Interestingly, PACA-CBZ specifically led to decreased levels of proteins involved in focal adhesion and stress fibers in all cell lines. Since we recently demonstrated that encapsulation of CBZ within PEBCA nanoparticles significantly improved the therapeutic effect of CBZ on a patient derived xenograft model in mice, we investigated the effects of this PACA variant more closely by immunoblotting. Interestingly, we detected several changes in the protein expression and degree of phosphorylation of SRC-pathway proteins that can be relevant for the therapeutic effects of these substances. Exposure of the embryo or fetus to ionizing radiations is a potential danger since it may induce clinically relevant fetal and/or neonatal damages. The aim of the present study was to examine fetal and neonatal outcomes after maternal exposure to radio-diagnostic procedures during first trimester of pregnancy, and to evaluate whether these effects might be related to the fetal absorbed dose of ionizing radiations. A 10-year prospective cohort study was performed on 1979 pregnant women who underwent a radio-diagnostic procedure within the first trimester of pregnancy. Women were divided into two groups those exposed to abdominal or lumbar radio-diagnostic procedure (Cohort A,  = 130), and those exposed to radio-diagnostic procedures in any other body regions (Cohort B,  = 415). Health physicists performed tailored fetal radiation dose calculation. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to estimate the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. The tailored fetal radiation dose was calculated for a l thyroid irradiation and small for gestational age needs to be further investigated.Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is widely cultivated in tropical countries. The cocoa beans are a popular ingredient of confectionery. Cocoa beans contain various chemicals that contribute to their bioactivity and nutritional properties. There has been increasing interest in developing cocoa beans for "healthy" food products. Cocoa beans have special combination of nutrients such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and other compounds of biological activities. The bioactive phytochemicals include methylxanthines, polyphenols, biogenic amines, melanoidins, isoprostanoids and oxalates. These phytochemicals of cocoa are related to various in vivo and in vitro biological activities such as antioxidation, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, anti-diabetes, cardiovascular protection, physical improvement, anti-photoaging, anti-depression and blood glucose regulation. The potential of bioactive compounds in cocoa remains to be maximized for food and nutritional applications. The current processing technology promotes the degradation of beneficial bioactive compounds, while maximizing the flavors and its precursors. It is not optimized for the utilization of cocoa beans for "healthy" product formulations. Modifications of the current processing line and non-conventional processing are needed to better preserve and utilize the beneficial bioactive compounds in cocoa beans.People with diabetes have a higher risk of lower-limb amputations than people without diabetes. The risk of avoidable lower-limb amputations has increased in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown period. Hence, we conducted a retrospective, single-centered study on major amputations during the prepandemic period (March 25, 2019-December 31, 2019) and pandemic period (March 25, 2020-December 31, 2020). During the prepandemic period, 24 major amputations (below-knee and above-knee amputations) were performed and during the pandemic period, 37 major amputations were performed. There was a 54.1% increase in major amputations noted in the pandemic period more than the prepandemic period. This increase may also be due to irregular/missed hospital visits, improper diet, nonadherence to the medications, and physical inactivity. This study shows the indirect effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with diabetes, resulting in the increased incidence of lower-extremity amputations (below-knee and above-knee amputations) which might cause a drastic impact on their quality of life. This study also emphasizes the importance of easy and routine access to foot-care specialists to prevent avoidable amputations. During World War II (WWII), the Manhattan Engineering District established a secret laboratory in the mountains of northern New Mexico. The mission was to design, construct and test the first atomic weapon, nicknamed 'The Gadget' that was detonated at the TRINITY site in Alamogordo, NM. After WWII, nuclear weapons research continued, and the laboratory became the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The mortality experience of 26,328 workers first employed between 1943 and 1980 at LANL was determined through 2017. Included were 6157 contract workers employed by the ZIA Company. Organ dose estimates for each worker considered all sources of exposure, notably photons, neutrons, tritium, Pu and Pu. Vital status determination included searches within the National Death Index, Social Security Administration and New Mexico State Mortality Files. Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMR) and Cox regression models were used in the analyses. Most workers (55%) were hired before 1960, 38% had a college degree, 25nd diabetes, but the excesses were not related to radiation dose. There was little evidence that radiation increased the risk of lung cancer or leukemia. Esophageal cancer was associated with radiation, and plutonium intakes were linked to an increase of bone cancer. IHD was not associated with radiation dose. More precise evaluations will await the pooled analysis of workers with similar exposures such as at Rocky Flats, Savannah River and Hanford. There was little evidence that radiation increased the risk of lung cancer or leukemia. Esophageal cancer was associated with radiation, and plutonium intakes were linked to an increase of bone cancer. IHD was not associated with radiation dose. More precise evaluations will await the pooled analysis of workers with similar exposures such as at Rocky Flats, Savannah River and Hanford.