Impaired reward responsiveness, a construct of the RDoC positive valence systems (PVS), prospectively predicts depression onset and may therefore represent an important marker of risk. Neural structures implicated in reward processing undergo substantial change during adolescence, a period of heightened risk for depression, particularly for those with a family history of the disorder. However, it is not clear whether familial transmission of PVS functioning also changes across adolescence, nor whether a family history of depression influences normative development of the PVS. To address these questions, mothers and their adolescent daughters each completed a monetary reward guessing task while an electroencephalogram was recorded (N = 109 dyads). Daughters' pubertal status significantly moderated the association between mothers' and daughters' reward processing in the delta frequency, such that there was a negative association for daughters in early puberty that shifted toward a positive association in later puberty. Furthermore, for never-depressed daughters without a maternal history of depression, more advanced pubertal development was associated with increased reward-related power in the delta frequency, whereas, for daughters with a maternal history of depression, more advanced pubertal development was associated with reduced power in the delta frequency. These data indicate that biomarkers of risk for psychopathology may differ as a function of both familial risk and developmental status. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).Objective High-quality, person-centered care is a priority for mental health services. The current study conducted secondary data analysis to examine the impact of job stress (i.e., interaction with high-risk consumer cases, increased caseload, emotional exhaustion) and resources (i.e., increased organizational and supervisory support, autonomy, role clarity) on providers' perceived quality of care. Methods Data consisted of 145 direct care providers from an urban community mental health center. Structural equation modeling was used for testing the hierarchical regression model, sequentially adding job stress and resource variables in the prediction models for the quality of care (i.e., person-centered care, discordant care [conflict with consumers and tardiness]). Results Person-centered care was positively associated with increased role clarity, organizational support, and larger caseload size, while a lower level of discordant care was associated with lower emotional exhaustion, smaller caseload size, less interaction with high-risk consumer cases, and with increased role clarity. Conclusions and Implications for Practice Resources on the job may be particularly important for improved person-centered care, and lowering job stress may help reduce discordant care. The current study suggests the need for the mental health organizations to attend to both job stress and resources for providers to improve the quality of care. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The self is a crucial component of the psychic life and plays a central role for the adaptation to the environment. In daily life, this adaptative function is ensured, inter alia, by numerous biases filtering information and favoring those which are self-related. After succinctly reviewing the most documented among them which are affective and mnesic biases, the current paper provides a critical review of literature about a bias which is supposed to be perceptive, the self-prioritization effect (SPE). That has been revealed by Sui et al. (2012, Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance, 38(5), 1105) with an astute matching task and consists in the fact that arbitrarily tagging shapes to a word referring to the participant (e.g., you-square) leads to faster and more accurate responses as compared to shapes tagged to a word referring to another identity (e.g., strange-circle). The methodological variations of this task and the SPE's both extension and putative origins will be presented, as well as the restrictions which border it, related to the individuals, to the experimental situation and to some more general properties of the self. Finally, some avenues for future research will be proposed, drawing some promising paths beyond being a robust and intriguing phenomenon, SPE can indeed be considered as a convenient tool to assess some mechanisms underlying social cognition, in various fields using an experimental approach such as developmental psychology and social psychology. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).The facilitatory effect shown in native speakers processing idiomatic phrases compared to matched novel phrases may be explained by a dual route model. This postulates that all phrases are processed literally at first, and if a phrase was recognized as familiar during processing, it would then be processed by a faster retrieval-route; if the phrase was not perceived as familiar, it would continue to be processed literally by the slower computation-route. The goals of the current project were to test the dual route model and to decipher the underlying mechanism in retrieval-route activation. English idioms and translated Chinese idioms were presented to both native English speakers and Chinese-English bilinguals in a random order. Participants listened to the idiom up until the last word (e.g., "draw a snake and add"), then saw either the idiom ending (e.g., "feet") or the matched control ending (e.g., "hair"); to which they made lexical decision and reaction times were recorded. We examined the priming effect for idioms compared to controls across the two language groups. The results showed that the two groups processed idioms of different origins differently. Native English speakers' faster responses to English idioms than controls supported a dual route model; however, both native English and bilingual speakers' faster responses to Chinese idioms than controls called for a less straightforward interpretation. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).