Using quantitative analyses of SRO action potential generation, we determined that each anesthetic has unique inhibitory effects on action potential firing rate that may be explained by their neuropharmacological properties. This manipulation may thus be utilized as an interesting experimental tool in undergraduate teaching laboratories. Local anesthetics applied to crayfish SRO preparations can thus be used to deepen student understanding of local anesthetics, exercise quantitative analyses, and provide experimental tools for independent experimental design.Distilling complex neuroscientific ideas in a succinct and elegant way is an art. The distilled product must have smoothly flowing logic, communicate a substantial body of knowledge, and be easily digestible by the audience. At the same time, the essence of scientific accuracy and experimental design cannot be lost in the distillation process. When undergraduates encounter primary literature for the first time, they are often stifled by its overpowering complexity and astringent technicality, but can quickly learn how exciting and interesting some of their subtle findings can be. Here, the design of a novel learning activity is presented that utilizes a cocktail napkin to synthesize the knowledge and skills required for fluidity in neuroscience primary literature. The activity was implemented within the context of an upper-level developmental neurobiology course for biology majors. The activity was designed specifically to increase neuroscience literacy and oral communication. The activity appeared to address a needed shift in students' attitudes to reading primary literature, and students additionally remarked how deeply engaged they were with the literature. When paired with mentored instruction, students' values toward neuroscience appeared to change as they learned to produce distillations that were rich in content and delightful to the scientific mind.Team-