bin values with a total serum bilirubin measurement.In late December 2019, a new coronavirus (CoV) called the severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which had not been detected in humans before, caused a worldwide pandemic. Owing to the highly infectious nature of this virus, it spread rapidly from person to person despite the warnings of the World Health Organization and all the measures taken by the governments. Although it has been reported that SARS-CoV-2 is more likely to infect the elderly, all age groups are susceptible to this virus, including newborns. CoV disease 2019 (COVID-19) symptoms seem to be less severe in children than in adults, but similar to the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic, in the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of cases and the risk of serious diseases increase as age increases. The treatment of COVID-19 is still challenging, especially in children, and the virus continues to cause death worldwide. The safest and most controlled way to effectively and sustainably prevent COVID-19 in a society is to have an effective and safe vaccine and to successfully vaccinate the majority of the population. It is possible that vaccines with safety and efficacy that have been proven in phase III trials will be effective in handling COVID-19.Humanity has recently gained a novel foe named coronavirus disease 2019. Although data so far mostly suggest that children are more likely to have a favorable disease course, new concerns have been raised because of recently reported pediatric cases with hyperinflammatory conditions resembling Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome, and macrophage activation syndrome/hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Because the increasing evidence suggests that this recent hyperinflammatory condition emerged in the coronavirus disease 2019 era is a distinct clinical picture, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named this novel disease multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Even if this novel disease is rare, it seems to be highly fatal. Therefore, it is urgent to understand the pathogenesis of the disease to be able to establish the appropriate treatment regimes. Concerns regarding the diagnostic process and the management of the disease have been raised even among pediatricians. Therefore, we aimed to clarify this newly occurring enigma based on the current literature and our clinical insights.Translation of the science of reading into effective classroom practice and improved reading achievement has been difficult. There is evident when we consider that despite decades of scientific research of how reading develops, many children and adolescents across the country read below expected levels.The potential effects of blast exposure on the brain health of military personnel have raised concerns and led to increased surveillance of blast exposures. Neuroimaging studies have reported white matter abnormalities in brains of service members with a history of blast exposure. However, blast effects on white matter microstructure remain poorly understood. As a novel approach to screen for white matter effects, transgenic mice that express fluorescent reporters to sensitively detect axon damage and myelin remodeling were exposed to simulated repetitive blasts (once/day on 5 consecutive days). Axons were visualized using Thy1-YFP-16 reporter mice that express yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) in a broad spectrum of neurons. Swelling along damaged axons forms varicosities that fill with YFP. The frequency and size of axonal varicosities were significantly increased in the corpus callosum (CC) and cingulum at 3 days after the final blast exposure, versus in sham procedures. CC immunolabeling for reactive astrocyte and microglial markers was also significantly increased. NG2CreER;mTmG mice were given tamoxifen (TMX) on days 2 and 3 after the final blast to induce fluorescent labeling of newly synthesized myelin membranes, indicating plasticity and/or repair. Myelin synthesis was not altered in the CC over the intervening 4 or 8 weeks after repetitive blast exposure. These experiments show the advantages of transgenic reporter mice for analysis of white matter injury that detects subtle, diffuse axon damage and the dynamic nature of myelin sheaths. These results show that repetitive low-level blast exposures produce infrequent but significant axon damage along with neuroinflammation in white matter. Transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 varied by the settings of virus exposure. Understanding the inter-relationship between exposure setting and transmission networks would provide a basis for informing public health control strategies. Surveillance and clinical data from the first wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in Hong Kong were accessed. Twelve exposure setting types were differentiated - household, neighbourhood, eateries, entertainment, parties, shopping, personalised service, workplace, education, worship, healthcare, transport. Clustering was investigated followed by reconstructing the transmission cascades of clustered cases using social networking approach. Linked and unlinked cases were compared in statistical analyses. Between 23 January and 19 June 2020, 1128 cases were reported. Among 324 cases related to local transmission, 123 clusters comprising two or more epidemiologically linked cases were identified. Linked cases had lower Ct value ( <0ยท001) than unlinked cases. Households accounted for 63% of all clusters with half as primary setting, while entertainment accounted for the highest number of primary setting transmission cases. There were altogether 19 cascades involving >1 exposure setting, with a median reproduction number of 3(IQR 2-4), versus 1(IQR1-2) for cascades involving a single setting (n=36 cascades). The longest cascade featured a bar (entertainment) as primary setting, with propagation through 30 non-primary exposure settings from seven setting types, reflecting, propensity for widespread dispersion and difficulty in containment. There was marked heterogeneity in the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 transmission cascades which differed by exposure setting. Network epidemiological analyses of transmission cascades can be applied as a risk assessment tool in decision-making for calibrating social distancing measures. Health and Medical Research Fund. Health and Medical Research Fund.