ing total protein intake by providing protein-rich complementary foods was associated with increased concentrations of certain essential amino acids and short-chain acyl-carnitines. The sources of protein-rich foods (e.g., meat vs. dairy) did not appear to differentially impact serum metabolites, and comprehensive mechanistic investigations are needed to identify other contributors or mediators of the diet-induced infant growth trajectories.Laboratory-controlled physiological data for the multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis) are scarce, despite this species being a known reservoir and vector for zoonotic viruses, including the highly pathogenic Lassa virus, as well as other arenaviruses and many species of bacteria. For this reason, M. natalensis is an important rodent for the study of host-virus interactions within laboratory settings. Herein, we provide basic blood parameters for age- and sex-distributed animals in regards to blood counts, cell phenotypes and serum chemistry of a specific-pathogen-monitored M.natalensis breeding colony, to facilitate scientific insight into this important and widespread rodent species.We prepared a drug carrier which consisted of injectable methacrylated glycol chitosan (MGC) hydrogel, and a conjugate of 6-monodeoxy-6-monoamino-β-cyclodextrin⋅hydrochloride (6-NH2-β-CD⋅HCl), polyethylene glycol (PEG), and folic acid (FA) for the local delivery and improved cellular uptake of paclitaxel (PTX) (MGC/CDPF-ic-PTX). CDPF refers to a conjugate of 6-NH2-β-CD⋅HCl, PEG, and FA. The anti-cancer effect was investigated using a xenograft mouse model. As controls, the animal study on MGC/PTX and MGC/CD-ic-PTX was performed. The swelling ratio of all samples was analyzed for 7 days, and it showed a gradual increase for 3 days and a maintained state afterward. From the release result, the MGC-based samples have an initial burst for 1 day and a sustained release for 7 days. Results of cytotoxicity and animal study showed the biocompatibility and superior anti-cancer effect of MGC/CDPF-ic-PTX against breast cancer. Furthermore, histological results showed the anti-cancer capacity of MGC/CDPF-ic-PTX against breast cancer. These findings suggest that MGC/CDPF-ic-PTX has clinical potential for breast cancer therapy.Lignin isolated from black liquor waste was studied in this research to be utilized as binderless, all-lignin briquette, with a calorific value in the range of 5670-5876 kcal/kg. Isolation of lignin from black liquor was conducted using the acid precipitation method. Sulfuric acid, citric acid, and acetic acid were used to maintain the pH level, which varied from 5 to 2 for the precipitation process. The influence of these isolation conditions on the characteristic of lignin and the properties of the resulted briquette was evaluated through the Klasson method, proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), adiabatic bomb calorimeter, density measurement, and Drop Shatter Index (DSI) testing. The finding showed that the lignin isolated using citric acid maintained to pH 3 resulted in briquette with 72% fixed carbon content, excellent 99.7% DSI, and a calorific value equivalent to coal-based briquette.Nowadays, it is well accepted that inflammation is a critical player in cancer, being, in most cases, the main character of the process. Different types of tumor arise from sites of infection or chronic inflammation. This non-resolving inflammation is responsible for tumor development at different levels it promotes tumor initiation, as well as tumor progression, stimulating both tumor growth and metastasis. Environmental factors, lifestyle and infections are the three main triggers of chronic immune activation that promote or increase the risk of many different cancers. In this review, we focus our attention on tumor onset; in particular, we summarize the knowledge about the cause and the mechanisms behind the inflammation-driven cancer development.Diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs), some of the most important phycotoxins, are distributed almost all over the world, posing a great threat to human health through the food chain. Therefore, it is of great significance to find effective methods to reduce toxin accumulation in shellfish. In this paper, we observed the effects of four phytochemicals including cinnamaldehyde (CA), quercetin, oridonin and allicin on the accumulation of DSTs in the digestive gland of Perna viridis after exposure to the DSTs-producing Prorocentrum lima. We found that, among the four phytochemicals, CA could effectively decrease the accumulation of DSTs (okadaic acid-eq) in the digestive gland of P. viridis. Further evidence demonstrated that CA could reduce the histological alterations of the digestive gland of a mussel caused by DSTs. RT-qPCR showed that CA could suppress the CYP3A4 induction by DSTs, suggesting that the DSTs' decrease induced by CA might be related to the inhibition of CYP3A4 transcription induction. However, further studies on the underlying mechanism, optimal treatment time, ecological safety and cost should be addressed before cinnamaldehyde is used to decrease the accumulation of DSTs in field.Improving ski-turn skills is of interest to both competitive and recreational skiers, but it is not easy to improve on one's own. Although studies have reported various methods of ski-turn skill evaluation, a simple method that can be used by oneself has not yet been established. In this study, we have proposed a comfortable method to assess ski-turn skills; this method enables skiers to easily understand the relationship between body control and ski motion. One expert skier and four intermediate skiers participated in this study. Small inertial measurement units (IMUs) and mobile plantar pressure distribution sensors were used to capture data while skiing, and three ski-turn features-ski motion, waist rotation, and how load is applied to the skis-as well as their symmetry, were assessed. The results showed that the motions of skiing and the waist in the expert skier were significantly larger than those in intermediate skiers. Additionally, we found that the expert skier only slightly used the heel to apply a load to the skis (heel load ratio approximately 60%) and made more symmetrical turns than the intermediate skiers did.