The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2), which is causing the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, poses a global health threat. However, it is easy to confuse COVID-19 with seasonal influenza in preliminary clinical diagnosis. In this study, the differences between influenza and COVID-19 in epidemiological features, clinical manifestations, comorbidities and pathogen biology were comprehensively compared and analyzed. SARS-CoV-2 causes a higher proportion of pneumonia (90.67 vs. 17.07%) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (12.00 vs. 0%) than influenza A virus. The proportion of leukopenia for influenza patients was 31.71% compared with 12.00% for COVID-19 patients (P = 0.0096). The creatinine and creatine kinase were significantly elevated when there were COVID-19 patients. The basic reproductive number (R0) for SARS-CoV-2 is 2.38 compared with 1.28 for seasonal influenza A virus. The mutation rate of SARS-CoV-2 ranges from 1.12 × 10-3 to 6.25 × 10-3, while seasonal influenza virus has a lower evolutionary rate (0.60-2.00 × 10-6). Overall, this study compared the clinical features and outcomes of medically attended COVID-19 and influenza patients. In addition, the S477N and N439K mutations on spike may affect the affinity with receptor ACE2. This study will contribute to COVID-19 control and epidemic surveillance in the future.Aim To develop a novel clinical scoring system for predicting hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. Methods A prospective observational study was conducted among ELBW infants born in the study center during a 6-month period. Fourteen items were selected on a literature review basis and weighed by severity on an arbitrary 1-4 scale, the sum of which represented the Scoring preterm Infants for PDA cLinically without Echocardiographic evaluation (SIMPLE) score. The SIMPLE scores were compared at several time points during the first 3 days of life between two groups of patients those with an hsPDA at echocardiography and those without. Results A total of 48 ELBW infants were enrolled, of which 30 infants developed hsPDA. The SIMPLE scores of the infants with hsPDA were significantly greater than those of the infants who did not develop hsPDA. Cut-off SIMPLE scores that were significantly associated with detection of symptomatic hsPDA at each evaluation time point were identified. Conclusions SIMPLE is the first scoring system that depends on the risk factors and clinical findings of ELBW infants for early prediction of hsPDA. It is simple, objective and easy to perform, and it does not require any additional tests and/or echocardiographic evaluation. We suggest that SIMPLE can be used as a screening tool for determining the need for echocardiographic evaluation in ELBW infants in order to minimize the number of unnecessary pediatric cardiology consultations.Objective Lung auscultation plays an important role in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases in children. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for the detection of breath sounds in a real clinical environment among children with pulmonary diseases. Method The auscultations of breath sounds were collected in the respiratory department of Shanghai Children's Medical Center (SCMC) by using an electronic stethoscope. The discrimination results for all chest locations with respect to a gold standard (GS) established by 2 experienced pediatric pulmonologists from SCMC and 6 general pediatricians were recorded. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and F1-score of the AI algorithm and general pediatricians with respect to the GS were evaluated. Meanwhile, the performance of the AI algorithm for different patient ages and recording locations was evaluated. Result A total of 112 hospitalized children with pulmonary diseases were recruited for the sitted remotely by an electronic stethoscope; these breath sounds could be recognized by both pediatricians and an AI algorithm. The ability of the AI algorithm to analyze adventitious breath sounds was better than that of the general pediatricians.The study investigates the role of the oxidative and proteolytic inactivation of alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in premature infants. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples were collected on the 3rd day of life from mechanically ventilated neonates with gestational age ≤ 30 weeks and analyzed without previous treatment (top-down proteomics) by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. AAT fragments were identified by high-resolution LTQ Orbitrap XL experiments and the relative abundances determined by considering the extracted ion current (XIC) peak area. Forty preterm neonates were studied 20 (50%) did not develop BPD (no-BPD group), 17 (42.5%) developed mild or moderate new-BPD (mild + moderate BPD group), and 3 (7.5%) developed severe new-BPD (severe BPD group). Eighteen fragments of AAT and a fragment of AAT oxidized at a methionine residue were identified significantly higher values of AAT fragments 25-57, 375-418, 397-418, 144-171, and 397-418 with oxidized methionine were found in the severe BPD group. The significantly higher levels of several AAT fragments and of the fragment 397-418, oxidized in BALF of preterm infants developing BPD, underlie the central role of an imbalance between proteases and protease inhibitors in exacerbating lung injury and inducing most severe forms of BPD. The study has some limitations, and between them, the small sample size implies the need for further confirmation by larger studies.Chronic liver diseases (CLDs) are a public health problem, even if frequently they are underdiagnosed. Hepatic steatosis (HS), encountered not only in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) but also in chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, etc., plays an important role in fibrosis progression, regardless of CLD etiology; thus, detection and quantification of HS are imperative. Controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) feature, implemented in the FibroScan® device, measures the attenuation of the US beam as it passes through the liver. It is a noninvasive technique, feasible and well accepted by patients, with lower costs than other diagnostic techniques, with acceptable accuracy for HS quantification. Multiple studies have been published regarding CAP performance to quantify steatosis, but due to the heterogeneity of CLD etiologies, of steatosis prevalence, etc., it had widely variable calculated cut-off values, which in turn limited the day-to-day utility of CAP measurements in clinical practice. This paper reviews published studies trying to suggest cut-off values usable in clinical practice.