Therefore, we concluded that PCD might be an important toxic mechanism of PBDEs on microalgal cells, and that chloroplast- and cell membrane-produced ROS was an important signaling molecule to mediate the PCD activation process. Our research firstly indicated microalgal PCD could be induced by PBDEs, and increased our knowledge of the toxic mechanisms by which POPs affect microalgal cells. Artificial light at night (ALAN) changes the natural rhythm of light and darkness and can impair the biorhythms of animals, for example the nocturnal melatonin production of vertebrates, which serves as a proxy for daily physiological rhythms. Freshwater fish are exposed to ALAN in large urban and suburban areas in the form of direct light or in the form of skyglow, a diffuse brightening of the night sky through the scattered light reflected by clouds, atmospheric molecules, and particles in the air. However, investigations on the sensitivity of melatonin production of fish towards low intensities of ALAN in the range of typical skyglow are rare. Therefore, we exposed Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) to nocturnal illumination levels of 0.01 lx, 0.1 lx and 1 lx and a control group with dark nights and daylight intensities of 2900 lx in all groups. After ten days of exposure to the experimental conditions, tank water was non-invasively sampled every 3 h over a 24 h period and melatonin was measured by ELISA. Melatonin was gradually reduced in all treatments with increasing intensity of ALAN whereas rhythmicity was maintained in all treatment groups although at 1 lx not all evaluated parameters confirmed rhythmicity. These results show a high sensitivity of Eurasian perch towards ALAN indicating that low light intensities of 0.01 lx and 0.1 lx as they occur in urban and suburban areas in the form of skyglow can affect the physiology of Eurasian perch. Furthermore, we highlight how this may impact perch in their sensitivity towards lunar rhythms and the role of skyglow for biorhythms of temperate freshwater fish. Multiple types of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), can be unintentionally released from combustion or thermal industrial processes, which are speculated to be the main sources of these contaminants, as they were banned on production and use since several decades ago. In this study, concentrations and sources of 40 PCBs, 39 PCNs, and HCB were analyzed in air samples collected during the period 2012-2015 at a background site in east China. ΣPCBs, ΣPCNs, and HCB were in the range of 9-341 pg/m3, 6-143 pg/m3, and 14-522 pg/m3, respectively. Seasonal characteristics with high levels in winter and low levels in summer were observed for PCNs and HCB. PCBs also exhibited slightly higher levels in winter. Source apportionment was conducted, using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as combustion sources indicator, combined with principal component analysis (PCA) and positive matrix factorization (PMF) model. The results indicated that the legacy of past produced and used commercial PCBs was the dominant contributor (∼56%) to the selected PCBs in the atmosphere in east China. PCNs were mainly emitted from combustion sources (∼64%), whereas HCB almost entirely originated from combustion process (>90%). Lead bioavailability in contaminated soils varies considerably depending on Pb speciation and sources of contamination. However, little information is available on bioavailability of Pb associated with different fractions. In this study, the Tessier sequential extraction was used to fractionate Pb in 3 contaminated soils to exchangeable (F1), carbonate-bound (F2), Fe/Mn oxides-bound (F3), organic-bound (F4), and residual fractions (F5). In addition, soil residues after F1-F2 extraction (F345), F1-F3 extraction (F45), and F1-F4 extraction (F5) were measured for Pb relative bioavailability (RBA) using a mouse kidney model. Based on the mouse model, Pb-RBA in the soils was 44-93%, which decreased to 43-89%, 28-75%, and 15-68% in the F345, F45, and F5 fractions, respectively. Based on Pb-RBA in the soil residues, Pb-RBA in different fractions was calculated based on a mass balance. The data showed that Pb-RBA was the highest (∼100%) in the exchangeable and carbonate fraction, and the lowest (15-68%) in the residual fraction. In addition, Pb in the first three fractions (F1-F3) contributed most (83-89%) to bioavailable Pb in contaminated soils. Our study shed light on oral bioavailability of Pb in contaminated soils of different fractions based on sequential extraction and provide important information for soil remediation. Published by Elsevier Ltd.A comprehensive understanding of the relationships among carbon emissions, the industrial structure and economic growth holds great significance for China's transition to a low-carbon economy, industrial structure optimization, and achievement of energy conservation and emission reduction targets. We selected six major industrial sectors (agriculture, industry, construction, transportation, retail and accommodation and other industries) as research objects, introduced the extended STIRPAT decomposition model, Tapio decoupling model and the grey relation analysis to discuss the relationship among the three. Results showed that (i) since 2000, the proportions of value added of agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation are negatively correlated with carbon emissions, while those of construction, retail and accommodation, and other industries are positively correlated with carbon emissions. (ii) The overall economic growth and carbon emissions of these six major industries have experienced the process of decoupling-coupling-decoupling-coupling-decoupling. (iii) The relevance of these six industries to GDP is ranked as follows transportation > manufacturing > retail andaccommodation > agriculture > construction > other industries. Additionally, accelerating the achievement of a clean energy structure, strengthening the strength and speed of industrial structure adjustment and reducing the dependence on fossil energy are the key steps for China to reach carbon emissions peak goal.