Macromolecular diffusion in strongly confined geometries and crowded environments is still to a large extent an open subject in soft matter physics and biology. In this paper, we employ large-scale Langevin dynamics simulations to investigate how the diffusion of a tracer is influenced by the combined action of excluded-volume and weak attractive crowder-tracer interactions. We consider two species of tracers, standard hard-core particles described by the Weeks-Chandler-Andersen (WCA) repulsive potential and core-softened (CS) particles, which model, e.g., globular proteins, charged colloids, and nanoparticles covered by polymeric brushes. These systems are characterized by the presence of two length scales in the interaction and can show waterlike anomalies in their diffusion, stemming from the inherent competition between different length scales. Here we report a comprehensive study of both diffusion and structure of these two tracer species in an environment crowded by quenched configurations of polymers at increasing density. We analyze in detail how the tracer-polymer affinity and the system density affect transport as compared to the emergence of specific static spatial correlations. In particular, we find that, while hardly any differences emerge in the diffusion properties of WCA and CS particles, the propensity to develop structural order for large crowding is strongly frustrated for CS particles. Surprisingly, for large enough affinity for the crowding matrix, the diffusion coefficient of WCA tracers display a nonmonotonic trend as their density is increased when compared to the zero affinity scenario. This waterlike anomaly turns out to be even larger than what observed for CS particle and appears to be rooted in a similar competition between excluded-volume and affinity effects.Flagella are hairlike appendages attached to microorganisms that allow the organisms to traverse their fluid environment. The algae Volvox are spherical swimmers with thousands of individual flagella on their surface, and their coordination is not fully understood. In this work, a previously developed minimal model of flagella synchronization is extended to the outer surface of a sphere submerged in a fluid. Each beating flagellum tip is modeled as a small sphere, elastically bound to a circular orbit just above the spherical surface and a regularized image system for Stokes flow outside of a sphere is used to enforce the no-slip condition. Biologically relevant distributions of rotors results in a rapidly developing and robust symplectic metachronal wave traveling from the anterior to the posterior of the spherical Volvox body.Traditional origami starts from flat surfaces, leading to crease patterns consisting of Euclidean vertices. However, Euclidean vertices are limited in their folding motions, are degenerate, and suffer from misfolding. Here we show how non-Euclidean 4-vertices overcome these limitations by lifting this degeneracy, and that when the elasticity of the hinges is taken into account, non-Euclidean 4-vertices permit higher order multistability. We harness these advantages to design an origami inverter that does not suffer from misfolding and to physically realize a tristable vertex.We characterize the conditions under which a multitime quantum process with a finite temporal resolution can be approximately described by an equilibrium one. By providing a generalization of the notion of equilibration on average, where a system remains closed to a fixed equilibrium for most times, to one which can be operationally assessed at multiple times, we place an upper-bound on a new observable distinguishability measure comparing a multitime process with a finite temporal resolution against a fixed equilibrium one. While the same conditions on single-time equilibration, such as a large occupation of energy levels in the initial state remain necessary, we obtain genuine multitime contributions depending on the temporal resolution of the process and the amount of disturbance of the observer's operations on it.A twist-bend nematic (N_TB) liquid crystalline phase spontaneously forms modulated structures on a microscale level when confined in thin planar cells. Preliminary studies showed that these cells can be used as polarization gratings. Here we present a theoretical description of the formation of a two-dimensionally modulated structure. By considering the N_TB phase as a pseudolayer medium, a threshold condition for the onset of a modulated structure is calculated for weak and strong boundary conditions in the case of initially bookshelf or pretilt alignment of pseudolayers. Based on the modeled structure we determine spatial variation of the optic axis and calculate properties of the transmitted diffracted light. Results of the beam propagation method (BPM) and transfer matrix method are compared and it is shown that a more complex BPM gives better agreement with experimental results, meaning that even in thin cells the diffraction of light inside the grating should not be neglected.Significant advances have recently been made in modeling chaotic systems with the reservoir computing approach, especially for prediction. We find that although state prediction of the trained reservoir computer will gradually deviate from the actual trajectory of the original system, the associated geometric features remain invariant. Specifically, we show that the typical geometric metrics including the correlation dimension, the multiscale entropy, and the memory effect are nearly identical between the trained reservoir computer and its learned chaotic systems. We further demonstrate this fact on a broad range of chaotic systems ranging from discrete and continuous chaotic systems to hyperchaotic systems. Our findings suggest that the successfully reservoir computer may be topologically conjugate to an observed dynamical system.Particle diffusion is a fundamental process in various systems, so its effective manipulation is crucially important. For this purpose, here we design a basic structure composed of two moving rings with equal-but-opposite velocities and a stationary intermediate layer, which can realize multiple functions to control particle diffusion. On the one hand, the intermediate layer allows particle exchange between the two moving rings, which gives birth to an exceptional point of velocity. As a result, a geometric phase appears for a loop evolution of velocity containing the exceptional point. On the other hand, the two moving rings also enhance the effective diffusivity of the intermediate layer, which helps design a bilayer particle-diffusion cloak. The present cloak only requires homogeneous parameters and simple structures, and meanwhile, its on and off can be flexibly controlled by velocity. These results broaden the scope of geometric phase and provide hints for designing particle-diffusion metamaterials.