C. damiettensis is hitherto consistently associated with date palms killed by the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, a highly damaging and invasive pest, recently spread to the Mediterranean region. C. damiettensis causes rapid wood decay by a potentially unusual white-rot mechanism and may play a role in the damage caused by R. ferrugineus.High amount of copper is toxic to most organisms, but endophytic fungi can develop survival strategies to tolerate and respond to environmental stressors such as heavy metal contaminants. While high copper induces oxidative stress, it is still unclear which genes are associated with copper tolerance. Here, we performed a metatranscriptome analysis of endophytic fungi isolated from a black nightshade plant Solanum nigrum L. growing on mine tailings of a gold processing area. Initial screening revealed the presence of a copper-tolerant strain of Fusarium oxysporum, designated as IB-SN1W, which tolerated up to 1000 ppm and 300 ppm copper in solid and liquid media, respectively. Differential gene expression analysis by RNA sequencing showed that 23% of contigs are uniquely expressed in the copper-treated fungus. These genes are involved in copper ion import, polyamine transport, oxidoreductase activity, and oxidative stress response. Catalase transcripts were also highly upregulated in IB-SN1W compared to a non-tolerant F. oxysporum strain. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Decitabine.html Catalase inhibition decreased copper-tolerance in IB-SN1W, while the addition of antioxidants prevented the copper-dependent growth inhibition in the non-tolerant strain. Overall, these results suggest that oxidative stress response contributes to copper tolerance in F. oxysporum.Sexual reproduction is ubiquitous in nature, and nowhere is this more so than in the fungi. Heterothallic behaviour is observed when there is a strict requirement of contact between two individuals of opposite mating type for sexual reproduction to occur. In contrast, a homothallic species can complete the entire sexual cycle in isolation, although several genetic mechanisms underpin this self-fertility. These can be inferred by characterising the structure and gene-content of the mating-type locus, which contains genes that are involved in the regulation of sexual reproduction. In this study, the genetic basis of homothallism in Thielaviopsis cerberus was investigated, the only known self-fertile species within this genus. Using genome sequencing and conventional molecular techniques, two versions of the mating-type locus were identified in this species. This is typical of species that have a unidirectional mating-type switching reproductive strategy. The first version was a self-fertile locus that contained four known mating-type genes, while the second was a self-sterile version with a single mating-type gene. The conversion from a self-fertile to a self-sterile locus is likely mediated by a homologous recombination event at two direct repeats present in the self-fertile locus, resulting in the deletion of three mating-type genes and one of the repeats. Both locus versions were present in isolates that were self-fertile, while self-sterility was caused by the presence of only a switched locus. This study provides a clear example of the architectural fluidity in the mating-type loci that is common among even closely related fungal species.Some pains, especially in oncology, are refractory to standard analgesics. Epidural analgesia is an efficient way to manage them. It allows the patient to be relieved, to improve his quality of life and the conditions of his return home or in an institution. The nurse has a very important role in the therapeutic education of the patient, the follow-up of the management, the accompaniment of the family and the anticipation of these needs.Data collection is the preliminary and essential step in clinical nursing judgment. Certain theories and models of the nursing discipline are used in initial training to conduct this operation. Clinical nursing examination requires theoretical, methodological and experiential learning. The Moqet tool was created to help nursing students with this learning.The renal disease center of the university hospital of Caen Normandy (14) is dedicated to the ambulatory care of patients with chronic renal disease, including those treated by dialysis or transplanted. These are fragile patients and, for many of them, coming to the center is inevitable for their care. Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the care teams have shown a great capacity to adapt, even to be creative, in order to welcome and care for them in optimal safety conditions.The question of the place and role of caregivers, most often parents, for children with autism spectrum disorders has undergone significant change in recent years. It is now proven that when a parent acquires knowledge about autism, he is able to interact in a functional way and thus to use more effective educational methods with his child.The mobilization and commitment of hospital staff in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic have been remarkable since the beginning of this unprecedented health crisis. To support the teams of the Confluence Hospitals, the management has set up relaxation areas for the professionals.The current health crisis is impacting the vision of the present and the future. It is not a matter of feeling "sacrificed", but rather of discovering a new way of approaching the world around us. This is the case for our representations of health and the interdependence of people and generations.In this period of health crisis, while students are facing stressful information, a "COVID" nurse demystifies the virus, while a Moroccan nurse promotes the cultural diversity of Arabic and French-speaking prevention messages. Other associative or cultural actions are set up; so many cultural development spaces or solidarity partnerships to help students to get out of their isolation and prevent the appearance of anxiety disorders.Like everyone else, students have the ability to adapt. They are socially creative and can become involved in promoting health and their rights. As mediators for their peers, they cultivate solidarity and help strengthen social ties.