Intraoral stents aim to reduce the oral complications associated with head and neck cancers radiotherapy. The aim of this study is to determine the benefits associated with these devices. A systematic review was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases selecting full articles published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish until June 6, 2020 (PROSPERO registration CRD42020185065). The studies were evaluated by Hadorn and Somerfield criteria and guidelines were established. Nineteen studies were identified suggesting the use of intraoral stent for radiotherapy for patients with cancer on/near the mandible to reduce oral mucositis, trismus, xerostomia (LoE III), and dose in healthy structures (LoE IV) and for cancer on/near the maxilla to reduce oral mucositis and dose in healthy structures (LoE IV). Despite the limited scientific evidence, several benefits associated with the use of intraoral stent for radiotherapy of the head and neck neoplasia have been reported. We aimed to confirm the Mozart effect in epileptic patients using intracerebral electroencephalography recordings and the hypothesis that the reduction of epileptiform discharges (EDs) can be explained by the music's acoustic properties. Eighteen epilepsy surgery candidates were implanted with depth electrodes in the temporal medial and lateral cortex. Patients listened to the first movement of Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos K. 448 and to the first movement of Haydn's Symphony No. 94. Musical features from each composition with respect to rhythm, melody, and harmony were analyzed. Epileptiform discharges in intracerebral electroencephalography were reduced by Mozart's music. Listening to Haydn's music led to reduced EDs only in women; in men, the EDs increased. The acoustic analysis revealed that nondissonant music with a harmonic spectrum and decreasing tempo with significant high-frequency parts has a reducing effect on EDs in men. To reduce EDs in women, the music should additionally be gradually less dynamic in terms of loudness. Finally, we were able to demonstrate that these acoustic characteristics are more dominant in Mozart's music than in Haydn's music. We confirmed the reduction of intracerebral EDs while listening to classical music. An analysis of the musical features revealed that the acoustic characteristics of music are responsible for suppressing brain epileptic activity. Based on our study, we suggest studying the use of musical pieces with well-defined acoustic properties as an alternative noninvasive method to reduce epileptic activity in patients with epilepsy. We confirmed the reduction of intracerebral EDs while listening to classical music. An analysis of the musical features revealed that the acoustic characteristics of music are responsible for suppressing brain epileptic activity. Based on our study, we suggest studying the use of musical pieces with well-defined acoustic properties as an alternative noninvasive method to reduce epileptic activity in patients with epilepsy.The cubic diamond (Fd 3 ‾ m) group IVA element Si has been the material driver of the electronics industry since its inception. We report synthesis of a new cubic (Im 3 ‾ m) group IVA material, a GeSn solid solution, upon heating Ge and Sn at pressures from 13 to 28 GPa using double-sided diamond anvil laser-heating and large volume press methods. Both methods were coupled with in situ angle dispersive X-ray diffraction characterization. The new material substantially enriches the seminal group IVA alloy materials landscape by introducing an eightfold coordinated cubic symmetry, which markedly expands on the conventional tetrahedrally coordinated cubic one. This cubic solid solution is formed, despite Ge never adopting the Im 3 ‾ m symmetry, melting inhibiting subsequent Im 3 ‾ m formation and reactant Ge and Sn having unlike crystal structures and atomic radii at all these pressures. This is hence achieved without adherence to conventional formation criteria and routes to synthesis. This advance creates fertile avenues for new materials development. Patients with oral cavity cancer (OCC) and oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) are often seen with locoregionally advanced disease requiring complex multimodality treatments. These treatments may have detrimental effects on the oral microbiome, which is critical to maintaining physiological balance and health. The effects of different OCC and OPC treatment types on the oral microbiome and metabolomic profiles for 24-month post-treatment in patients with OCC and OPC were investigated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon next-generation sequencing and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), respectively. Chemoradiation resulted in oral dysbiosis with specific depletion of genera which regulate the enterosalivary nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway. These data also correlate with the oral metabolomic profiles with nitric oxide-related precursor, modulator, or catalyst significantly downregulated in saliva samples from patients' postchemoradiation. Together, we have shown that oral dysbiosis due to the effects of chemoradiation could potentially have an impact on OCC and OPC patient's quality of life post-treatment. Together, we have shown that oral dysbiosis due to the effects of chemoradiation could potentially have an impact on OCC and OPC patient's quality of life post-treatment. The current report describes a single operator's experience of the first use of smartglass technology as a facilitator of virtual support during TAVR proctoring. Restricted gatherings and containment measures during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have a major impact on daily clinical practice. Interaction between peers is crucial in science, clinical practice, and education. In addition, there is also a growing importance of proctoring in interventional cardiology for structural heart disease. Virtual support may facilitate the wide implementation of remote proctoring. A collaboration between a smartglass provider (Rods & Cones) and self-expandable transcatheter aortic heart valve system (Medtronic) was initiated and tested extensively prior to TAVR procedures. Two cases were randomly selected for remote support. The light-weight smartglass consisted of a full HD central camera, a 720p ×5 optical zoom camera, built-in LED light, speaker and earphone jack, and an external visor to project data in a nonobstructive manner in the operators' view.