The novel coronavirus disease 2019, a pandemic of global concern, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has severely revealed the need for public monitoring and efficient screening techniques. Despite the various advancements made in the medical and research field, containment of this virus has proven to be difficult on several levels. As such, it is a necessary requirement to identify possible hotspots in the early stages of any disease. Based on previous studies carried out on coronaviruses, there is a high likelihood that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 may also survive in wastewater. Hence, we propose the use of nanofiber filters as a wastewater pretreatment routine and upgradation of existing wastewater evaluation and treatment systems to serve as a beneficial surveillance tool.As we are facing worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, we aimed to identify potential pathophysiological mechanisms leading to increased COVID-19 susceptibility and severity in obesity. Special emphasis will be given on increased susceptibility to infections due to obesity-related low-grade chronic inflammation, higher expression of angiotensin converting enzyme-2 and pathway-associated components, as well as decreased vitamin D bioavailability, since all of them provide easier ways for the virus to enter into host cells, replicate and stunt adequate immune responses.Reductions in perioperative surgical site infections are obtained by a multifaceted approach including patient decolonization, hand hygiene, and hub disinfection, and environmental cleaning. Associated surveillance of S. aureus transmission quantifies the effectiveness of the basic measures to prevent the transmission to patients and clinicians of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, including Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). To measure transmission, the observational units are pairs of successive surgical cases in the same operating roo