a large cluster of RNAs without the function of encoding proteins, but have the capacity in controlling gene expression. Interleukin-17 (IL-17), a proinflammatory cytokine, is a key regulator of host inflammation. Clinically, it plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of cardiac interstitial fibrosis. In this study, we reported that high glucose-induced lncRNA-MIAT upregulation is responsible for proinflammatory IL-17 production in cardiomyocytes. The underlying mechanism is likely due to that lncRNA-MIAT specific attenuates miR-214-3p-mediated inhibitory effect on IL-17 expression. As a result, attenuated IL-17 expression significantly ameliorate cardiac fibrosis, followed by improvement of cardiac contractility. Taken together, our study first suggests that lncRNA-MIAT plays a key role in DCM and targeting lncRNA-MIAT may become a potential strategy to treat DCM. Copyright © 2020 Qi, Wu, Mai, Lin, Shen, Zhang, Gao, Mao and Xie.In the last years, the development of new drugs in oncology has evolved notably. In particular, drug development has shifted from empirical screening of active cytotoxic compounds to molecularly targeted drugs blocking specific biologic pathways that drive cancer progression and metastasis. Using a rational design approach, our group has developed 1A-116 as a promising Rac1 inhibitor, with antitumoral and antimetastatic effects in several types of cancer. Rac1 is over activated in a wide range of tumor types and and it is one of the most studied proteins of the Rho GTPase family. Its role in actin cytoskeleton reorganization has effects on endocytosis, vesicular trafficking, cell cycle progression and cellular migration. In this context, the regulatory activity of Rac1 affects several key processes in the course of the cancer including invasion and metastasis. The purpose of this preclinical study was to focus on the mode of action of 1A-116, conducting an interdisciplinary approach with in silico bioinformatics tools and in vitro assays. Here, we demonstrate that the tryptophan 56 residue is necessary for the inhibitory effects of 1A-116 since this compound interferes with protein-protein interactions (PPI) of Rac1GTPase involving several GEF activators. 1A-116 is also able to inhibit the oncogenic Rac1P29S mutant protein, one of the oncogenic drivers found in sun-exposed melanoma. It also inhibits numerous Rac1-regulated cellular processes such as membrane ruffling and lamellipodia formation. These results deepen our knowledge of 1A-116 inhibition of Rac1 and its biological impact on cancer progression. They also represent a good example of how in silico analyses represent a valuable approach for drug development. Copyright © 2020 González, Cardama, Chinestrad, Robles-Valero, Rodríguez-Fdez, Lorenzo-Martín, Bustelo, Lorenzano Menna and Gomez.Adult stem cells have unique properties in both proliferation and differentiation preference. In this study, we hypothesized that adipose stem cells have a depot-dependent lineage preference. Four rabbits were used to provide donor-matched adipose stem cells from either subcutaneous adipose tissue (ScAT) or infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP). Proliferation and multi-lineage differentiation were evaluated in adipose stem cells from donor-matched ScAT and IPFP. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and proteomics were conducted to uncover potential molecular discrepancy in adipose stem cells and their corresponding matrix microenvironments. We found that stem cells from ScAT exhibited significantly higher proliferation and adipogenic capacity compared to those from donor-matched IPFP while stem cells from IPFP displayed significantly higher chondrogenic potential compared to those from donor-matched ScAT. Our findings are strongly endorsed by supportive data from transcriptome and proteomics analyses, indicating a site-dependent lineage preference of adipose stem cells. Copyright © 2020 Wang, Hill, Dzieciatkowska, Zhu, Infante, Hu, Hansen and Pei.Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane-enclosed nanoparticles released by most cells in body fluids and extracellular matrix. They function as signal transducers in intercellular communication, contributing to the maintenance of cell and tissue integrity. EVs biogenesis is deregulated in various pathologies, in structural and functional connection to the pathophysiology of donor cells. Consequently, EVs are considered diagnostic and monitoring factors in many diseases. Despite consensus as to their activity in promoting coagulation and inflammation, there is evidence suggesting protective roles for EVs in stress states. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are at high risk of developing cardiovascular defects. The pathophysiology, comorbidities, and treatment of CKD may individually and in synergy affect extracellular vesiculation in the kidney, endothelium, and blood cells. Oxidative and mechanical stresses, chronic inflammation, and deregulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis are established stressors of EV release. EVs may affect the clinical severity of CKD by transferring biological response modifiers between renal, vascular, blood, and inflammatory cells. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/tat-beclin-1-tat-becn1.html In this Review, we focus on EVs circulating in the plasma of CKD patients. We highlight some recent advances in the understanding of their biogenesis, the effects of dialysis, and pharmacological treatments on them and their potential impact on thrombosis and vascular defects. The strong interest of the scientific community to this exciting field of research may reveal hidden pieces in the pathophysiology of CKD and thus, innovative ways to treat it. Overcoming gaps in EV biology and technical difficulties related to their size and heterogeneity will define the success of the project. Copyright © 2020 Georgatzakou, Pavlou, Papageorgiou, Papassideri, Kriebardis and Antonelou.