Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles can function as specific, long-term multimodal contrast agents for noninvasive imaging studies. Here we describe how to achieve high-resolution, long-term, serial images of single-label transplanted cells through two complementary imaging techniques magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and microcomputed tomography (μCT).Stem cell tracking is an essential prerequisite for effective stem cell therapy. Computed tomography (CT) imaging technique is an emerging quantitative tool to detect real time distribution of transplanted cells. Most of CT labels based on the high atomic number (Z) materials have concern over biocompatibility. The present book chapter describes a protocol for the use of biocompatible gold nanoparticles as a CT marker for efficient labeling of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and subsequent cell tracking in rodent models.Cell therapy is revolutionizing modern medicine. To promote this emerging therapy, the ability to image and track therapeutic cells is critical to monitor the progress of the treatment. Ultrasound imaging is promising in tracking therapeutic cells but suffers from poor contrast against local tissues. Therefore, it is critical to increase the ultrasound contrast of therapeutic cells over local tissue at the injection site. Here, we describe a method to increase the ultrasound intensity of therapeutic cells with nanoparticles to make the injected therapeutic cells more visible.Brain tumors can prove difficult to diagnose and successfully treat. Gliomas, and in particular glioblastomas, are the most common type of primary brain tumor. The most difficult part about treating these tumors is the fact that they are able to migrate through the extracellular space inside the brain. Recurrence is also highly possible due to their invasive nature, leading to the destruction of nearby tissues. The migratory nature of these tumors makes imaging difficult. To combat this, antibodies can be conjugated to the surface of nanoparticles such as superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles to help target the immune cells. This creates a unique bimodal system that is able to detect the brain cancer cells and assist tumor surgery in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Biosensors are important devices that can be used to obtain information from within a living organism. They can be implanted within living tissues in order to continuously monitor for changes. This allows for personalized, noninvasive medicine, since a baseline can be more accurately established and any deviations, even slight, can be detected. These devices have applications in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes and cancer, as well as the study of pathways of interest and tailored drug dosing. Proteases within the tumor microenvironment can be studied in vivo in order to indicate the effectiveness of treatments received. This unprecedented real-time information is extremely valuable as it can be used to alter the course of treatment accordingly.Cell tracking via MRI has drawn much attention recently for its sensitive, deep, and real-time properties and high spatial resolution. In a previous chapter, the labeling and tracking of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)-nanoparticle-loaded stem cells have been well summarized (Sykova et al., Methods Mol Biol 75079-90, 2011). Thus, in this chapter, we will mainly focus on the tracking of SPIO-nanoparticle-labeled mouse dendritic cells by MRI and provide a detailed protocol for cell labeling and in vivo tracking by a clinical 3.0T MRI scanner. Of note, this protocol is also suitable to be applied on other types of cells.This chapter discusses a methodology for simultaneously imaging stem cells and endothelial cells within polysaccharide-based scaffolds for tissue engineering. These scaffolds were then implanted into nude mice. Human mesenchymal stem cells (HMSCs) were labeled with the T1-marker Gd(III)-DOTAGA-functionalized polysiloxane nanoparticles (GdNPs), whereas endothelial umbilical vein cells (HUVECs) were labeled with citrate-stabilized maghemite nanoparticles (IONPs), which predominantly shorten the T2-relaxation times of the water molecules in scaffolds and tissue. Dual cell detection was achieved by performing T1- and T2-weighted MRI in both tissue scaffolds and in vivo.Near-infrared (NIR)-to-visible upconversion nanomaterials (UCNPs) used as biomedical nanoprobes have considerable advantages over the traditional used "downconversion" fluorescent dyes. Functionalized upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) represent high sensitivity and great biocompatibility. Cells labeled with these UCNPs can be tracked for long term in vivo. Here we describe UCNP-PEG-ARG for highly sensitive in vivo cell tracking.Tumorigenesis and attendant safety risks are significant concerns of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapies. Thus, it is crucial to evaluate iPSC proliferation, differentiation, and tumor formation after transplantation. Several approaches have been employed for tracking the donor cells, including fluorescent protein and luciferase, but both have limitations. Here, we introduce a protocol using iRFP genetic labeling technology to track tumor formation of iPSCs in skeletal muscle after CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.For current and future applications of human intestinal organoids (hIOs) to various aspects of in vivo research and their potential clinical use, an efficient noninvasive system is needed to directly visualize the stage of intestinal differentiation and graft-host interactions and for further safety monitoring and efficacy. Here, we describe a detailed method for monitoring and histologically identifying implanted hIO-expressing eGFP and mCherry fluorescence under the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice with fluorescence imaging (FLI). We then describe the orthotropic transplantation method of hIOs and methods to confirm successful engraftment in the small intestines of immunodeficient mice. These methods provide an approach for tracking the location of intestinal cells in hIOs in vivo and ex vivo using a fluorescent reporter system from the beginning of engraftment to various subsequent experiments.