Foreign bodies are inserted into the genitourinary tract for various reasons, and may present a challenge to remove. We report a case of foam insulation injected into the urethra almost entirely occluding the urethra and filling the bladder. Ultimately both a cystotomy and perineal urethrotomy were required for removal.The most common site of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) are lung, bone, liver, and brain. We report an extremely rare case of a 69-year-old man who presented mRCC to testicle and penis. He had a left-sided testicular mass in addition to left-sided abdominal fullness. He underwent a percutaneous renal biopsy with pathologic result was papillary RCC. The patient started on targeted therapy with Lenvatinib. Because there was no progress in this treatment, the patient came to our clinic. Subsequently, we performed left cytoreductive nephrectomy and radical left orchiectomy, and total penectomy. The definitive pathologic result confirmed papillary RCC.Acute epididymo-orchitis is an inflammatory process caused by bacterial infection. Emphysematous epididymitis is an extremely rare manifestation characterized by gas within the epididymal tissues. We report a case of emphysematous epididymitis following hydrocelectomy in a patient with a history of spinal cord injury and chronic bacteriuria. The diagnosis was made by clinical and laboratory data with imaging demonstrating foci of gas within the epididymal structures. We hypothesize that intermittent catheterization may have contributed to bacterial translocation into the adjacent cord structures and development of infection. High level of suspicion leading to early diagnosis, aggressive antibiotics and adequate debridement are required.The differential diagnosis of scrotal pain and swelling in adolescent males includes testicular and appendage torsion, epididymitis, epididymo-orchitis, trauma and incarcerated hernia. Physical examination, ultrasound and urinalysis often can identify the etiology of the scrotal pain and swelling. We present a case of left scrotal pain and swelling that was initially concerning for a paratesticular mass. Repeat examination and further imaging during pre-operative assessment was consistent with left-sided vasitis. The diagnosis of vasitis is difficult with ultrasound and commonly requires CT or MRI to differentiate from incarcerated inguinal hernia. Recognition of this uncommonly reported condition may prevent unnecessary surgeries.Spontaneous perirenal hemorrhage is bleeding in perirenal space with no associated trauma or iatrogenic manipulation. It is a rare condition, prevalence of renal arteriovenous malformation (AVMs) was less then 0,04%. A 51-year-old man presented with a dull pain at right flank for 4 days before admission. Physical examination revealed tenderness in the right flank area. An abdominal CT showed large right perirenal hematoma. The patient underwent surgical exploration, and an active source of bleeding was found at the posterior aspect of the right kidney. Pathology showed evidence of ruptured arteriovenous malformation. Open surgery was performed due to the large hematoma with pain.Dermoid cysts, also known as mature cystic teratomas, are most frequently encountered in young women. While these lesions can be found throughout the body, they rarely involve the perineum. In order to better understand the clinical presentation, evaluation, and treatment of a perineal dermoid cysts, we present a 22-year-old male with a right buttock mass.Testicular ENKTCL is a rare disease. Asia is the most affected. Primary testicular NK/T-cell lymphoma is rare. Metastases are early and the prognosis is poor. Metastases mainly involve the lymph nodes, skin, contralateral testis, bone marrow, spleen and central nervous system. Nasal metastasis giving rise to bifocal presentation is extremely rare. We report the management of a patient initially seen for a nasal swelling with a hidden history of scrotal swelling, in whom nasal biopsies as well as the analysis of the orchidectomy part made it possible to retain the diagnosis of ENKTCL of the testis with a nasal metastasis.Postoperative visual loss (POVL) after non-ocular surgery is relatively uncommon. Patients undergoing spinal and cardiac surgery seems to be at the highest risk and ischemic optic Neuropathy was the most commonly diagnosed cause1 POVL following urological procedures are rare, only a few cases were reported mainly in prone position. Here, we present the first case of a patient with congenital left blindness having many risk factors of POVL who experienced this complication following a nephrectomy performed in the lateral position. The aim of this case presentation is to know this complication in order to prevent or minimize its occurrence.Tubercular prostatitis and tuberculous orchitis are uncommon manifestations of genitourinary tuberculosis. Recto prostatic urethral fistula is also an extremely rare condition with less than 10 cases of tubercular recto-urethral fistula reported in literature. We present a case of post-tubercular recto-prostatic urethral fistula, which was diagnosed by history, clinical examination, micturating cystourethrogram, cystourethroscopy and MRI abdomen pelvis. The patient was treated by simple prostatectomy with rectal repair with omental interposition along with a diversion ileostomy, followed by a course of Anti tubercular drugs following histopathological confirmation.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1016/j.eucr.2020.101203.].Emphysematous Pyelonephritis is a rare necrotizing infection with gas production and a high overall mortality rate. An elderly diabetic male patient presented to our Emergency Department with septic shock and was found to have left perinephric emphysematous pyelonephritis with a large collection. He was managed with the proper antibiotic therapy, and two trials of percutaneous drainage of the collection with no significant reduction in the size of the abscess. After operative drainage and debridement of multiple pockets, he improved and was discharged home. Extender spectrum beta-lactamase producing organism was an additional challenge in our patient's management.