Surveillance of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the Netherlands and other European countries is based mostly on primary care data, with little insight into the severe spectrum of the disease. We compared time-trends for ARI in secondary care with influenza-like illness (ILI), ARI and pneumonia in primary care, and crude mortality, in order to assess the value of routinely collected data on respiratory infections in hospitals and the added value of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) surveillance. We calculated incidence of ARI in secondary care, ILI, ARI, and pneumonia in primary care, and crude mortality using five historical databases (2008-2016). Over eight years, seasonal incidence peaks of ARI in secondary care occurred earlier than ILI and ARI incidence peaks in primary care, except during the 2009 influenza A(H1N1) pandemic and post-pandemic season. The median time-lag between ARI in secondary care and ILI, ARI and pneumonia in primary care was 6.5 weeks, 7 weeks, and 1 week, respectence in time-lag between these surveillance systems.The aetiology of hypotonic polyuria, after excluding solute diuresis, is one of primary polydipsia, central, or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Theoretically, these disorders should be relatively easily distinguished based on history and the results of an indirect water deprivation test. Practically, however, there is a significant overlap in diagnostic evaluation, potentially leading to an erroneous diagnosis and deleterious management plan. The ability to measure a stimulated copeptin level, either with hypertonic saline or arginine infusion, has led to greater diagnostic accuracy.ATP is an extracellular signaling molecule involved in numerous physiological and pathologic processes. However, in situ characterization of the spatiotemporal dynamic of extracellular ATP is still challenging because of the lack of sensor with appropriate specificity, sensitivity, and kine