This opened the field to studies on muscle diseases, such as muscular dystrophy, that could then be addressed through a tractable model for molecular studies. David claimed he was never paid for his scientific activities; his salary at the Weizmann Institute went directly to the kibbutz in compensation for his time taken away from work there. He never knew what his salary was, he said, since it was negotiated between the kibbutz and the Weizmann. Even so, he had to take off weeks from his science occasionally to perform daily tasks, usually in the kibbutz dining hall washing dishes. Disconnected from the material aspects of life, David was driven solely by his love for nature and science, which he continued until the very end. David remains an inspiration to all of us. In this issue several of David Yaffe's lab members, pupils, coauthors and colleagues meet at a "David Yaffe myogenesis distance meeting" to pay tribute with their collective reflections.The question whether the muscle hypertrophy induced by resistance training, hormone administration or genetic manipulation is accompanied by a proportional increase in muscle strength is still open. This review summarizes and analyses data obtained in human and rodent muscles in studies that have monitored in parallel changes in muscle size and changes in muscle force, measured in isometric contractions in vivo, in isolated muscles ex vivo (in rodents) and in single muscle fibers. Although a general positive relation exists among the two variables, a number of studies show a clear dissociation with increase of muscle size with no change or even decrease in strength and, vice versa, increase in strength without increase in size. The possible mechanisms of such dissociation, which involves neural motor control and/or cellular and molecular adaptations of muscle fibers, are briefly discussed.It is with great sadness that we have learned about the passing of Professor David Yaffe (1929-2020, Israel). Yehi Zichro Baruch - May his memory be a blessing. David was a man of family, science and nature. A native of Israel, David grew up in the historic years that preceded the birth of the State of Israel. He was a member of the group that established Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev desert, and in 1948 participated in Israel's War of Independence. David and Ruth eventually joined Kibbutz Givat Brenner by Rehovot, permitting David to be both a kibbutz member and a life-long researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science, where David received his PhD in 1959. David returned to the Institute after his postdoc at Stanford. Here, after several years of researching a number of tissues as models for studying the process of differentiation, David entered the myogenesis field and stayed with it to his last day. With his dedication to the field of myogenesis and his commitment to furthering the understanding of the P the Myogenesis Field".Authors perform a cross-sectional study of functional abilities of the patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures (VFs). Trunk muscle isometric strength and postural balance impairments were estimated. The development of osteoporotic VFs is associated with a significant decrease in strength of all the body muscles, especially the deep spinal stabilization system, i.e trunk extensor (TE), trunk flexsor (TF), where the VFs contribute to inappropriate distribution of back muscle strength with TETF ration of 11 instead of 32, observed both normally and in patients with uncomplicated osteoporosis. There is also a deterioration of stabilometry and functional coordination assessment tests in patients with pathological VFs, that indicate abnormalities of both static and dynamic postural balance. The obtained data should be taken into account when developing rehabilitation programmes for osteoporosis patients who have suffered compression VFs.Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) associated to sporadic late onset nemaline myopathy (SLONM) is a rare and severely disabling condition of quickly progressive limb girdle acquired myopathy. It is believed by some authors to be due to myotoxicity of light chain deposits. Two female patients were diagnosed with MGUS associated SLONM. In the first case, diagnosis was delayed by 6 years thus giving time for a severe generalized myopathy and cardiomyopathy to develop. A single anti-myeloma chemotherapy with lenalidomide markedly improved and stabilized the patient's condition despite respiratory and cardiac insufficiency. In our second patient the condition was identified one year after onset of the first symptom and markedly improved after autologous bone marrow transplantation and lenalidomide. Clinicians should be aware of monoclonal gammopathy associated sporadic late onset nemaline myopathy as this acquired muscle disorder, although extremely rare, may be reversed by adequate management.On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially named the infection caused by the new coronavirus "Coronavirus disease 2019" (COVID-19). On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) officially named the infectious matter "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2" (SARS-CoV-2). Emergence of severe complications with new coronavirus disease is due to the development of hypercytokinaemia, also known as "cytokine storm". These complications comprise acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), respiratory failure and death. Emerging data point to the logic of using extracorporeal haemocorrection to normalise cytokine levels and reduce the severity of organ disorders. The analysis of the literature indicates that to date, a certain positive experience has been accumulated in the world in the application of extracorporeal methods in clinical practice in patients with COVID-19.Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) is one of the complications of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation that can also be caused by high-dose chemotherapy. This complication can lead to high mortality following bone marrow transplantation. It is more common after allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and is rare after autologous stem cell transplantation. While mild cases of VOD may reduce over a period of a few weeks, very severe cases can cause multi-organ damage, which has a high mortality. is therefore required with early diagnosis and treatment of this complication. In this paper, we present a sever VOD case after autologous stem cell transplantation, that was treated successfully with Defibrotide. The patient was a 14-month-old girl who has neuroblastoma with bone metastasis. VOD should be considered in the differential diagnosis of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients who present with unexplained liver injuries, ascites and/or multi organ failure. Recipients of haematopoeitic stem cell transplantation who present with unexplained liver injuries, ascites and/or multi organ failure should have VOD considered in their differential diagnosis.