In order to evaluate the effect of three different primary vaccination intervals on EI vaccine response, 21 unvaccinated thoroughbred foals were randomly divided into three groups of 7 and vaccinated with three different intervals of primary immunization (i.e., with 1, 2 or 3 months intervals between V1 and V2, respectively). The antibody response was measured for up to 1 year after the third immunization V3 (administered 6 months after V2) by single radial hemolysis (SRH) assay. All weanlings had seroconverted and exceeded the clinical protection threshold 2 weeks after V2 and 1 month after V3 until the end of the study. Significant differences were measured at the peak of immunity after V2 and for the duration of the immunity gap between V2 and V3. The group with one month primary vaccination interval had a lower immunity peak after V2 (158.05 ± 6.63 mm2) and a wider immunity gap between V2 and V3 (18 weeks) when compared with other groups (i.e., 174.72 ± 6.86 mm2 and 16 weeks for a two months interval, 221.45 ± 14.48 mm2 and 12 weeks for a 3-month interval). The advantage observed in the group with 1 month primary vaccination interval, which induces an earlier protective immunity, is counterbalance with a lower peak of immunity and a wider immunity gap after V2, when compared with foals vaccinated with 2- and 3-month intervals.The dynamic upper airway functional (URT) problems of Colombian paso horses (CPH) have not been investigated in literature up to date. These horses perform special walking gaits with high poll flexion of the neck. Our goal is to evaluate the upper airway mechanics in CPH, showing abnormal respiratory sounds and poor performance during exercise. Resting and overground endoscopy was performed in 40 CPHs. Statistical analyses were performed using the sciPy package. One-tailed Fisher exact tests were used to check for positive contingency between each pair of upper respiratory tract disorder (P less then .05). Arytenoid cartilage collapse was observed in 35 of 40 cases during exercise. Among these, dynamic laryngeal collapse (DLC) was the most significant finding, but ventromedial luxation of the apex of the corniculate process of the arytenoid and recurrent laryngeal neuropathy was also observed. Dorsal displacement of the soft palate was only detected in 4 of 40 cases. DLC was significantly associated with vocal cord collapse, nasopharyngeal collapse, and medial collapse of the margins of the epiglottis, and medial collapse of the margins of the epiglottis was associated with nasopharyngeal collapse. DLC is only a typical feature in some special breeds worldwide. We suggest that the extensive poll flexion and the relatively small laryngeal lumen and high intensitivity workload are the most important predisposing factors of DLC. Ventromedial luxation of the apex of the corniculate process of the arytenoid was over-represented in our caseload, compared with other studies. Whereas, despite the intensive workload, dorsal displacement of the soft palate was relatively uncommon. We presume that this could also be tailored to the high poll flexion performed during the special gaits. The breeding prognosis for a mare with fungal (yeast or mold) endometritis is generally considered poor. To our knowledge, however, no reports have been published on the expected pregnancy rate for mares diagnosed with a fungal infection. Insemination records from 3,223 mares inseminated at two stud farms were retrospectively examined. Mares diagnosed with fungal endometritis were all treated with uterine lavage using physiological saline, intrauterine deposition of 100 mg Clotrimazole vagitorial tablets and oxytocin (10 i.e., i.m.) for three consecutive days. From mares with signs of endometritis microbiological culture and cytological assessment were performed on endometrial biopsies. The per season pregnancy results were compared between affected and unaffected mares. A total of 686 mares out of 3,223 mares were considered to have endometritis. Based on the endometrial biopsies obtained, 377 (55%) had no growth, 50 (7.2%) had growth of yeast, 2 (0.3%) had growth of mold and 257 (37.4%) had growth opreviously diagnosed with an endometrial yeast infection got in foal rendering the breeding prognosis better than initially anticipated.During transport, horses are subjected to acceleration in three dimensions, rapid braking, turning, noise, and other stressors. The animal's ability to make postural corrections may be insufficient to prevent injury or distress, and so knowledge of the compensatory motion patterns of the horse in the trailer is a necessary precondition for smart design of transport systems. A custom two-horse trailer was built for this project. It had a horse compartment 1.85 m wide by 3.95 m long, with adjustable bulkheads and a centre divider separating the horses. The floor was instrumented with 24 shearbeam load cells to measure the vertical load imposed by each horse and its horizontal motion. Two horses were driven on a 56 km trip on both rural and urban roads. Load data were collected at 100 Hz for the 58-minute trip and were filtered with a cut-off frequency of 5 Hz using a Butterworth low-pass filter and then vertical acceleration computed. A pivot table counted sign reversals in the vertical acceleration signal, and vertical displacement was calculated using the fundamental frequency of the resulting acceleration data. Total vertical motion was calculated by making the negative displacements absolute and summing these with the positive displacements, and vertical work done was calculated by multiplying the force by the displacement measures. Horizontal motion was calculated by averaging the transverse and cranio-caudal position of the centre of pressure every second and adding the resultant displacements. Absolute vertical displacement of the two horses was 69.55 m and 97.56 m. In addition to the work done by standing, vertical work done in response to vibration was 322.4 kJ and 443.2 kJ. Horizontal excursion was 227.1 m and 243.0 m. This is a first effort to quantify the additional workload imposed on animals during transport, which will aid in the design of smart transport vehicles that will minimize the stress to horses.