international diplomacy. This can only be done with a better understanding of the relationships between coronavirus disease, poverty, and tropical diseases. COVID-19 is slowing or reversing global health and development gains. To be successful and achieve the global goals including the control of pandemics such as the one seen from the COVID-19, we must rely on strong leadership leading to impactful public policies and global collaborations, including global COVID-19 vaccinations, and potentially linking them to programs for childhood and adult vaccinations and programs for malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and neglected tropical disease treatments. Opportunities also include the creation of unique research opportunities and funding models and increase science engagement for international diplomacy. This can only be done with a better understanding of the relationships between coronavirus disease, poverty, and tropical diseases.Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are the most frequent solid malignant tumors in men 20- 40 years of age and the most frequent cause of death from solid tumors in this age group. Recent studies have underscored the fact that miRNA deregulation is a feature of carcinogenesis, including TGCT development and progression. MiRNAs are a group of small noncoding RNAs that bind to the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of the targeted mRNAs, thus causing mRNA degradation or the inhibition of its translation, regulating gene expression in a temporal and tissue-specific manner. However, few miRNAs have been found to play key roles in TGCTs; recently, other miRNAs have been identified, representing novel potential therapeutic targets.Rare diseases (RD) of genetic origin are raising public health concern contributing to a massive economic burden in India. Establishing Specialty Centers to bridge the RD community with apex centers is felt as a need in developing countries. Hence a Comprehensive Rare Disease Care (CRDC) model was set up at the department of pediatrics under Center for Human Genomics and Counseling at a medical college hospital in South India. The patients suspected to have genetic disease were evaluated as per the work flow of the designed model. The utilization statistics depict the outcome of this model. In the face of limited resources, it was possible to establish a functional RD unit with meticulous planning, supportive administration and trained interdisciplinary staff. A scalable prototype that could be replicated in other Medical colleges and Hospitals of India is described.Angiolipomas are slow-growing, soft tissue tumors consisting of mature adipocytes and thin-walled blood vessels. While most angiolipomas are subcutaneous lesions in the trunk and upper extremities, intraosseous angiolipomas are rare at cranial site. We present the case of a 61-year-old female with an enlarging lesion in the left frontoparietal skull following minor head trauma. Radiography confirmed an expansile, enhancing, spiculated bony lesion in the left frontoparietal calvarium with extension outside the cortex into the soft tissues. She underwent a craniectomy for complete resection of the calvarial mass, which was histologically composed of mature adipocytes and disorganized blood vessels highlighted by an immunophenotype positive for S100 and CD34, respectively, consistent with a cranial intraosseous angiolipoma. The review of the literature that reported five cases of cranial intraosseous angiolipoma with our case representing the sixth case is discussed.A 26-year-old Chinese man was admitted to this clinic due to decreased vision in his right eye for 4 days and painful protrusion in his left eye for 20 days. He had no perception of light in his left eye and perception of hand motion (HM) in his right eye. Examinations revealed that the left eye's lens and iris had protruded, and corneoscleral perforation. The right eye had an anterior chamber reaction and severe exudative retinal detachment that were confirmed by fluorescein angiography. Systemic examinations failed to identify a cause. The presumptive diagnosis was sympathetic ophthalmia of the right eye. Therefore, systemic steroid treatment was administered and enucleation of the left eye was performed. Although steroid treatment had been initiated, exudative detachment did not vary markedly. A pathological examination of the left eye revealed ocular tuberculosis, and anti-tuberculosis treatment resulted in a gradual reduction in subretinal fluid as well as improved vision.Symptomatic hypocalcemia is frequently encountered in the Emergency Department, necessitating admission. It has a variety of underlying etiologies, with hypoparathyroidism and vitamin D deficiency being the most common. However, rarer etiologies such as pseudohypoparathyroidism, as was present in the current case, should not be overlooked. Reported here is a case of a young female patient presenting with generalized tonic clonic seizures. Electrocardiography revealed a prolonged QT interval which pointed towards a metabolic cause, and this was confirmed by laboratory results which indicated a low calcium level. A parathyroid pathology was obvious as the phosphate level was elevated. Pseudohypoparathyroidism, rather than hypoparathyroidism, was identified since the parathyroid hormone level was elevated. Other relevant differential diagnoses were excluded. The patient was treated with intravenous calcium initially and given regular oral calcium, calcitriol, and sevelamer.Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is a rare malignant tumor of the central nervous system. It is associated with poor prognosis. Early diagnosis and subsequent planning of adequate treatment strategy are relevant to improve survival and reduce neurological deficit. Specifically, there are no reports of successful endoscopic biopsy for PCNSL of the corpus callosum in the splenium with bilateral visuomotor ataxia. An 74-year-old woman presented to our hospital with anorexia, depression and ataxia beginning six months earlier. Head computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed malignant tumor suspected in the corpus callosum. Endoscopic biopsy was performed via the low parieatal approach, suspecting GBM or PCNSL. She had no new postoperative neurological deficits and was pathologically diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). She is currently undergoing radiation chemotherapy with a modified Rankin Scale score of 2. Regarding preoperative symptoms, ataxia was considered to be bilateral visuomotor ataxia caused by damage to the corpus callosum in the splenium, and anorexia and depression were considered symptoms of the surrounding limbic system.