We compared experimental activity, behavioral activity in the experiment, of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and baboons (Papio hamadryas). Baboons showed higher levels of experimental activity. The contrast in the activity between the species is probably associated with species-specific characteristics of the behavior and different ability to adapt under new conditions. In particular, they may be the result of lower plasticity of rhesus monkeys with respect to experimental conditions.Nanosized magnetite particles (magnetic nanospheres) are a prospective basis for creation of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents. The structure of blood leukocytes and the leukocytic formula are studied in adult rats over a period of 120 days after a single intravenous injection of chitosan-modified nanosized magnetite particles. No effects of chitosan-modified magnetic nanospheres on the structure of rat blood leukocytes are detected. Injection of suspension of chitosan-modified magnetite nanospheres is associated with an increase in the levels of monocytes, segmented and stab neutrophils, and a decrease in lymphocyte counts in the blood of rats. The shifts in the leukogram parameters are transitory, the picture returned to normal by day 40 postinjection.Sutureless implantation of the mitral valve bioprosthesis using the valve-in-valve method was performed on a large animal (sheep). According to the results of a two-stage implantation (primary implantation of a xenopericardial 26-mm framed bioprosthesis and reimplantation of the developed 23-mm bioprosthesis), minor changes in quantitative indicators were revealed an increase in the transprosthetic gradient by 1.3 mm Hg and a decrease in the area of the mitral orifice by 21.6%. Considerable reduction in the intervention time by 18 min was achieved (by 40% in comparison with the primary prosthesis). The absence of adverse events in the animal and complications in the post-operative period, as well as physiological hemodynamic indicators indicate the safety of the developed medical device.In 1 and 24 h after combined administration of TLR4 (LPS) and TLR3 (Poly IC) ligands to CBA mice, the content of MSC in bone marrow increased to intermediate value between the levels attained by their individual injections. The content of osteogenic MSC assessed in 24 h postinjection corresponded to the control level in Poly IC group, decreased in LPS group by 2.5 times relatively to the control, and increased by 1.6 times (relatively to control) after combined administration of the ligands. In 3 h after combined addition of LPS and Poly IC in vitro to 12-day-old primary culture of mouse bone marrow stromal cells, the concentration of TNFα in culture medium was intermediate between the levels attained by their individual application. The data revealed dependence of activation of stromal tissue on intensity of innate immunity reactions; they also attested to marked elevation of osteogenicity of MSC pool after costimulation with Poly IC and LPS, which can underlie augmented calcification of the tissues during combined viral and bacterial infections.The effects of vaginal secretion, its antibacterial peptide fraction, albumin, and bacterial metabolites on the spermatozoon membranes were studied. Vaginal secretion was collected from healthy women; the fraction of antibacterial peptides was isolated with the use of membrane filter; electrophoretically pure BSA served as albumin; bacterial metabolites were isolated from supernatants of cultured Candida albicans yeast and E. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/rin1.html coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Antibacterial activities of the preparations were evaluated by spectrophotometry and microscopy. Albumin in a concentration close to its serum concentration (50 mg/ml) destroyed spermatozoon membranes by 83.8±2.7% with the formation of vesicular debris. The native vaginal secretion and its antibacterial peptide fraction also destroyed spermatozoa by 50.8±4.4 and 18.0±9.7%, respectively. Activities of bacterial metabolites in concentrations close to the natural did not surpass 3%.We studied changes in the blood cytokine profile of rats 3 h, 1 day, and 8 days after acute stress on the model of 24-h immobilization followed by LPS administration (100 μg/kg intraperitoneally). The concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (particularly of IL-1β and TNFα) significantly decreased at the early stage after stress exposure and physiological saline injection, but increased in the follow-up period and practically did not differ or even surpassed the control level by the end of observations. Under these conditions, the blood content of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased most significantly on day 1 of the post-stress period. Restraint stress followed by LPS administration was accompanied by a decrease in the level of proinflammatory cytokines at the early (IFNγ and TNFα) and late stages (IL-1β) of the experiment. Directed modulation of the immune status in animals after acute stress was followed by a significant increase in the content of IL-10 on days 1 and 8, as well as by a tendency toward elevation of IL-4 concentration by the end of the study. The directionality and degree of changes in the cytokine profile of mammalian tissues depend on the type of extreme exposure, duration of the post-stress period, and specific effects of exogenous pathogenic factors in the whole body.We studied the effect of acute vital stress on the parameters of the hemostasis system in young and old Wistar rats. The psychotraumatic effect was simulated as a situation of emotional stress at the sight of a predator (Indian python) catching and eating a conspecific. In young rats, acute vital stress was followed by inhibition of platelet aggregation, hypercoagulation by the external pathway and final stages of plasma hemostasis, and a decrease in fibrinogen and antithrombin III levels against the background of fibrinolysis activation. In old animals, increased platelet count with reduced aggregation capacity, hypocoagulation by the internal pathway of the plasma hemostasis activation, signs of thrombinemia (a 2-fold increase in soluble fibrin-monomer complexes), an increase in antithrombin III, and inhibition of the fibrinolytic system were observed. Age-related changes in the hemostasis parameters in rats were determined before and after stress exposure.