The fourth rail transit is an interesting topic to be shared and accessed by the community within that area of expertise. Several ongoing works are currently being conducted especially in the aspects of system technical performances including the rail bracket component and the sensitivity analyses on the various rail designs. Furthermore, the lightning surge study on railway electrification is significant due to the fact that only a handful of publications are available in this regard, especially on the fourth rail transit. For this reason, this paper presents a study on the electrical performance of a fourth rail Direct Current (DC) urban transit affected by an indirect lightning strike. The indirect lightning strike was modelled by means of the Rusck model and the sum of two Heidler functions. The simulations were carried out using the EMTP-RV software which included the performance comparison of polymer-insulated rail brackets, namely the Cast Epoxy (CE), the Cycloaliphatic Epoxy A (CEA), and the Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) together with the station arresters when subjected by 30 kA (5/80 µs) and 90 kA (9/200 µs) lightning currents. The results obtained demonstrated that the GRP material has been able to slightly lower its induced overvoltage as compared to other materials, especially for the case of 90 kA (9/200 µs), and thus serves better coordination with the station arresters. This improvement has also reflected on the recorded residual voltage and energy absorption capacity of the arrester, respectively.Organoclay nanoparticles (Cloisite® C10A, Cloisite® C15) and their combination with carbon black (N330) were studied as fillers in chloroprene/natural/butadiene rubber blends to prepare nanocomposites. The effect of filler type and load on the physical mechanical properties of nanocomposites was determined and correlated with its structure, compatibility and cure properties using Fourier Transformed Infrared (FT-IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and rheometric analysis. Physical mechanical properties were improved by organoclays at 5-7 phr. Nanocomposites with organoclays exhibited a remarkable increase up to 46% in abrasion resistance. The improvement in properties was attributed to good organoclay dispersion in the rubber matrix and to the compatibility between them and the chloroprene rubber. Carbon black at a 40 phr load was not the optimal concentration to interact with organoclays. The present study confirmed that organoclays can be a reinforcing filler for high performance applications in rubber nanocomposites.Infrastructure projects are the foundation for essential public services and have an influential position in societal development. Although the role of infrastructure projects is substantial, they can involve complexities and safety issues that lead to an unsafe environment, and which impacts the project key stakeholders. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the barriers to implementing occupational safety in infrastructure projects in the Gaza Strip, which cause serious threats and reduce project performance. To evaluate the barriers, 39 items were highlighted and modified as per the construction context and environment, and which later were distributed in the form of a questionnaire, to get feedback from consultants and contractors. The analysis shows that in the safety policy barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "a contractor committed to an occupational safety program is not rewarded" first. In the management barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "safety engineer does not have significant powers, such as stopping work when needed" in the first place. In the behavior and culture barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "workers who are not committed to occupational safety are not excluded" in the first place. Overall, both consultants and contractors shared the same viewpoint in classifying the barriers in the working environment. The outcome of this study is beneficial for Palestinian construction industry policymakers, so they can monitor the highlighted barriers in on-going infrastructure projects and can modify the safety guidelines accordingly.Some lipoprotein disorders related to the residual risk of premature cardiovascular disease (PCVD) are not detected by the conventional lipid profile. In this case-control study, the predictive power of PCVD of serum sdLDL-C, measured using a lipoprotein precipitation method, and of the physicochemical properties of serum lipoproteins, analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, were evaluated. We studied a group of patients with a first PCVD event (n = 125) and a group of control subjects (n = 190). Conventional lipid profile, the size and number of Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL), Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) particles, and the number of particles of their subclasses (large, medium, and small) were measured. Compared to controls, PCVD patients had lower concentrations of all LDL particles, and smaller and larger diameter of LDL and HDL particles, respectively. PCVD patients also showed higher concentrations of small dense LDL-cholesterol (sdLDL), and triglycerides (Tg) in LDL and HDL particles (HDL-Tg), and higher concentrations of large VLDL particles. Multivariate logistic regression showed that sdLDL-C, HDL-Tg, and large concentrations of LDL particles were the most powerful predictors of PCVD. A strong relationship was observed between increased HDL-Tg concentrations and PCVD. This study demonstrates that beyond the conventional lipid profile, PCVD patients have other atherogenic lipoprotein alterations that are detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis.This study investigates the formation of microstructured macromaterials from thermo- and pH-sensitive microgels based on interpenetrating networks of poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). Macromaterials are produced as a result of the deposition of microgel particles and subsequent crosslinking of polyacrylic acid subnetworks to each other due to the formation of the anhydride bonds during annealing. Since both PNIPAM and PAA are environment-sensitive polymers, one can expect that their conformational state during material development will affect its resulting properties. Thus, the influence of conditions of preparation for annealing (pH of the solution, the temperature of preliminary drying) on the swelling behavior, pH- and thermosensitivity, and macromaterial inner structure was investigated. In parallel, the study of the effect of the relative conformations of the IPN microgel subnetworks on the formation of macromaterials was carried out by the computer simulations method. It was shown that the properties of the prepared macromaterials strongly depend both on the temperature and pH of the PNIPAM-PAA IPN microgel dispersions.