Bacterial burden in blood, lung, liver, and spleen was neither increased nor decreased in rats treated with rTM. The ratio of bacteria found in the extravascular space to those in the intravascular space was increased in rats treated with rTM although the statistical power for this was low because of the small sample size. Metabolomics analysis revealed that rTM treatment alleviated oxidative stress, as evidenced by the decrease in levels of oxidized glutathione with reference to reduced glutathione. rTM did not promote bacterial propagation but alleviated oxidative stress in our rat model of bloodstream infection with MRSA. Further large-scale studies are needed to confirm these findings.The magmatic history of the Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT), the second largest in volume after the Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), northern Sumatra, Indonesia, was investigated using U-Pb zircon dating by LA-ICP-MS. Zircon dates obtained from surface and interior sections yielded ages of 0.84 ± 0.03 Ma and 0.97 ± 0.03 Ma, respectively. The youngest OTT zircon ages were in accordance with the 40Ar/39Ar eruption age of ~ 0.8 Ma, whereas the oldest zircon dates were ~ 1.20 Ma. Therefore, the distribution of zircon U-Pb ages is interpreted to reflect protracted zircon crystallization, suggesting that the estimated 800-2,300 km3 of OTT magma accumulated and evolved for at least 400,000 years prior to eruption. This result is comparable to the volume and timescales of YTT magmatism. The similarities of both magmatic duration and geochemistry between OTT and YTT may indicate that they are similar in size and that the caldera collapse that generated OTT might be much larger previously interpreted. Cross-sectional. Identify the association between secondary health conditions (SHC) and the indirect costs of traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) based on the pre-injury and post-injury changes in employment and earnings. Medical university in the southeastern United States (US). A population-based cohort of 304 participants met the following eligibility criteria received treatment for acute SCI within the state, residual effects resulting from traumatic SCI, at least 1-year post injury, age between 23 and 64 years at the time of injury onset, and younger than 65 years at the time of study measurement. The indirect costs estimate was measured by the annual forgone earnings and fringe benefits calculated as the difference in the sum of earnings and benefits between before injury and after injury adjusting for inflation in 2019 US dollars. We considered seven SHC in this study bowel accidents, urine accidents, urinary tract infections, pressure sores, unintentional injury, severe pain, and depressive disorder. We used multivariate ordinary least squaresregression models to examine their relationship controlling for age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, years of education, injury level, and ambulatory status. The indirect costs were significantly associated with the total number of SHC and with the individual conditions of bowel accidents, urine accidents, pressure sores, and depressive disorder after controlling for age, sex, race/ethnicity, marital status, years of education, injury level, and ambulatory status. Preventing SHC relates to better economic consequences for individuals, their families, and society, even after accounting for differences in severity of SCI. Preventing SHC relates to better economic consequences for individuals, their families, and society, even after accounting for differences in severity of SCI.This paper presents two methods for the efficient evaluation of the power balance in circular metasurface (MTS) antennas implementing arbitrary modulated surface impedances on a grounded dielectric slab. Both methods assume the surface current in the homogenized MTS to be known. The first technique relies on the surface current expansion with Fourier-Bessel basis functions (FBBF) and proceeds by integration of the Poynting vector on a closed surface. The second method is based on the evaluation of the residue of the electric field spectrum at the surface-wave (SW) pole, and is demonstrated by using a current expansion in Gaussian ring basis functions (GRBF). The surface current expansions can be directly obtained either by analyzing the antenna with a Method of Moments (MoM) tool for homogenized MTSs based on FBBF or GRBF, or derived by a projection process. From there, the power contributions, namely the total power delivered by the feed, the radiated power, the SW power, and the Ohmic power losses in the dielectric are computed. Several efficiency metrics are presented and discussed tapering efficiency, conversion efficiency, loss factor, and diffraction factor. Since the MTS apertures at hand are leaky-wave (LW) antennas, the designer must find a compromise between the aperture efficiency and the conversion efficiency. This requires accurate and fast computational techniques for the efficiency. The present paper demonstrates for the first time that the efficiency of MTS antenna devices can be accurately evaluated in a few minutes. The compromise that should be made during the design process between the tapering efficiency and the conversion efficiency is highlighted. The impact on the efficiency of isotropic versus anisotropic MTS, uniform versus non-uniform modulation index, is analyzed. An excellent agreement is obtained between both approaches, commercial software, and experimental data.The feedback between dyke and sill intrusions and the evolution of stresses within volcanic systems is poorly understood, despite its importance for magma transport and volcano instability. Long-lived ocean island volcanoes are crosscut by thousands of dykes, which must be accommodated through a combination of flank slip and visco-elastic deformation. Flank slip is dominant in some volcanoes (e.g., Kilauea), but how intrusions are accommodated in other volcanic systems remains unknown. Here we apply digital mapping techniques to collect > 400,000 orientation and aperture measurements from 519 sheet intrusions within Volcán Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain) and investigate their emplacement and accommodation. We show that vertically ascending dykes were deflected to propagate laterally as they approached the surface of the volcano, forming a radial dyke swarm, and propose a visco-elastic model for their accommodation. Our model reproduces the measured dyke-aperture distribution and predicts that stress accumulates within densely intruded regions of the volcano, blocking subsequent dykes and causing eruptive activity to migrate.