7%. Compared to other state-of-the-art approaches, the proposed method is more effective and efficient, by detecting malware.The discovery and sudden spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) exposed individuals to a great uncertainty about the potential health and economic ramifications of the virus, which triggered a surge in demand for information about COVID-19. To understand financial market implications of individuals' behavior upon such uncertainty, we explore the relationship between Google search queries related to COVID-19-information search that reflects one's level of concern or risk perception-and the performance of major financial indices. The empirical analysis based on the Bayesian inference of a structural vector autoregressive model shows that one unit increase in the popularity of COVID-19-related global search queries, after controlling for COVID-19 cases, results in 0.038 - 0.069 % of a cumulative decline in global financial indices after one day and 0.054 - 0.150 % of a cumulative decline after one week.Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of everyday objects to the Internet. The mobility of devices can be facilitated by means of employing multiple wireless links. However, packet loss is a common phenomenon in wireless communications, where the traditional forwarding strategy undergoes severe performance issues in a multi-hop wireless network. One solution is to apply batched sparse (BATS) codes. A fundamental difference from the traditional strategy is that BATS codes require the intermediate network nodes to perform recoding, which generates recoded packets by network coding operations. Literature showed that advanced recoding schemes and burst packet loss can enhance and diminish the performance of BATS codes respectively. However, the existing protocols for BATS codes cannot handle both of them at the same time. In this paper, we propose a paradigm of protocol design for BATS codes. Our design can be applied in different layers of the network stack and it is compatible to the existing network infrastructures. The modular nature of the protocol can support different recoding techniques and different ways to handle burst packet loss. We also give some examples to demonstrate how to use the protocol.Forecasting market risk lies at the core of modern empirical finance. We propose a new self-exciting probability peaks-over-threshold (SEP-POT) model for forecasting the extreme loss probability and the value at risk. The model draws from the point-process approach to the POT methodology but is built under a discrete-time framework. Thus, time is treated as an integer value and the days of extreme loss could occur upon a sequence of indivisible time units. The SEP-POT model can capture the self-exciting nature of extreme event arrival, and hence, the strong clustering of large drops in financial prices. The triggering effect of recent events on the probability of extreme losses is specified using a discrete weighting function based on the at-zero-truncated Negative Binomial (NegBin) distribution. The serial correlation in the magnitudes of extreme losses is also taken into consideration using the generalized Pareto distribution enriched with the time-varying scale parameter. In this way, recent events affect the size of extreme losses more than distant events. The accuracy of SEP-POT value at risk (VaR) forecasts is backtested on seven stock indexes and three currency pairs and is compared with existing well-recognized methods. The results remain in favor of our model, showing that it constitutes a real alternative for forecasting extreme quantiles of financial returns.In this paper, we consider techniques for establishing lower bounds on the number of arm pulls for best-arm identification in the multi-armed bandit problem. While a recent divergence-based approach was shown to provide improvements over an older gap-based approach, we show that the latter can be refined to match the former (up to constant factors) in many cases of interest under Bernoulli rewards, including the case that the rewards are bounded away from zero and one. Together with existing upper bounds, this indicates that the divergence-based and gap-based approaches are both effective for establishing sample complexity lower bounds for best-arm identification.A CoCrCuFeNiTi0.8 high-entropy alloy was prepared using directional solidification techniques at different withdrawal rates (50 μm/s, 100 μm/s, 500 μm/s). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/c-178.html The results showed that the microstructure was dendritic at all withdrawal rates. As the withdrawal rate increased, the dendrite orientation become uniform. Additionally, the accumulation of Cr and Ti elements at the solid/liquid interface caused the formation of dendrites. Through the measurement of the primary dendrite spacing (λ1) and the secondary dendrite spacing (λ2), it was concluded that the dendrite structure was obviously refined with the increase in the withdrawal rate to 500 μm/s. The maximum compressive strength reached 1449.8 MPa, and the maximum hardness was 520 HV. Moreover, the plastic strain of the alloy without directional solidification was 2.11%, while the plastic strain of directional solidification was 12.57% at 500 μm/s. It has been proved that directional solidification technology can effectively improve the mechanical properties of the CoCrCuFeNiTi0.8 high-entropy alloy.The countermeasure of driver fatigue is valuable for reducing the risk of accidents caused by vigilance failure during prolonged driving. Listening to the radio (RADIO) has been proven to be a relatively effective "in-car" countermeasure. However, the connectivity analysis, which can be used to investigate its alerting effect, is subject to the issue of signal mixing. In this study, we propose a novel framework based on clustering and entropy to improve the performance of the connectivity analysis to reveal the effect of RADIO to maintain driver alertness. Regardless of reducing signal mixing, we introduce clustering algorithm to classify the functional connections with their nodes into different categories to mine the effective information of the alerting effect. Differential entropy (DE) is employed to measure the information content in different brain regions after clustering. Compared with the Louvain-based community detection method, the proposed method shows more superior ability to present RADIO effectin confused functional connection matrices.