The learning points were recognising hypercalcaemia as a complication of thyrotoxicosis and the risk of hypocalcaemia following bisphosphonate therapy with low vitamin D stores.A previously healthy 37-year-old man presented with fevers and myalgias for a week with a minimal dry cough. Initial SARS-CoV-2 nasopharyngeal testing was negative, but in light of high community prevalence, he was diagnosed with COVID-19, treated with supportive care and self-quarantined at home. Three days after resolution of all symptoms, he developed sudden onset chest pain. Chest imaging revealed a large right-sided pneumothorax and patchy subpleural ground glass opacities. IgM and IgG antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 were positive. His pneumothorax resolved after placement of a small-bore chest tube, which was removed after 2 days.This case demonstrates that patients with COVID-19 can develop a significant pulmonary complication, a large pneumothorax, despite only minimal lower respiratory tract symptoms and after resolution of the original illness. Medical professionals should consider development of a pneumothorax in patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and present with new respiratory symptoms.Morel-Lavallée lesion is a chronic, recurrent collection of serous fluid in the soft tissues and usually occurs following injury. The most common sites are thigh, hip and pelvic region. This presents as a local or diffuse swelling and may cause discomfort to the patient besides being a potential site for bacterial contamination. So, early diagnosis and timely management is crucial for an early and successful outcome. The investigation modality of choice for diagnosis of these lesions is MRI. Definitive management ranges from percutaneous aspiration with or without sclerotherapy to open debridement and irrigation. Although recurrences are common with conservative management, it can be minimised with judicious use of sclerotherapy.A 46-year-o