We found that parameters from sapwood water release curves such as capacitance, saturated water content and sapwood turgor loss point (Ψtlp,x) were related to WD, whereas stem vulnerability curve parameters were not. However, the water potential corresponding to 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity (P50) was related to Ψtlp,x and sapwood osmotic potential at full turgor (πo,x). Furthermore, species with lower Ψmin showed lower P50, Ψtlp,x and πo,x suggesting greater drought resistance. Our results indicate that WD is a good easy-to-measure proxy for some traits related to drought resistance, but not others. The ability of hydraulic traits such as P50 and Ψtlp,x to predict mortality must be carefully examined if WD values are to be used to predict drought responses in species without detailed physiological measurements. E-cigarette use has rapidly increased in prevalence in the United States, and rates of use are even higher among military personnel compared to the general population. Descriptive and injunctive norms have previously been shown to impact tobacco use. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/FK-506-(Tacrolimus).html However, little research has been conducted related to e-cigarette descriptive and injunctive norms, and no research has addressed e-cigarette norms among a military population. From July, 2018 to February, 2019, 22 focus groups (N=164) were conducted among airmen, military training leaders, and technical training instructors. The focus groups aimed to gain insight into facilitators and barriers to tobacco use during technical training, where airmen receive training for their specific jobs. Study procedures were approved by the institutional review board of the 59th Medical Wing in San Antonio. Focus group recordings were transcribed, and transcripts coded. Themes related to descriptive and injunctive norms were examined for the current study. Many interviey indicate that injunctive norms are not as influential for e-cigarette use. Additionally, all estimates related to e-cigarette prevalence were higher than actual rates of use, showing an overestimation of use, which previous literature has shown increases likelihood of e-cigarette use. Future research should specifically ask about injunctive norms as well as determine if descriptive and injunctive norms influence actual e-cigarette use behaviors among military personnel.Previous work has shown that poorer mitochondrial function is associated with age-related perceived fatigability. However, whether glucose oxidation and anaerobic metabolism are intermediate factors underlying this association remains unclear. We examined the total cross-sectional association between mitochondrial function and perceived fatigability in 554 adults aged 22-99 years. Mitochondrial function was assessed by skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (kPCr) using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Perceived fatigability was measured by rating of perceived exertion after a 5-minute (0.67 m/s) treadmill walk. The intermediate role of glucose oxidation (measured by the rate of change of respiratory exchange ratio [RER change rate] during the 5-minute treadmill walk) and anaerobic metabolism (measured by ventilatory threshold [VeT] during a maximal treadmill test) was evaluated by examining their cross-sectional associations with kPCr and perceived exertion. For each 0.01/s lower kPCr, perceived fatigability was 0.47 points higher (p = .002). A 0.01/s lower kPCr was also associated with 8.3 L/min lower VeT (p less then .001). Lower VeT was associated with higher fatigability at lower levels of kPCr but not at higher kPCr levels (β for interaction = 0.017, p = .002). kPCr and RER change rate were not significantly associated (p = .341), but a 0.01/min higher RER change rate was associated with 0.12-point higher fatigability (p = .001). Poorer mitochondrial function potentially contributes to higher perceived fatigability through higher glucose oxidation and higher anaerobic metabolism. Future studies to further explore the longitudinal mechanisms between these metabolic changes and fatigability are warranted.Perception thresholds can improve through repeated practice with visual tasks. Can an already acquired and well-consolidated perceptual skill be noninvasively neuromodulated, unfolding the neural mechanisms involved? Here, leveraging the susceptibility of reactivated memories ranging from synaptic to systems levels across learning and memory domains and animal models, we used noninvasive brain stimulation to neuromodulate well-consolidated reactivated visual perceptual learning and reveal the underlying neural mechanisms. Subjects first encoded and consolidated the visual skill memory by performing daily practice sessions with the task. On a separate day, the consolidated visual memory was briefly reactivated, followed by low-frequency, inhibitory 1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over early visual cortex, which was individually localized using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Poststimulation perceptual thresholds were measured on the final session. The results show modulation of perceptual thresholds following early visual cortex stimulation, relative to control stimulation. Consistently, resting state functional connectivity between trained and untrained parts of early visual cortex prior to training predicted the magnitude of perceptual threshold modulation. Together, these results indicate that even previously consolidated human perceptual memories are susceptible to neuromodulation, involving early visual cortical processing. Moreover, the opportunity to noninvasively neuromodulate reactivated perceptual learning may have important clinical implications. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) rippled across the world from Wuhan, China, to the shores of the United States within a few months. Hospitals and intensive care units were suddenly faced with a "tsunami" warning requiring instantaneous implementation and escalation of disaster plans. An evidence-based question was developed and an extensive review of the literature was completed, resulting in a structured plan for the intensive care units to manage a surge of patients critically ill with COVID-19 in March 2020. Twenty-five sources of evidence focusing on pandemic intensive care unit and COVID-19 management laid the foundation for the team to navigate the crisis. The Critical Care Services task force adopted recommendations from the CHEST consensus statement on surge capacity principles and other sources, which served as the framework for the organized response. The 4 S's became the focus space, staff, supplies, and systems. Development of algorithms, workflows, and new processes related to treating patients, staffing shortages, and limited supplies.