Up-regulated miR-218-5p or inhibited LASP1 improved the pathological damage of dopaminergic neurons and increased the number of TH and DAT positive cells in brain SN of PD rats. Furthermore, elevated miR-218-5p or depressed LASP1 inhibited the apoptosis, and oxidative stress of dopaminergic neurons in brain SN of PD rats. In addition, increased miR-218-5p repressed the expression of LASP1 in the brain SN of PD rats. LASP1 was proven to be a direct target of miR-218-5p. The study highlights that up-regulated miR-218-5p could improve the damage of dopaminergic neurons in PD rats, which was related to the inhibition of LASP1. The study highlights that up-regulated miR-218-5p could improve the damage of dopaminergic neurons in PD rats, which was related to the inhibition of LASP1. To determine if perinatal outcomes related to postpartum hemorrhage could be improved by blending existing strategies with the use of an online, assessment-driven electronic learning (e-learning) platform. for Healthcare Improvement's Model for Improvement provided a structure for this performance improvement project. Outcome evaluation was further supported by the Kirkpatrick model. Reports of rising maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States prompted action within a multisite health system. Maternity care teams were determined to proactively support excellence in practice through enhancements to continuing education. Maternity providers and nurses practicing within the organization completed the training. Online, assessment-driven learning modules for maternity emergencies were blended with existing instructor-led courses, simulation, and Team Strategies to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) training in early 2017. In addition, a postpartum hemorrhage safematernity emergencies. Excellence in the management of postpartum hemorrhage was supported through a multipronged approach that included the use of an online e